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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey ladies!!! I seriously feel like it's saturday. Dh took off today to help me deliver our cousin's wedding cake 50 miles away. They had a midweek wedding at the courthouse. But you'd never know it was courthouse nuptials....They all looked so amazing. The food was wonderful. They held the reception at the cozy little river side restaurant that the groom's mom works at that had the BEST pretzel bread. I'll post a picture of the cake tomorrow along with my good news :)! I'd type it out all right now but i'm exhausted...and I like to leave y'all in suspense Just kidding. LOL

@2frsty- I'm so sorry AF arrived. I hope RE can get you right back in the saddle right away. You are so sweet to be willing to donate to our baby fund. I wish I was rich so I could give everyone IVF. Like oprah...'you get ivf, you get ivf, everyone gets ivf!!!' I did have some genetic testing done. It was covered by insurance due to my recurrent miscarriages but I know everyone's insurance is different. I did get a $2000 bill from the lab but when I called, they had resubmitted the form to the insurance company and it was covered 100%...thank goodness!! For me, it was just a blood test. But it was A LOT of blood that they drew and it took a couple weeks to get the results back. As far as treatments go...autoimmune issues are treated with immune suppressants, clotting issues are treated with blood thinners etc. Some genetic issues that affect pregnancy have treatments to prevent issues but it just depends on the disorder. With my mthfr mutation...I'm on methylfolate and bioactive B vitamins so my body can process and use folate. Plus I'm on the injectable blood thinners.

@pinkster- I'm sorry about your bfn sweetie pie. 10dpo is still early. I've gotten bfps at 13 dpo before.

@babydreams- Hi love! Where have you been traveling?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara--> You are freakin' KILLING me!! You better be pregnant or something that monumental to have kept us all waiting like this!! I'm going to ask my RE about the testing tomorrow. He'll probably say that it's not necessary, but I'd like to try for it. IF insurance covers it, that is! I got his dx letter, and it lists me as having Ovarian Failure and "Profound Unexplained Infertility" requiring aggressive methods to treat. And now I've got a 10 LP to add on top of that. I could've easily had 3-4 eggs fertilized, but my body was already in the process of shedding it's lining before any of them could implant! Hell, that Clearblue very well MIGHT'VE been + and then my body shucked the lining like a corn husk before it could get stronger!! Ugh!

Brighter news: I FINALLY got my next post done. I was in a really dark place for 2 days, and just didn't feel like writing. It wasn't until I started getting nudges from 2 girls on Facebook wanting an update that I realized that I wasn't JUST writing to give myself somewhere that I could bitch about the horrors of infertility as a form of "journaling therapy" but the REAL reason I began blogging was to help other women with their journeys through the written word of my own. Here's the link if y'all would like to copy & paste it to your browsers:


8 years ago

Hello Ladies!

Long time no see... I have News and no, i am not pregnant yet! :)))

I did a lot of travelling over the holydays and i gut stucked in bed with a terrible backache for 3 weeks :( NOT fun! Then I had a terrible Gingivitis which i treat now for 2 weeks but it is way better.

We had to postpone our first Meeting in the fertility clinic until 1st of Feb. Now it is over with and we started the whole proccess with bloodwork, sperm checking, bla bla bla...

I am very pleased with the doctor, he was the first to tell me that just because my fallopian tubes are free doesn't mean they work properly. Also, he said that he thinks my mc was actually an ectopic that my Body threw out...

Until now all blood works are ok for both me and my dh, i am waiting on my next period to start the Monitoring and at the end of the next period we will make the plan for March. He said that i have a really good egg reserve, no pcos, no endometriosis, no infections so our chances are pretty good. Here in Germany the costs are 50% covered by insurance, we Need to prepare the other 50%, which is about 2500 Euro (ca.2800 USD).
So from now on, fingers crossed and lots of prayers!

Tara i missed you! I am waiting on your News!

Wish you all ladies a great day and a wonderful week-end!

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8 years ago

2Frsty - mine was a blood draw, and my RE uses a group called Counsyl which offers huge discounts for self-pay patients, so it was about $500 for them to test for a huge range of things. Why did you doc diagnose you with ovarian failure if you clearly have eggs? I think my insurance pays for a lot of things related to ovarian failure, so I'm really interested to know. I forget. Do you have PCOS, or were you not ovulating on your own?

Astrid - I hope it doesn't take too long to save up & you can start your treatments soon.

Tara - I am not amused with this waiting.

AFM, I am still waiting for AF to show. It's Thursday, and my RE is only open 1/2 day on Friday. They have to do an ultrasound on CD1, 2, or 3. I'd like to start today so I can go in tomorrow or ideally not start at least until Saturday. My luck, I'll start tomorrow after it's too late to get in.

