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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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apparently my computer decided to freak out- sorry about the multiple posts- is there a way to delete them?

7 years ago

Staggart - you can edit them & just leave a period. I'm not sure how to delete them altogether.

7 years ago

Appt 2 days ago went well. Intake completed & my friend took a peek at the baby. Measured 8w5d. Updated my due date to 02/11 since that matches Fertility Friend. We could see the spinal cord and brain lobes. HR was 170, and the baby was wiggling. I go back in 2 weeks.

7 years ago

Hey! Can I join?
I'm ntnpt & waiting for the boo to say we can try!!!

I've been cramping since O to possibly 6 or 7 dpo. Forever nauseous. I've had a sore throat for the past two or three days. I'm 14dpo and AF should start today. No sign at all!! All I have is twinges and sore nipples (just the tip of the nipples). I'm also bloated and super tired.

We use the pullout method and I know it's not a way to prevent pregnancy. We're okay with it happening if it happens. BUT I'm dying to have a baby. I'm just waiting on him!! hehe.

But yea, I feel like I may be pregnant. I sound crazy. I had a dream that I tested twice in one day and the lines went from faint to almost as dark as the control line.

7 years ago

Jess92 - welcome! I hope things go the way you want them to. Let us know how your tests turn out!

7 years ago

Hi GIRLS!!! I've been a fly on the wall, following everyone's posts ! I've been wanting to pop in and say hello but it seems like everytime I get the chance to, something happens. I unfortunately have some free time right now to do it . As y'all know, I take care of my nephew. My sister is 33 weeks pregnant already (I KNOW, RIGHT?! Feels like I just posted that she found out she was pregnant after my last treatment) Anyways, she's already having some preterm labor issues. I stayed overnight in the hospital taking care of her. They were able to get her contractions to stop with a couple different meds. She's on bed rest this week and she'll try to go back to work on extra light duty for a couple more weeks at least. The plan was for me to take care of her and my nephew and the baby once she's born (I've been preparing the nursery for her). However, her husband got fired yesterday (his fault). He's going to take the full 6 weeks of severance pay because he wants to milk the company and then get a job. So, since he's home, that means I'm not needed and I wont be getting any income for 2 months. Oh Fudge !
I wouldnt be worried but we dont have much in savings right now to cover the loss. We used a lot of our infertility savings to help my mom. Medicare is dragging it's feet, so she has no drug coverage yet. The hospital is now helping with financial assistance for her appointments, procedures, radiation and chemo (totaling $50K). But, they dont help with meds, so dh and I have been paying for all of her medications and any necessities out of pocket. They own their own business but they've barely made anything this year due to issues in the state gov't, so I created a GoFundMe page for them which helped. But dh and I havent been able to regrow our savings yet. So this a huge blow for us financially.
On another note, my mom is doing good! I stayed in the hospital with her for a couple weeks back in May. She did a month of daily radiation, which was VERY rough on her. She had a lot of nausea and had to be on a liquid diet. I asked her doctor if the nausea could be caused by the pleural effusion (fluid around her lung). So we had her drained and she immediately felt better and got her appetite back. We had a PleurX chest drain put in last week. I've been draining her every other day, so she's comfortable and is gaining weight again. CT scans show that her tumor has shrunk. Her 1st round of chemo was last week and she'll get it weekly for 3 weeks for 3 rounds. So far she's had very few side effects which makes us all very happy. But all and all, she's doing very good and doctors are very optimistic.
AFM...I guess you can tell that my life has been pretty crazy lately. I did have a nice vacation in June for my 30th birthday. It was prepaid before my mom's diagnosis and we couldnt get a refund. Since she was doing so good and she begged me to go and have some fun, I went. Dh and I definitely had fun. It was a new, gorgeous hotel on Clearwater beach. Ate seafood til I was stuffed and enjoyed the margaritas and cocktails . Our hotel room smoke detector malfunctioned at one point and the fire department showed up. I had just gotten out of the shower when it happened. Nothing quite says 30th birthday like standing naked, dripping wet with only a towel on and being surrounded by 5 hunky firemen!!! And the hotel manager added a $150 credit to our room for the trouble. Rode a bike for the first time in 12 years and may I say, it did not come back easy! I hit 2 people and a bush! It was all good though, they cheered me on. DH and I also rented a jet ski. He went kinda nuts and hit a wave kind of hard...I learned to fly that day! It was so much fun though! What I didnt expect was how sore my legs would be from the jet ski and bike. My legs felt like they were attached by springs and I was falling all over the place. Lol.
But, I've basically been taking care of everyone around me. I've handled all my mom's medical needs and work along side her doctors. I've taken care of my sister and my nephew with all of her pregnancy issues. It's been exhausting. Everyone asks me how I remain so stoic and how I'm able to keep moving forward though all the chaos. God definitely prepared me for this. If I hadnt gone through all I have the past 5 years trying to have children, I dont know how I would handle all of this. I had already learned that when the earth felt like it was crumbing around me...that God would pull me though and I just had to keep fighting. Same goes with this situation. Sorry for such a long, dramatic post. Part of the reason it took me so long to post an update!
HUGE WELCOME to all the new girls!!! So glad you found us and I'm rooting you on! Phat, you know how friggin excited I am for you! AFM, still on the BC and spironolactone to keep hormones in check. No clue when we'll get back to BDing. Happy BabyDancing to all!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies, hope you all are doing well. They say,"no news is good news," but in some cases, I am not sure about this. Cycle day #45 for me, never ovulated and waiting for something to happen! Frustrated and disappointed, but okay and just waiting...! Hope you ladies have a nice day and rest of the week...

We're having a baby!!!

7 years ago

@sunaet- I feel you sweetie! I have PCOS and waiting to OV naturally is so exhausting and frustrating!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

7 years ago • Post starter

Tara, you are so strong! Continuing to pray for you and your family! Glad you had a good vacation! I'm sure it was nice to get away for a bit! I hope your sister and mom are doing ok!

Sunaet, hope you are doing ok! I'm sure waiting around for something to happen is really tough.

Afm- today is my expected period - so far no sign of it. Tested this morning and I thought I saw a really faint line- but when I took a pic- it disappeared so I'm not sure if I just had line eye or what.. But it's a blue dye test and with the pic looking so blank- I'm not gonna post it. It looks like a negative

Anyways- hoping the witch doesn't show up today and I can get a better positive in a few days. Should go get an frer.

7 years ago

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