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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I wasn't going to buy anymore and I haven't but my friend came through earlier and just happen to have an extra EPT handy so of course I couldn't resist, I took it a few minutes ago with non held in pee and got an almost immediate faint skinny line that faded but under light i could make out a thicker very very faint positive. But FRERs still aren't showing so i guess its a waiting game. In the last hour my abs just feel like i've done a hundred crunches and my lower back aches. Its been aching for over a week now, kinda just forget about it. Sat can't come soon enough!

Nikki DB is Big D, D for short haha. Trying for my first! Trying to survive the TWW!

11 years ago

Lammy and Kadoshke, you both seem to have some good symptoms! I was pregnant previously, but lost the baby in a miscarrage, but early on, I had pain/twinges in my pubic area. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before, so that is very good you are experiencing that. My fingers crossed for both of you and the rest of the gang. May we all get 's this round! and to all!

As for me, I'm just a few DPO and I swear I'm having symptoms. I am cramping as if AF wants to start, but I think its far too soon to know. Also, I am experiencing lower back pain. Oh and the belching, indegestion, and flatulence...priceless. I typically would be excited, but for the last two months I have been convinced I was pregnant just to be let down after a mountain (and trust me a mountain) of 's. Last month I was obsessed with testing like a madwoman buying all of the dollar store tests I could find and this month I am obsessed with reading about early symptoms! I am searching the internet far and wide in search of something to substantiate what I think I feel. I have told DH I thought I was pregnant each month (2xs now) and this month, I am not saying jack! I am going to wait until I can present him with a (very positive) !

It really makes me wonder if what they say is true...the find has so much power that the more we think we are pregnant, the more signs we start to exhibit. This month DH and I 'd many times before and after my scheduled time for my O, so if I O'd, this should be our month. I know this is only our 3rd round, but I'm ready to get pregnant already! We were about to plan a vacaiton for the end of December out of the country and I was all set to buy tickets and then I thought...if I am 5 or 6 months pregnant I may not want to go then. So, I am going to hold off on the vacay.

I can't thank all of you enough for your support! Reading your posts helps to remind me that I'm not the only one who is obsessing over this. OCBFP Disorder!

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11 years ago

Holly if you end up being 5 or 6 most pregnant that's the best time during pregnancy to go on vacay. Book it!

11 years ago

holly i swear i think im preganat every month just to be let down not long till due im so scared that this month i'll be let down again TTC is starting to take its toll on me this month i think it hurts more as we got married a month ago today ( it went too quick ) and it was a very happy day and we have a lovely new home a house that feels like a home we are both just so happy atm but just feel like something is missing . my heart is craving a child so much i feel like im in my own little bubble most of the time . my emoticons are deffo all over the place .

i really dont know how some of u lady do this for so long i really admire you

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11 years ago

i found some poems i would like to share

Here i am waiting, 13 dpo
Wondering if the evil af will show
My bb's feel big...wait! now they feel small
I wonder if i can have a baby at all!
These cramps i feel, what do they mean?
Will i soon become the pms queen?
Some days i cry and feel so blue
And sniffle to dh, what can we do?
Now we make some phone calls, and ask around
Who's the best RE or MD in town?
Please stop this mad ride, i've had enough
The monthly let down is really quite rough!
Well, tomorrow A.M. upon a stick i will pee
Please, God, send me a + hpt!

The Great Pretender

Shopping around and having fun,
Little shoes and hats for the sun...
Wrapped in pink or baby blue,
But none for me... All for you.

Tiny shoes, she'll be in style,
When I see them I give you a smile.
But it tears my heart in two...
Still none for me... all for you.

I rub your bellies when you come around,
Pretending all day that I'm not feeling down.
I'll never let you see the truth...
It hurts to know it's all for you.

I pray everyday up to Him,
"Please know I'm happy for them,
But there is no other lesson to learn.
When, dear God, will it be my turn?"

The DPO Blues

Woke up this morning
My bbs were still sore
Wondern' if its all in my head
Maybe I am....
Then again maybe I'm not
Oh yeah, I got the dpo blues

I hope auntie stays away
But if her dog Spot
Comes for a visit
What will it mean?
Implantation or not?
I think I'm goin' crazy!

Feelin' a little crampy
Or maybe just crabby
Are my temps going to stay up?
Oh this roller coaster sucks
I've got the dpo blues!!

â??One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time.â??

â??God, grant us the...
Serenity to accept things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
Patience for the things that take time,
Appreciation for all that we have, and
Tolerance for those with different struggles.
Freedom to live beyond the limitations of our past ways, the
Ability to feel your love for us and our love for each other and the
Strength to get up and try again even when we feel it is hopeless.â??

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11 years ago

Lammy, I concur with everything you have said! DH and I just had our one year anniversary this month! So, I was hoping to be pregnant by now. I tell you, I never thought it would be so difficult once we started to try. You often hear about those who get their the first try and the more I hear about those....I start to wonder if their is anything preventing us from conceiving? Then I tell myself not to worry so much, but it is hard not to. I find myself staring at the ceiling when I should be fast asleep monitoring every little movement (tug, pull, ache, pain, burp, etc.) for just a hint that this is my time! I'm also carefully examining the tissue when I go to the bathroom looking for CM or implantation bleeding, or anything. I should be thankful it has only been a couple of months of trying...I do feel for those whose journey has been longer. It is taking its toll on me already. I have to laugh to keep from ing.

Thanks for the poems! They are great encouragement!

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11 years ago

So, I have been reading this topic for about a week now, all the way back from the beginning and I guess I feel like I should say something and not just stalk y'all. I am 12 dpo right now. I am probably out this month because I have had some light spotting yesterday and today. I had a huge temp drop yesterday and it went back up today so, I guess I am still hopeful... I think I may be wearing google out with amount of times I have googled specific symptoms trying to figure out if what I am "feeling" is something! It is making me feel like an insane person. So, thanks for the laughs as I have read this 37 page book the last few days!

11 years ago

Welcome canzis8386! I was a stalker for a while myself. I finally broke my silence, but didn't post much because I didn't have a laptop set up and the smart phone and tablet took too much effort for me to reply. however, now I think I am in full swing...

Like you I am a Google Scholar! I have Googled symptoms too many times to count. As I sit here typing I feel a slight pain in my left ovary along with some lowerback cramps. Guess I will Google that to see if it is a sign

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11 years ago

welcome canzis

update shooting nipple pain is back and sickness and feeling hot is driving me nuts i just wanna know one way or other its 3.30 am wed 15th here so im due tomorrow the 16th so hoping i will get a answer soon

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11 years ago

Shay - #45421 - whatcha think? Positive or not? Bahahahaha

Lammy - good luck tomorrow!

Welcome aboard newcomers!

11 years ago

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