8 years ago

Well we have 2 boys and a girl!!!!!!!!!! It all seems so surreal now. I'm so excited I can't stop smiling... I know I have two weeks worth of catch up to do but I will make it short and sweet. Friday January 22nd was retrieval day, 18 total retrieved. 4 mature and 14 not mature, they injected the 4 mature on Friday. Out of those 4 only 2 fertilized. Saturday out of the 14 immature all 14 matured and were injected and out of them we got 5 that fertilized. Fast forward to day 5, out of 7 fertilized embryos 5 of them made it and were able to be tested and froze. Those 5 the grades were, 4BA, 3AA, 2BB, 2BC, AND 2B. Fast forward to today and we have 3 BABIES!!!!!!!! This is all so crazy to me, like insane. I am speechless, excited, terrified, hopeful, and I am not even sure what else. There are so many emotions that are running crazy right now. I was so excited I forgot to ask her what the two tested positive for and what the grades were for the three we have. I will update those once we get it.
My retrieval recovery was HORRIBLE!!!! I slept all day Friday, I couldn't move. I instantly hurt. He warned me about OHSS but of course we never think it will happen to us. Well at 2am Saturday morning I am in the bathroom in terrible pain, I couldn't pee, I couldn't breathe, I looked like my stomach had a basketball in it. IT WAS HORRIBLE! All day Saturday was pretty much the same way, feared my ovaries were filling up with fluid and seeping in to my system and putting pressure on my lungs which would explain the breathing part. I drank and drank and drank Gatorade like some people and he recommended. I finally started peeing and the pressure had eased up come Monday. Friday, the 29th was the first day I was able to wear anything other than yoga pants.. I feel like a million bucks now though. I am glad we have a few good ones cause I can't do another fresh cycle right now. I would wait a couple months.

Athena, I love the FB announcement!!!!!

Phat, doesn't it SUCK to have to wait for AF to show!! When we want her to she doesn't, when we don't she does.

Hi Astrid!!!!! So glad you are moving forward and that all your tests came back good.

Tara the cake looks great!!!!!! I bet it was delicious. Looks as good if not better than my wedding cake did!!

Pink, sorry about the BFN honey.

Dr just emailed, I will get back on in a bit!

8 years ago

Congratulations xomandyxocheyxo -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Now I start Lupron injections and yada yada yada before we do transfer... Hard part now is deciding how many to transfer. We will definitely transfer our boy :-) He is the leader of the pack! Graded 4BA and the two girls left are 2BB and 2BC so they are graded poor/fair. I think we may transfer just the boy and IF it doesn't take then transfer the two girls. This is so crazy! So many decisions.

8 years ago

Mandy - wonderful news! I know nothing about grading, but I'm happy for you!!!

Still no AF. My body doesn't know what to do with these hormones, and I've gained 10lbs in this last month. Grrr

8 years ago

Mandy--> How exciting!! Crazy that you know already what the genders of your embryos are! Congrats on such good results and FX for a good transfer! OHSS sucks though for sure!! I had a mild case of it, and the Gatorade was a lifesaver!!

Tara--> What gives????

AFM: *sigh*
I have a 15 mm follicle leftover from last cycle. RE wanted to put me on birth control to shrink it for a few weeks, but that would put me just STARTING the injections 2 weeks before Matt came home from the NTC. In which case I might as well be pissing in the wind, since it's kinda hard to make a baby when the Daddy ain't here!
At first I told him I'd just sit this cycle out and allow the cyst to shrink on it's own, having every intention to continue with the Follistim on my own without monitoring, since I already had the medicine ordered from the pharmacy to be ready for this cycle. Hell, I even gave myself the first injection of the Follistim this afternoon! I know, I know ... you should NEVER go against the doctor's orders, but I did it before and it resulted in a perfect little boy!! What could go wrong, right??
After my husband and son went to bed, I was working on some of my FRG (Family Readiness Group) stuff for the Army, and I was overwhelmed by a feeling that I really NEEDED to go with the birth control option. I can't explain it, but it wasn't like a gentle nudge ... it was more like someone (God maybe?) draped a weighted blanket over me that was covered in the words "Take The Birth Control!" So - I sent my REs office a message requesting that the BC be called into my local pharmacy. And if I take it not for the 2 weeks that the RE suggested but for the entire cycle, that should actually put my fertile period right in the time frame of when Matt comes home from NTC. So while THIS cycle is a bust, maybe the next one will be spot on! The only obstacle I can see is that since we are traveling to IL to see Matt's family from the 12th - 20th, I'm hoping that my follies will either be ready to trigger before we leave, or that my RE will allow me to trigger while I'm gone. Whew! Sorry for the novel!!

What do you girls think, especially y'all who've gone through this kind of cycle before??

pinkster--> Have you POAS again??

phat--> I'm sorry, girl! I feel ya on the weight thing, however. I've gained 4.5 pounds since my last u/s, which was only TWO weeks ago?


8 years ago

I've gained 15lbs since starting this road in December, now I'm hoping I can get it off before we do the transfer. Our hormones are so screwed up.

Frsty, I would definitely do the BC. I'm on it now, I had to immediately start taking it after my retrieval to shrink my follicles and any cysts. Timing sucks cause so much rides on trigger time. I think you should listen to your gut :-)

8 years ago

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