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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I took my first Estrace tablet this morning. So far, the Femara, which I have 2 more days of, has me feeling just fine. I have had more acne, but my moods have been okay. I usually like the way I feel when my estrogen is high, so I hope the Estrace helps that even more. Starting to second guess everything and worry about everything now that this IUI is almost a reality.

8 years ago

Have any of you heard of Harmony or Materni21 testing at 10 weeks which will tell you about the risk of Downs without amnio or chorionic villus sampling and gives you the sex of the baby?

8 years ago

I have heard of the Materni21, my best friend and sister both had it done. Both times the results were 100% accurate.
The Femara I didn't notice to many side effects until the afternoon when I would get emotional. Lol. As far as the Estrace, I'm on that THREE times a day and have been for 8 weeks now and I am getting hair all over my damn face! EWHHHHHHHHHHH, but totally worth my Little Boy! It does make it all so surreal once you truly feel you have a real chance. I totally understand! You know I'm always here for you :-)

WELCOME Frankie!

8 years ago

Phat--> I'm not sure what they call it, but I've heard talk (mostly on the infertility groups I'm a member of on Facebook) about a lot of states going to the testing at/around 10 weeks to find out the sex vs doing a gender scan. It's much more reliable since it isn't up for interpretation like an ultrasound is. Not sure how I feel about that; finding out the sex of my son was the best moment of my pregnancy (except for the birth of course), and I loved the fact that I could tell with my own eyes! Is this going to be your first IUI??

Pinkster--> I agree with Tara; I use our tools more often than Matt does! He's a gear-head, so when he starts working on his "Beep" (that's what Bubby calls Daddy's Jeep) he uses more tools than I do, but I'm that super duper independent wife who never asks for help around the house. Matt is actually planning to get me a new cordless drill before he leaves since the one we have is several years old and doesn't hold a charge very well. I loved Femara in comparison with Clomid. The side effects were much less, and there wasn't nearly as much "dryness" going on down south, ya know?

justsmile--> It's hard sometimes during the TWW to pinpoint what's real and what's not, but the heavy pressure does indeed sound promising! Welcome Love!

FrankieB--> Welcome lady! I'm on my 3rd marriage, so no judgement here either! I've struggled with infertility my whole life, so (thankfully) I wasn't able to have kids with my previous husbands. My husband Matt and I had our son John in 2013. Your symptoms sound promising!

Tara--> I've sent you a PM. I hope you're feeling a little better. Are you and DH going to TTC this cycle, or are you still waiting to build up funds??


8 years ago

Mandy - thank you!! I'm only taking it until CD14, I think. I just emailed them & asked if I can take it vaginally which may reduce symptoms and held decrease the risks of DVT's which freaks me out a bit now that I know I am a Factor V Leiden carrier and have 2 MTHFR mutations.

2Frsty - yes, this will be my first IUI. Good to know those tests work.

8 years ago

@2frsty- We technically have the funds for a follistim cycle and IUI but I think we're holding off right now for mental and emotional reasons. I'm looking forward to another round, but I'm so stressed out over other things going on in my life right now (my mother's health, my parents' finances, worry over my sister's pregnancy and awkwardly I'm stressed out turning 30 lol). The pause is only temporary though. My donated follistim is good for quite a while so I'm not in a super duper rush but we're hoping to be ready this summer for a couple back to back cycles. With everything going on...I think it's best for a pregnancy if we hold off for a little bit. It sucks but I think it's for the best. I've been so stressed the past two days, I've felt physically sick .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara--> I understand completely how you feel. As hard as it was, DH's 9 month deployment to Korea last year was just the breath of fresh air that I needed. I was so bummed at first that we hadn't conceived prior to the deployment, but with my Mom being so deathly ill for almost 4 months right in the middle of the time DH was gone, I was so glad that timing hadn't worked out when we'd wanted it to! God knows what He's doing, that's for sure. Can't wait til your next cycle!!


8 years ago

Tara - I'm sorry you've been so stressed. Hugs to you!

8 years ago


8 years ago

I am right there with you!

My poor google search is like seeing into a crazy lady's though pattern. These are my symptoms so far:
My dog is SUPER clingy all of a sudden, nauseous, constipated, can't sleep, SO exhausted, my boobs hurt (but not in the normal ache way, like actual pain), I am crying at EVERYTHING....on and on it goes.

I am 6 DPO and just want to test to my heart's content. How do you manage the 2ww and not go crazy?

8 years ago

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