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9 days past ovulation

The most common early pregnancy signs & symptoms


The most common and significant very early signs and symptoms experienced on 9 days past ovulation.

Most common signs and symptoms (9 dpo)

The most frequently occurring signs and symptoms experienced by women on 9 days past ovulation (regardless of whether they are pregnant or not). The table displays what percentage of all women experience each symptom and it's impact on the probability of pregnancy (either positively, negatively or no affect).

Understanding the data
  • Has a statistically significant affect on the probability of pregnancy. Experiencing this symptom increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

  • Has a statistically significant affect on the probability of pregnancy. Experiencing this symptom decreases the likelihood of pregnancy.

  • Does not have a significant affect on the probability of pregnancy. Experiencing this symptom does not increase nor decrease the likelihood of pregnancy.

For indepth information on how much a symptom affects the probability of pregnancy, visit the symptom page.




Positive indicators of pregnancy (9 dpo)

The most significant positive signs and symptoms when comparing pregnant versus non-pregnant women.

SymptomPregnantAs often
Understanding the data

On 9 days past ovulation, there are no signs or symptoms that show a statistically significant positive impact on the probability of pregnancy.

View the most common signs and symptoms below for an understanding of how the most frequently occurring symptoms can impact the likelihood of pregnancy.



Negative indicators of pregnancy (9 dpo)

The most significant negative signs and symptoms when comparing pregnant versus non-pregnant women.

SymptomNon-pregnantAs often
I Don't 'Feel' Pregnant13.4%1.4x
Achy Legs or Hips16.5%1.2x
Strong Smelling Urine8.4%1.2x
Decreased Appetite8.3%1.2x
Cramps (Like PMS/AF)17.1%1.2x
Understanding the data

Experiencing these symptoms on 9 days past ovulation decreases the probability of pregnancy.

Reading the table: 13.4% of non-pregnant women experience the symptom 'I Don't 'Feel' Pregnant'. Non-pregnant women experience this symptom 1.4 times as often as pregnant women.





How are you feeling on 9 days past ovulation?

  8 months ago

  8 months ago
Faint pos again 9 dpo after blighted ovum Feels like period might start, headache pings, hungry, boobs slightly sore, vagina feels bruised.

  10 months ago
Not to mention.. had an orgasm in my sleep, woke up to it.. another sign since I didn't feel aroused before bed, guess blood flow increase

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