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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Where are you Mooney & alishakaye???

11 years ago

Hey @phatgurl I'm always here reading your posts and laughing at everything! I'm like God lmao I'm always around u just can't see me hahahaha

I just don't really have anything to update besides me being REALLY bloated all last week and I've been REALLY sleepy, falling asleep every chance I get lol. I've had some other symptoms too but I'm trying not to obsess over everything because overall I feel like I'm out this month.

However, DH and I just got the FertilAid for Men and Women on Friday so we're doing that together and I'm still going strong with my FertiliTea. I'm on CD 28 and around 17 DPO.. AF is expected around the 28th, which would be exactly the 36th day but I'm going to wait until about a week and a half after AF is due to test at all..

Anyone seen Pregant in America?? DH and I are considering leaving the country after seeing that.. We're also 100% sure we want to have a home birth with a midwife and no doctors or nurses. So we've been researching Canada and thinking about ways to save money.

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

I haven't seen Pregnant in America, but I can tell you I wanted a home birth, and there's a good chance my son & I would have died if I had. I have an extremely narrow pelvis even though I'm a big girl, and I never dilated past 2 1/2 cm after my water broke even though I was 2 weeks past due & they gave me Cervadil & pytocin. The dipoc told me I would probably have never gone into labor on my own, either. I even tried castor oil 2 times because I was past my due date to try to bring labor on. I know our system is imperfect & pregnancy is treated like a disease & so many choices are taken out of our hands, but there are MUCH worse places to be pregnant. I for one am happy with my 3 c-sections even though I left the hospital early on all 3 cause they're a bunch of idiots. :-)

11 years ago

I know there are certain situations but in Holland 95% of the population has homebirths and the rate of complications during pregnancy is almost non-existent compared to California. Then after hearing all these women be interviewed and tell their stories about how nurses and doctors forced them into having a c-section even though they told them no, then to see a doctor COMPLETELY deny that c-sections have any risks.. It sick. The list of risks and effects of c-sections took about a whole minute to scroll across the scene.. Then that combined with the treatment I've had with Kaiser since I turned 18.. It's been horrible. For other countires to charge less, cover it with insurance and not have a rep of forcing women to do what they don't want to... We'd rather go to another country. Honestly, America is going down the drain. And I know the last days are near. Not to say that any other country is perfect but I've about had it with how disgusting America has become.

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

*compared to America

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

Hello everyone!! I most definitely feel like I'm going crazy!!! I am 4 DPO and I feel like my mind/ body is playing a mean trick on me. My DH and I have been TTC for 3 months now, but we haven't had any success as of yet. Yesterday and today I have been feeling a whole lot os stuff. Yesterday I had a lot of lower back pain and My nose has been running like crazy. Definitely not the norm for me. Today I have been sneezing all morning, but I'm also nauseous and have no appetite. My head hurts and I feel some dull aches near my left ovary? I only ovulated a few days ago... symptoms so soon? Any thoughts/ help is greatly appreciated LOL

11 years ago

Mooney- My c section experience was hell but the after care was amazing (could be that i worked at the hospital) but i was in labor for 32 hours with 2 epidurals that did not work then i got rushed in for an emergency c section and apparently the drs or nurses didnt decide to share with anyone that the epidurals were not working & i had no pain medicine in me at all so they cut into me with me feeling EVERYTHING i screamed bloody murder and the last thing i remember is them putting me to sleep because of it. I never got to hear my baby cry for the first time or see her right after she was born it was upsetting but my aftercare was phenomenal the nurses were amazing but they thought my dd had some sort of staff infection so they poked her 5 times trying to find a vein including in her forehead, they finally got one in her arm i balled my eyes but they ran anti biotics on her (which isnt good for newborns) just to find out that the nurse or lab contaminated the sample and she didnt actually have an infection. The process of having a baby in america is grueling i would love be able to live abroad but i dont think i could afford it or be that far from family but i completely understand your concerns.

muneca0214- Welcome! Dont worry we are all a little nuts :) It does sound a little early for symptoms but you could have O'd sooner then you think. Are you + you o'd 4 days ago?

Took another FRER this morning and starting to loose hope :( dont understand how i could have symptoms but no + tests.. idk.

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Ladies, I have more promising news! I have been having lowerback aches and cramping all morning. I also felt a wave of tiredness that came on so fast, it was like a ran into a brick wall! I am tired and feel tingly all over, like I am on some kind of medication...strange, but that is how I feel. Like when you have an IV and a substance is flowing through your viens and it tingles. Probably just in my head. I'm losing it.

I have been studying for a certification test for my job and thought the studying was the reason for my tiredess, so I decided to go get lunch and pick up some FRERs in the event I wanted to test later. While at Wal-Mart, I picked up a Twix Candy those.

On the way home I decided to snack on my Twix and it tasted like soap! I thought....I must be pregnant because my taste buds are jacked! As soon as I got in the door I grabbed a FRER and POAS. Within 3 minutes a faint pink line popped up! I still can't believe it. I posted it under my HPT Images, so let me know if you can see the line too.

I know it is still early, but if this is my , I hope this little one sticks! I also bought a digital test 5-pack ad will try to resist the temptation to test until tomorrow morning. I will also try not to tell DH until I am sure.

There is still hope! and to everyone! I'll be sure to keep you posted! Thanks for the encouragement and laughs, you all have kept me going.

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11 years ago

I really should have checked this yesterday!! My eyes bugged out when I realized I had to catch up up on 3 pages!!! Oh, and I cant believe over 10000 views!!!!!!!!!! Feel sooo much better today! No more burning and bladder cramps/pain is gone. Going to continue drinking cranberry juice for a few more days and keep an eye on myself. Tested this morning to be on safe an indent. Gonna post pic. I'll test again in a couple more days if no AF. Seems silly but feeds my POAS addiction ! BTW- loved the ribbon!!! Haha!
@Shay- I hate the month of Nov! I lost my other grandpa and my brother in law a week before year apart. It's like Thanksgiving is cursed in my family! I dread it cause I'm waiting for someone else to kick the can! The day after I can take a deep breath and put up the Christmas tree! I've tried holding my pee for an evening test before...I thought I was going to pee down my leg after an hour!
In reference to what you were saying about wishing eachother mornings full of vomit ..I bet we would have been burned at the stake in Salem!!
And lastly in response to your Csection post lol- They were probably nice to you also cause they were scared crappless that you'd sue!!!

@Phat-I saw something on your FRER's too! To me they looked more pink. I'm so happy you're still with us!! Even though this is just an online forum...we've changed eachother's lives for the better. Dont know what we'd do without you! Love you Phat!! God has you here for a reason...sounds morbid..but dont check out early, otherwise I may have to come slap you in your casket! The unicorns farting rainbows makes me think of Horton Hears A Who..."everyone eats rainbows and poops butterflies'!

@mommy925- it depends on your normal cycle..count back 14 days from first day of last period. That's when you normally O. Depending when you're due to may have already O'd.

HOLLY!! WOOHOO!!! My friend's fiance told me that when you're pregnant, you feel a warm tingly sensation all over! Dont know why he'd know since he's a guy LOL but sounds good!!! Gonna look at you test when I post this.

@Muneca-WELCOME! I see you have decided to commit yourself to the asylum. lol! Are you 100% sure you ovulated 4 days ago? Maybe you O'd sooner! As I said earlier..wishing you mornings full of vomit!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I have got to tell y'all about the dumbest thing! I was scrolling through the hpt's, and I wasn't looking at who posted or anything, just voting, so I looked at this negative test, and I thought, "That really looks positive to me!". It was my own test. ROFL!!!!

11 years ago

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