
Early pregnancy symptom

The chart

Comparison of how often this symptom is experienced by pregnant vs non-pregnant women.


After implantation (9 dpo+)
experiencing this symptom
does not impact
the probability of pregnancy


Overall (during the luteal phase)
experiencing this symptom
does not impact
the probability of pregnancy




About this symptom


Nausea and queasiness can begin quite early in pregnancy. Nausea can strike at any time of day. Some women report that morning is the worst (when their stomach is empty), others say the afternoon or evening and some women feel queasy all day long.

The cause is really unknown. Rising levels of hormones are one possibility (progesterone and hCG). The hormone progesterone causes the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract to relax and thus slows down the entire digestive process - this can cause bloating and gas which will contribute to nausea. Some women also develop an increased sense of smell in early pregnancy, so certain odours (like coffee, cigarette smoke, perfume/cologne or cooking foods) can cause waves of nausea. Avoid places with smells that trigger nausea, ask someone to take over the cooking if certain aromas trigger that unsettling feeling.

Low blood sugar or swings is another possibility, especially if you are skipping meals because you are queasy. This will cause your blood sugar to drop and will worsen any nausea you already have. It may be difficult to force yourself to eat when you are not feeling well, but remember that it may actually help. You need to break the cycle. Eat small meals and snacks throughout the day, never let yourself get hungry. Eat before you are hungry! Soda crackers and milk seem to quite helpful between meals. Also be sure to get enough fluids.

Stress is another possible cause. There are often a flood of differing emotions in the journey toward pregnancy and motherhood. Make sure to take good care of not only your physical health, but your mental and emotional health aswell.

For the majority of women the unpleasantness of pregnancy related nausea tends to subside around the end of the first trimester.


Summary of chart

An explanation of the affect on the probability of pregnancy for each day past ovulation or group of days.

0 dpo - 1 dpo

Slightly decreases probability of pregnancy

2 dpo - 12 dpo

Does not significantly affect probability of pregnancy

13 dpo - 15 dpo

Slightly increases probability of pregnancy

16 dpo - 18 dpo

Does not significantly affect probability of pregnancy


Detailed breakdown by DPO

Shows data for days where differences are meaningful.

Day past ovulationPregnant vs non-pregnant
No dpo shows significant impact on the probability of pregnancy.
Understanding the data

Pregnant women experience this symptom the number of times listed as often as non-pregnant. The percentage listed refers to the percentage increase or decrease between pregnant and non-pregnant.

Visit the dpo chart pages to view most common and significant positive and negative indicators of pregnancy for each day past ovulation.




What women are saying about this symptom.

OhBoyOrGirl  4 years ago
13dpo nausea today! BFN on FMU :(

member_58252  4 years ago
The smell of pizza made me wanna throw up

peonies2107  5 years ago
15dpo. Nausea all night I thought I was going to be sick and my stomach is so sore. Dh had flu 3 days ago, so could be that..

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