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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thinking really good thoughts for you today, waitingonmymiracle!! Hope it goes well, let us know!

I feel out of the game this month but I'm off to get a pregnancy test since I'm 13 dpo... Yep. I'm going to be crazy by the time I get pregnant, and have kept pregnancy test companies in business. Lol

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

9 years ago

And it was a BFN. now I just need AF to show up sat/sun so I can get on to next round!

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

9 years ago

@jcbell- How long are your cycles normally? I used to go nuts wondering when/if I OV'd when i was diagnosed with pcos til I started doing my BBT. Every Morning when I wake up, I pop my bbt thermometer in my mouth and put the number in my countdown calendar. Now, when I OV, I always know. Does a great job at relieving the stress of not knowing.

@missdani- was it first morning urine?

Speaking of temp spike yet grrrr! I just have to keep reminding myself that it's normal to ovulate late after a m/c. But I'll get bloodwork and an ultrasound today so I'll know for sure what my ovaries are doing. I have to meet dh up there. I really wanted him to come home first and pick me up since I'm so nervous...I dont want to be alone. Even if it's only driving up there. But he's closer to the RE than me so it's seems silly to him to drive all the way home to get me then drive all he way back out there. So I have to leave here in a little over an tummy is knots . I wish I had a medical liason with me...aka all of you with me to back me up and help me not back down lol. Dh always just sits there and doesnt know what to say. Ugh...feel like I want to puke.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

It was first morning urine... Gah. I'm not too down about it. Only 2nd month ttc, and I've kept my hopes at getting pregnant by the end of the year- 9 months of ttc. Good thing is if that doesn't happen with my history of issues I can start doing fertility treatment options after the holidays. so, I just keep somewhat positive by saying well the goal is end of the year!

I'm sure your appointment will go well! We may not be there but we are all rooting for you :)

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

9 years ago

OK so I am not sure how long my cycle is because it kind of was off when I started having issues with my paraguard. It would start the last week of the month a sometimes go into the first week of the next month. Well I hadmy paraguard removed April 20 and my cycle started on the first of May. I only started trying this month so I dont I am going to that lucky. We have been doing the bd a lot this month and I had some cramping in my sides and lower abdomen but I have not seen any ewcm, which I have seen in the past. So I am starting to think my body is getting used to haveing the IUD removed.

Thanks for everyone taking the time to answer my concerns.

Babydust all around

9 years ago

So excited for you Tara!! Try not to be so nervous, he'll have some answers!

I feel so great today!! I just sent out 40 pounds of baby items to New York! Wow, that felt so good =) No matter what's been going on, how much stress I've been under - being able to help someone who truly needs it and appreciates it, well not much can beat it! Giving really can put you on cloud 9 :)

Sorry this months a bust missdani, on to the next!

jcbell, paraguard or any other type of bc can really mess with your cycles when coming off of it. It may take a few months to get your body back used to do everything on its own.

9 years ago

@Jace's, can you share the link to FB page? I tried finding it but a ton pulled up..

9 years ago

there you go Mandy! On Sunday's you can post 3 wishes, and grant others whenever you can! I haven't made any wishes yet but I've granted 1 and working on 2 more as soon as I get their address!

9 years ago

Hi ladies,
I've been off the grid trying to regroup from feeling down. Waking up @ 5am to do my bbt and seeing these bfn is getting tiresome.

Glad to see I'm not the only one.
@ Jace's mom I love the giving idea.
@ Tara - no I haven't tried the progesterone yet. The acupuncture is suppose to help my body naturally produce more. I go to the doctor next Thursday and hopefully they will test my levels. How was your appt today?

