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Achy Legs or Hips

Early pregnancy symptom

The chart

Comparison of how often this symptom is experienced by pregnant vs non-pregnant women.


After implantation (9 dpo+)
experiencing this symptom
the probability of pregnancy


Overall (during the luteal phase)
experiencing this symptom
the probability of pregnancy




About this symptom

Achy Legs or Hips

Includes sore muscles in the hips, buttocks, thighs or calves. Also includes sciatic pain.

Includes: Includes sore muscles in the hips, buttocks, thighs or calves. Also includes sciatic pain.


Summary of chart

An explanation of the affect on the probability of pregnancy for each day past ovulation or group of days.

0 dpo

Decreases probability of pregnancy

1 dpo

Slightly decreases probability of pregnancy

2 dpo - 4 dpo

Does not significantly affect probability of pregnancy

5 dpo - 18 dpo

Slightly decreases probability of pregnancy


Detailed breakdown by DPO

Shows data for days where differences are meaningful.

Day past ovulationPregnant vs non-pregnant
0 dpo 1.4 times less (-26%)
16 dpo 1.2 times less (-14%)
17 dpo 1.2 times less (-14%)
18 dpo 1.2 times less (-15%)
Understanding the data

Pregnant women experience this symptom the number of times listed as often as non-pregnant. The percentage listed refers to the percentage increase or decrease between pregnant and non-pregnant.

Visit the dpo chart pages to view most common and significant positive and negative indicators of pregnancy for each day past ovulation.




What women are saying about this symptom.

  11 months ago
Woke up extremely thirsty, tired feeling, consistently hungry, craved shrimp, vivid dream, back of thighs sore.. e3g & pdg increase via mira

dogmom2015  6 years ago
9 dpo and I feel like my work out earlier was far more intense than taking my dog for a walk. Which i do every day. Very strange

willowymills  6 years ago
ovulating today but last night had painful leg cramps

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