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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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We all need a bit of therapy phat going through this madness, retail therapy would be cool , no not clomid this cycle as everything was a bit of a mess last cycle, only bled one full day, temps were up for 22 days anorl, yep been doing the temps to try to understand them better again this cycle which you should be able to view and pretty sure I ov 5 days ago as temp shot up next day, I jinxed the bit about me boobs, really dark nipples and painful today also very light headed, just waiting for implantation now , thats all fab news Phat whoop whoop, now a very exciting time for you again, lovely -x-
Wating that ham sounds so lush nom nom
Love n luck and tons of to all -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Pinkster - I see your charts. It does look like you O'd. Good luck!!

8 years ago

@pinkster- WOW only one day of af? I heard Clomid can really thin the lining in some girls so you may have only had enough lining for one day of bleeding. Your doctor may need to try femara next time.....if you have a next time! Fingers crossed you get a bfp in the next week!

@phat- waiting for an update!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

The doc called in Estrace & Femara. Then I'm going in on cd13 unless I get a +OPK before then to check my follicles. I read a study about increased rates of success with IUI on the same day as trigger, so I'm trying to decide if I should do the IUI on trigger day, then do timed intercourse after, do IUI on day of trigger AND 24-36hrs after, or do timed intercourse day of trigger & IUI 24-36hrs after. Fingers crossed for good follicles!!

8 years ago

Phat - So you're considering to do 2 IUIs? I've seen very good results that way!

Pinkster - Yay for a good O! Hopefully DH won't need to repeat the semen analysis after all!!

Tara - I'm so sorry that your sister's pregnancy is so emotionally hard on you. I would give anything to take this pain from you love!!

AFM: I cancelled all my appointments while I was still crying, just minutes after the fight was over between Matt and I. I just knew that I would regret it and I'd be on the phone with the REs office 5 hours later rescheduling them.

But I wasn't.

Once my emotions were stable and I could think clearly (albeit I was having to think through the migraine all the tears had given me), I began examining this snap decision I'd made. And that's when it dawned on me ... I felt like Atlas had just taken the weight of the world off my shoulders. It felt like I'd finally let go of something I'd been carrying too long. I could breathe again.

I was free.

I have the tendency to make very bad decisions when I'm angry. I usually make snap decisions that end up biting me in the ass at the WORST possible time, but I think this one's different. You know you've made the best decision possible, when all the anger/emotions are faded away and you're STILL left with the feeling that you made the right decision.

So I've decided that all the money I was planning to save up for more infertility treatments while Matt was gone to Afghanistan, I am going to put towards getting my boobs done and joining a gym. Time to get some of this weight off my fat ass and do the one thing I've wanted to do since I was 12 years old!!

I think I deserve a consolation prize after dealing with infertility for 15 years, don't y'all??


8 years ago

Hi!! I'm new, and thought this was the perfect thread to jump in on since I am definitely driving myself crazy. I am 7 DPO. My last child (and only) was conceived via IVF (her father had had a vasectomy 17 years prior). So, I'm stuck on comparison of the first week (s) after transfer. I keep thinking I am having many of the same symptoms but I'm sure I'm just hoping too hard.

No IVF (yes, different man, long story, please don't judge). I got off Depo last year (my last shot was in June, 2015) after only 3 shots. And we have not been preventing, but not yet really making it a point to "try" either. I have tried to make sure we get some extra in during fertile days.

We both want to have a baby. And I know he'd be thrilled if I am. So anyway ...

Symptoms yesterday & today include : headache, exhaustion, slight cramping, leg & butt muscle aches, sore throat, creamy CM, and I may be slightly over-emotional - anyone else? Oh ... and my best were extremely sore during OV, and now not really sore at all, which is weird since it usually lasts until AF comes.

8 years ago

Welcome FrankieB they sound like some good symptoms, Im not symptom spotting at mo cos last month there were lots and I wasn't preggers I noticed my areolas looked darker other night but didnt think much of it but then dh noticed and made a big deal about it as Im so pale and pink norm haha
Aww 2Frsty, I totally understand, when it gets too much and affecting your relationship in a negative way its tough to go on, I really hope you get a still when your not even trying, 15 years is a long time and yes you most def deserve a special treat, I had a boob job 8 years ago and never regretted it, I use to go from 36d when breast feeding straight back to 34aa when stopped and was devastated, now Im a natural looking 34b and feel more feminine(although still love my tools, fixing things, DIY and my 11 pairs of doc martens) Good luck my lovely
Phat -x-
Waiting-yes I think your right, next month I will ask the doc for femara? after the clomid, is it a jab or tablets and when should I take it How are you all

8 years ago

Yes! I have weird symptoms and I keep thinking that they aren't all in my head. For example, the heavy pressure in my uterus is DEFINITELY there lol. No way I could imagine that one.

8 years ago

@2frsty- Sounds like an awesome way to treat yourself. You deserve it!

@pinkster- Hey sugar. You totally sound like me. I use our tools more than dh lol. Growing up, my dad stayed at home to take care of us kids and he did a lot of woodworking, construction and handyman jobs. He always took me along and I liked to help. The thought of getting a brand new power drill from dh would make me so happy!
Femara is just a tablet like clomid and usually prescribed to take at the same time as clomid.

@Frankie- WELCOME! No judging here . Your symptoms sound great! I cant say much on the butt muscle aches. I have sciatica so my butt always hurts LOL .

@phat- So exciting!!!!! You know I'll be hounding you for updates LOL.

@justsmile- I definitely noticed a strange pressure around my uterine area during my bfp cycles. Some cycles I had lots of symptoms but I realized after months of trying that my progesterone levels really made me a hot mess of symptoms. Once I got half way through the tww, I knew my symptoms were more likely to be a little peanut attaching. What dpo are you?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

2Frsty - boobs & gym sound like great choices!

Pinkster - when will you test?

Frankie & JustSmile - welcome, and good luck! I've been married 3 times, and my kids all have different biological fathers. My middle child was adopted by my youngest's father, though. We are still together and still trying.

8 years ago

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