9 years ago

DH surprised me by coming home extra early and driving me. Got there right on time after hitting traffic whew! We were put into his actual office with comfy chairs. He came in, shook our hands and jumped in head first. He hadnt looked over our files completely so he was curious as to why I looked depressed. Told him it's been a long journey. He started off by asking what we knew to be causing our issues with infertility. Then began my 20 minute monologue of our 3 year journey. As I talked you could see his heart break more and more for us. He hadnt see the miscarriage info yet cause it was buried deeper in our paperwork (3 years is a big file). By the time I finished, my mouth was completely dried out! He could finally see why I seemed out of it when we first met. He was really blown away by how much I knew and he gave me a fist bump for being my own medical advocate for 3 years now. Then he got real with me...he told me that he can tell that I'm exhausted and that I've been carrying this weight around on my back for a long time. He then said, "You're not alone in this. You can rest now cause I've got this". I started crying and he handed me the tissues. He said that I have final say in everything but that he's going to take the weight off my back and be the help I've been looking for.
Dr Simckes said he looks at 4 major areas...Sperm, Egg, Meeting of the Two, and Sticking. Dh's morphology was a little low 3 years ago and he wanted to redo the test and actually look at the swimmers himself. So poor dh got to jizz in a cup again ROFL! As far as my eggs go...there's always the possibility of the pcos just affecting my eggs but he doesnt think this is my issue since my levels have been so good. The Meeting of the Two we know works. He said dh is "great at knocking me up" lol! He's got a good sense of humor. But he whole heartedly believes that my issue stems from implantation. He's not sure if it's only the mthfr but he does believe it's part of it. My obgyn didnt test me for as many issues as he thinks she should have even though he's a fan of my obgyn. So tomorrow I have to have some bloodwork drawn. Their nurse that does the bloodwork had left so they had to send me to the lab by my house which closed before we could get to it . But I'm being tested for some different stuff I wasnt before and based on that he's also going to test me for celiac disease and autoimmune disorders. But no matter what, he's going to treat me like I have an autoimmune issue attacking my babies.
Umm....oh, he did an ultrasound himself. He said my lining was great and I'd probably be ovulating soon but when he checked my ovaries...I knew the second I saw the maturing follicles...ZIP! My heart sank. Not sure if my switch that came on last month that made me ovulate on time and get pregnant just switched off or it's just screwed up from my miscarriage a couple weeks ago . Broke my heart to see nothing in my ovaries but pcos cysts. I was really hoping that vitex and myo inositol was my missing link. My reproductive system is a butthead. Anyways, he said that what he really wants to do is jump in head first and start me on clomid mid-cycle (which is safe and Re's do it a lot). He'd have me on heparin injections as well for the mthfr and a high dose of immune suppressants. BUT he also said that he wants to do more diagnostics cause it'd kill him if I miscarried again and he missed something cause he just wanted to jump in a fix me. He gave me final say but when he saw my face as I tried to decide what to do, he said, "you know what, you've had to decide enough already. I'm going to make the decision so you dont have to this time". So he's going to take his time and be responsible. It's funny cause you can tell he's so excited about my solving my case and helping me have my babies- no kidding this is what he reminded me of......
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So the game plan...if no temperature spike by Monday (highly unlikely after doing the ultrasound) then I'll start prometrium for 10 days then have a withdrawal bleed. Then between cd7 and 12, I get to have surgery!!! Well technically an outpatient "operation". He's going to do a HSG (dye shot into my uterus and fallopian tubes to check for abnormalities with x-ray) and a Hysteroscopy and D&C where he'll srape out my endometrium and look at the inside of my uterus. He wants to make sure there is nothing causing implantation failure before starting treatment. Luckily with timing, I'll be on a week vacation then and I'll be able to rest and recover. So that'll be the week of June 15th. After that cycle off, we'll start another clomid cycle. I'll be watched very closely. I'll be on all my current meds minus vitex plus a special medication for testosterone issues, twice as much immune suppressants than my obgyn gave me and daily heparin injections into my abdomen.

One thing I loved was that he never pushed IVF. He said that he's seen other women with my exact issues just not as many miscarriages (mostly since I'm seeing after 3 years rather than 1) and only 4 of them ever needed IVF. He said that the heparin plus immune suppressants seem to be the proper equation and he'll figure out mine too. So he said there's no need to think of IVF yet. Thank the Lord!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

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