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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi poetta :). I guess your post is addressed to me. That first post I made was 3 years ago lol...and yep, I'm still here crazy as ever! lol (fyi- turned out I had pcos and have been ttc every since).
15-16dpo? I bet you are going crazy! Do you think you may have ovulated a couple days later than usual? I know exactly how you feel. I'm always afraid to test and see a negative. I actually lay in bed some mornings, holding my bladder til it's painful cause I'm afraid to test lol . Dont give up honey!

Well, my inositol is still at the post office . So tomorrow I'll be anxiously waiting!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning Ladies!
Finally a sunny day in Germany! The Country is great but the weather sucks! :))

Tara, i do take Baby Aspirin (doc said it can't hurt) and folic acid 5 mg / day. I did go here to a specialist (hematologist) and he researched a lot in magazines and Internet and he also made at least 50 other blood tests related to my mutations. All he discovered was this shitty Insulin resistance... i found something really interesting yesterday: Looks like there are some natural pills with cinnamon extract and alpha lipoic acid that really helps with Insulin resistance. I plan on asking about those. Not going to take it for now because i am already on this myo-inositol and i don't want to mix w/o doc's approval.

poetta, i would test with FMU. I was also 3 days late this month but unfortunately my bfn was correct.

ELG, welcome! 10 dpo is a little early, i never had a bfp at 10 dpo... just give it another couple of days.

xomandy, on Monday i will be cd11. Based on how big my follicles are i will probably have a new scan on wednesday/thursday + injection. I really have no idea... it is probbaly the first time when i don't know everything and when i have no exact plan. This drives me crazy. :)))

A friend of mine told me that Clomid affects the endometrium and suggested i should drink Lady Mantel Tea... it helps.

Well, that's it for now from me, i will send my a** to work now :))))

Wish you all a great day and lots of Baby dust!

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9 years ago

@astrid- I did cinnamon in the beginning to naturally bring down my insulin levels. It worked too!!! I bought a gel pill making kit online, along with gel caps and cinnamon and was able to make hundreds of cinnamon pills for cheap. I stopped taking them though after I went on metformin. My insulin levels were actually normal on cinnamon but they put me on metformin to see if it would help with miscarriges. Like you, I was afraid cinnamon would drop my blood sugar too much when paired with metformin.
Oh, your friend is right . Some ladies get a thinner uterine lining when on clomid. Some girls on here that took it had too thin a lining and some wound up with a thick, cushy lining. Me being one. It's amazing how different we react to meds. I never heard of the tea trick...I'll have to keep that one in mind!
My inositol sat at the post office all day yesterday ...BOO! lol. But it should be delivered today . I get so excited about new ttc things lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Update: got my inositol! Took my first dose. Tastes a bit like powdered sugar lol. But I learned I need to really stir it up well otherwise it leaves a peroxide after taste lol
My tailbone is killing me tonight. I feel so sexy asking dh to make a makeshift donut pillow

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Tara, in my part of the world they call the Lady mantel tea - "happy Uterus tea" :))))))))))))) i will give it a try. 2-3 Cups of tea a day after Ovulation won't kill me. :)
I also started Aloe Vera Juice, 2-3 sips a day b4 eating. I also take Omega 3 and i am thinking about starting nettle extract (helps with detox).

Wish you all a great day and lots of Baby dust!

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9 years ago

Hey Tara do you know how they test for endometriosis at all? I hate my family doctor she freaks me out lol

9 years ago

@astrid- I'd love to try aloe vera juice. It sounds so refreshing but I'm scared it would taste like sunburn gel LOL.

@sugaarplum- It's called a Laparoscopy. After putting you under general anesthesia, they make 3 very small incisions around your belly button. They then insert a small camera through one hole, and tools through the others. Then air is pumped in to inflate your abdomen and pelvic area. That way they can clearly see all around your organs including your uterus. If they find endometriosis, they can use their tools to help remove it. Then they remove as much air as they can and stitch your incisions. There is some recovery time involved. Some say they try to take off at least a few days. It's not totally invasive but they say there is discomfort from any air still trapped in the abdomen and how much work they have to do. The only things holding me back is it will still cost me $500 or so with insurance and I can't keep surgery a secret from my family. My family still doesnt know about our infertility and 4 of our losses. I'd have to fill them in and after 3 years, I cant just drop that kind of bomb on them at the dinner table
The only downside of the doesnt last forever. Endometrosis has an ugly habit of growing back.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

It's 11:50am where I'm you think it's too early for a drink?
Just one of those days....
How's everyone else's friday going?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Nope! Not too early at all :-) I kinda want one myself.

My Friday is good so far, my week has been pretty crappy so I'm glad today is good. Only negative is we might not get to do an IUI this month. We just found out hubby has to be out of town Thursday and its mandatory and we can't reschedule that meeting. Thursday is when I know the Dr is going to want to do the IUI cause he doesn't do them on Wednesdays. Sooooooo I am going to try and see if he will let me trigger Wednesday and IUI Friday but I read that you ovulate naturally 5-8 days after your last pill and mine will be today which puts Friday at 7 days and that is pushing it! I dunno, I will see what he says Monday. Kinda bummed since this was our last IUI for a couple months. My choice and I'm sticking to it! After 4 consecutive months of fertility drugs I want a break and I know my ovaries and hormones do too LOL

9 years ago

@xomandy- that made me anxious just reading it lol

Today started off weird! Woke up to my brother in law telling me that my nephew got out the door and across the street while he was in the bathroom this morning. But then he left and forgot to make sure the cat didnt get out. SOOOO...dh and I had to drive to my sister's house straight out of bed to make sure the cat was still inside. He was. Then we came back here, had breakfast, dh did yardwork while I did laundry, then we delivered the Frozen cake to the birthday party that we stayed at for 3 hours. Then the 4yr birthday girl from that party went missing and showed up 3 houses down and no one knew she was missing. What is up with that theme today?
My friend and I talked about AFs today and I wish had a regular cycle like her. Gosh darnit...I just want to ovulate. I've been reading stuff of pcos girls online and they talk about ovulating on cd 19 and how they consider that late. I wish! Now were back home resting before going to dh's parents' house for dinner....I cant wait for bedtime!!!'s my frozen cake!...
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Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

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