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Early pregnancy symptoms - Am I pregnant?

What are the very first signs of pregnancy?

Find up-to-date, real life statistics! You won't find the same old list of symptoms here. We have compiled and analyzed symptoms submitted from tens of thousands of cycles and created tons of easy to read charts and statistics.


Most common early pregnancy signs and symptoms

Are you showing any of the most common very early pregnancy symptoms? If you think you may be pregnant, or hope you may be, review these symptoms and compare your own.

Review the top positive indicators or pregnancy, the top negative indicators and the most common overall. Check out the statistics  


Early pregnancy signs and symptoms

See the full list of early pregnancy signs and symptoms to select a specific symptom and view the individual statistics chart and symptom information.

Popular symptom searches:




Signs and symptoms by day past ovulation

Learn more about the very early signs and symptoms you may be experiencing from ovulation day until your expected period.

