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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Wild afternoon. I had a feeling, so I POAS and had a + OPK. I had kind of resigned myself to being out this cycle, but my mind and body went ballistic at the thought of skipping 1 of my six remaining pre 45 yo cycles.

So this is 1pm on an 85 degree Friday afternoon in NY and I have no appointment and no sperm left! After I realized crying was not helping me, I made a lot of phone calls and faxed a lot of forms. Sooo, 6 am tomorrow I am off to Manhattan to pick up some sperm and bring it to Manhasset in Long Island, get a sonogram to be sure, and have an IUI. But I am so relieved I am not missing the chance with this egg!!! even though I could not medicate b/c of the cyst. And even though I am starting to think it's all kind of futile in my case. A DE is in my future more than likely.

I don't know that they are checking for cysts, Mandy, or they just find them. I am not really sure what the reason for the CD 25 appointment is. So far, it's been to tell me I am not pregnant and give me my Femara scrip.

8 years ago

Hello there lovelies. Please forgive my absence, I've been trying desperately to keep busy and avoid thought about TTC but alas, I can't. And it's probably because of the way my boobs feel. I usually get some tenderness after O, but they would probably be almost back to normal by this time in my cycle. Idk how to explain "pregnant boobs" to someone who has never had them, but as of 3 days ago - it feels like I have pregnant boobs. They hurt so bloody bad that I begged DH not to touch them AT ALL last night while we were BD. And the super weird part is that the left one hurts way worse than the right one. Idk if it's because my left side was always the "better" side while I was nursing, or what. They're swollen, too. Now as a member of the board of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, they haven't swollen up 2 cup sizes like most women's do, but they're swollen for me! I've also had some killer congestion, too. I have POAS a few times, but always gotten the infuriating but yesterday morning's FMU produced this:
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Of course when I saw these I ran out and got more tests, but they were stark white BFNs. So I give the hell up.

It's so good to finally hear from everyone. I'm not going to do individual replies, since there were too many to do so without writing a damn novel! I will say that you, Ms NightSpyder (if you are indeed talking about the Spyder that has 8 legs) are not human, and must be destroyed. Totally kidding! Welcome, whether you're TTC or not!


8 years ago

Starting to get worried .. I thought it had seemed too easy (physically) after the d&c. Very minimal bleeding & cramps that weren't too horribly bad. Last night I was woken with unbearable cramps!! I just rolled into a ball & rocked & prayed, it went on like that for about 20 minutes then It felt like I was gushing so I ran to the bathroom. There wasn't much blood but there was HUGE clots! I'm talking like the size of my palm!! After that the cramps quit until this morning. They keep going on & off, double me over can't move can't do anything then pass more giant clots & then they quit again. As of right now though they seem to be on again more than off. Is this normal? I figured all of this would've been directly after the d&c, all I had then was very light spotting for 2 days, the nothing for a few days, then spotting again. Today makes 9 days since the d&c, I would've thought that there wouldn't be much that much left after the procedure. Should I call the Dr? Or is it all within normal? I'm worried that they either didn't get everything out or infection .. I just want this to finally be over!!!!

8 years ago

@latetothegame- that would be amazing if your insurance covered IVF! Hope everything is going smoothly with your IUI today. Be safe while traveling!

It's interesting how some girls get cysts and others dont. I always had ultrasounds with my treated cycles and since I never had cysts, my doctor just kept giving me more clomid. I think I've done 11 cycles of clomid in the past few years. And 70% of that was back to back lol. I'm really shocked I never developed them.

@xomandy- would love to cook for you :) lol. I'm making salmon with a siracha cream sauce tonight that tastes like a $30 sushi roll :). But only $10 for 2 plates :).

@pippyh- Welcome hun! Oh i know, I remember when we first started ttc a few years back, everytime I'd get a little nauseous, I'd start going a 'bit' crazy wondering if I was pregnant. Well dh basically said I was nuts and imagining it and I went all angry miss piggy on him. LOL! Probably had steam coming out of my ears too .

@2frsty- Oh man! I got so excited to see those faint lines on your posts but then I read underneath . How many dpo are you?

@jace'smama- first off, let's get to your cramping and clots. Large clots like that can be normal a week or so after dnc. But as long as you dont constantly feel like you're going to pass out from the pain, it's normal. The horrible cramping was just the clot passing through your cervix....freaking hurts!! This is how you know if you need to see a doctor....
-what I said about the large clots.
-24/7 painful cramping
-filling a pad less than every hour
-foul odor coming from discharge or bleeding (sign of infection).
As long as you dont have these 4, everything is normal but call a doctor if you are worried. But I know it's hard to do on saturdays.
I'm sure everything is normal though love. Keep me updated though.

Second- chicken patties were awesome LOL

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Thank you Tara for easing my mind some, I had been playing horrible possibilities over in my head! The cramping has lasted all day but the really unbearable pain hasn't lasted for over 20 minutes or so at a time.. I was mainly worried about the size of the clots! They scared me to death!!

8 years ago

I've read a lot about other girls having some freakishly big clots the days following. Just keep an eye on it. As long a you have no fever, no heavy bleeding between, not light headed or sick feeling, everything should taper off within the next week. If you start feeling sick, go to the ER but everything you're explaining sounds similar to what other girls had.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

I just realized I never told you guys about the 50th anniversary party! When it was over, that was when I found out about Jess and wanted to wait to tell you and completely forgot!
It was crazy and hectic but beautiful. We had so much food leftover.....6 big roasting pans of fried chicken. I swear they used godzilla chickens! The breasts were huge! I wound up shredding it up and now I have 8 pounds of frozen, shredded chicken for soups and chilis :). Everyone loved the decorations and my centerpieces. We're keeping the diy wedding arch to let others use in the future. Too pretty for firewood lol. Oh, the cake was a hit. Everyone was amazed the tiered cake was styrofoam inside (it was the talk of the evening) and the sheet cakes were SOOOOOO yummy. No kidding, I had 20 people contact me afterwards to rave about the cake and ask for my buttercream recipe. Barely had any cake left cause everyone wanted leftovers of it. My inlaws were so thankful and seeing my father in law choke up during his vows made it all worth it :). But I'm glad it's over lol!
I'll post a pic of the cake in a bit.... :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hope I'm not bugging you guys with my posts today. I'm stuck at home and dh is busy so I'm bored lol! This pic was taken before I attached the peony to the cake. But its the best pic I have of it :)
[URL=]User Image[/URL]

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Wow!!!! That cake is AMAZING. & looks absolutely delicious! I'm so glad that all the stress & work that you put into planning it worked out perfectly. I knew you'd do amazing job!!

8 years ago

@Tara - don't know if this qualifies as a creeper but I saw your first & last name that showed in the link above your picture so I looked you up on Facebook!! Is that weird? Lol. I like to have be able to put a face to a name. They're were actually A LOT of them.. but I saw one that said works at jamberry & massage therapist & I thought that has to be her. Hope so anyway cuz I sent a friend request!!

8 years ago

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