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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Shay - every mother who experiences that type of loss should be given that opportunity. I'm so sorry you weren't.

11 years ago

Hi ladies! I just want to cry for you two right now! I am so sorry what you ladies have gone through. You are so much tougher than I am, I don't think I could have gone through the things you ladies have had to endure. I respect you so much!
Not alot happened at the Fertility Doc today- just an initial consultation. Gonna do some hormone testing and such once AF rears her ugly head this month, along with a semen analysis my DH is far from excited about.
Probably won't be on much tonight- I feel terrible- apparently an ugly cold has made it's way to me and I am drained!
I am thinking and praying for you ladies. All my love to every single one of you!!

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11 years ago

Lmpotts - feeling drained & having a cold can be preggo symptoms!

11 years ago

Girl, don't get me excited!! Lol. I took a test yesterday (9 dpo) and the day before and both were bfn. I'm certainly not gonna give up hope until the wicked witch comes though! Thanks for the inspiration!! I love you girls!

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11 years ago

Impotts- I agree with Phat & id say test again tomorrow 11-12 dpo.
Good Luck Hun, & everybodie endures their own hardships i am sure there has been something happen to you that i couldnt imagine happening to me, Its great friends like you and these ladies & family that get you through it. <3 Get some rest hun and i hope you feel better or get your BFP!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

YOU'RE MAKING ME CRY!!!! I dont know if I could go to the party but at the same time, it's almost better to celebrate God creating your son than be home depressed and crying. Growing up I always wondered why God called babies and children home too, even after my miscarriage I wondered. But my pastor said something one day that jolted my soul...we ALL have a purpose here on earth...ALL of us. Including the unborn and children. Some of us fulfill our purpose later in life and some fulfill it before our first breath. There are no mistakes! Even though our babies seemed like only pictures on a sonogram...they changed our lives and their short presence on earth...changed history. That small innocent creation that was lost too soon, fulfilled their purpose that God gave them. Some of us may have many purposes and live longer lives while others were sent to change our history in only a few years, months or even days. And even though we want our children with us til our last breath...they are in a better place than we could ever the arms of Jesus as he sings them lullabies

On another sad note...Dh fell asleep and I didnt get any nookie!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

so i been writing a poem which i have loved to do since i was little im also going to start writing a TTC book about how i feel while TTC so if i have a girl and when she TTC she will know her mum felt the same way and its also fun to look back on .

i will post my poem but remember i wrote it so if its not good please be nice lol

mummy and daddy long for you so bad
mummy keeps getting one line that makes her mad
we know deep down our blessing will come when the time is right
but some times we just cant see the light
as the months go by
our emoticons are spinning some times we cry

one day we will hold you tight
but right now i need to remember when the time is right
you will be loved
you will be hugged
but untill that day we will plan
plan the months till we see you on that scan

a child is a gift from up above
and when that gift comes we will shower them with love
so no matter how hard its going to be
i will sit tight till i can tell everybody about baby and me
we are going to be getting ready for you to come
when ever god thinks the time is right so i wont be glum

so one day i will look at this and know it was all worth it to be called that one word MUM

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11 years ago

Is it just me, or does it seem like there have been tons of + in the image galleryin the last week?

Tara - I need some professional advice. My top vertebrae on my back, the big one just before it becomes your neck & starts to curve in, is very tight feeling &when I try to rub around it or press on it to try to relieve strain or pressure, it is very sore. It's been this way for about a month, and I can't tell if it's some sort of muscle strain or a serious injury from sleeping in weird positions to avoid lying on my daughter because she tries to scooch up under me. When I press on it, I feel a shooting pain, too, that seems to go about one vertebrae further down my back. Any suggestions?

11 years ago

It sounds like you're describing C7, the large bony prominence at the bottom of your neck between your neck and rib cage. It's actually the lowest of your cervical (neck) vertebrae. Without actually being their to palpate the area I'll have to take a shot in the dark, but this isnt a diagnosis, just an educated guess to direct you to proper treatment by a proper caregiver (have to say this for legal reasons LOL). If you're feeling pain when pushing directly on the spinous process (the bump) and the pain shoots downwards to the next may be a pinched nerve from sleeping in an awkward position. But the nerve could be pinched by either the vertebra itself or by a tight muscle...again dont know without feeling it for myself. Since it feels sore and painful..apply ice to the area for 10-15 minutes a few times a day. If it's nerve issues it should temporarily numb the nerve and reduce aggravation and also help with any surrounding muscle inflammation. I suggest seeing a chiropractor. If you go to your general doctor, they'll most likely prescribe pain meds but wont treat the problem at hand. A chiropractor is trained to know the difference between muscle tension and nerve aggravation. And if you're lucky, they'll have a LMT on hand to work on muscle tension in unison with the chirocare. But whatever you feel comfortable with. Hope this helps! Also, massage therapy and chiropractic work together during pregnancy is amazing!!!!! Or so my clients say lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Tara - thanks. I worry about seeing a chiropractor because I was in as car accident about 10 years ago where a tri-axle dump truck hit my Ford Focus when he ran a stop sign. I went to physical therapy for a back injury for months & the doc at the time basically told me there was nothing else they could do except surgery which I won't do unless I can't walk any more. I've been really lucky & only bedridden with it twice in ten years. I have this fear that an adjustment would aggravate my lower back issue. I may just go in to talk to them & go from there. I do not tolerate pain meds well at all. They make me extremely nauseous & cranky.

11 years ago

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