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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Sugaarplum- when I got my bfp. I really didn't have many symptoms, increase in cm and crampy, but they only got stronger the further I got. It's really hard to base whether you are pregnant off of symptoms, progesterone gives off very similar symptoms. I had plenty of different cycles and my bfp cycle wasn't all that different. My bfp month I would've thought for sure af was coming except I got my bfp 10 dpo. Good luck!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

9 years ago

It is impossible isnt it, gotta hate sure is different for me this month..Fingers cropped it is implantation and not , because if it is, it's going to be one heck of a painful one lol..

9 years ago

It is definitely possible, but something I learned is the list of symptoms on here aren't very accurate for early pregnancy. I didn't have morning sickness til week 7 or 8. One of them is also an increase in visible veins and that didn't happen til the end of the first trimester. I think they are just general pregnancy symptoms that can happen at anytime not just early. I tried to stay away from symptom spotting because it can make you crazy and its just not very accurate because when you are pregnant or just pmsing progesterone causes a lot of the symptoms either way, you don't get the real deal pregnancy symptoms until your hcg has increased a lot.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

9 years ago

I really appreciate the support. 20 minutes ago I had a very scant amount of pink cm on the toilet paper. I'm hopeful it's a good sign.

9 years ago

Thanks for the advice I'm going back to see my doc in a month bc he is monitoring my kidney function thanks to metformin! I gained 13lbs in 2 weeks and had to stop the metformin and go on lasix. He wanted me to go on name brand glucophage but my insurance company says that PCOS is an off label use and won't pay for it so we are trying to resubmit the prior authorization with the diagnosis of insulin resistance without elevated blood sugars (it has an actual name but I can never remember it lol.) I'm struggling withy weight right now and that's driving me just as crazy as the waiting. I'm not concerned about my actual weight right now. I've always been a little on the skinny side of normal, but I've put on too much too fast and I feel just horrible. No energy at all, not really conducive to having a very active 7 year old! Any of you had any success with a plan to maintain a healthy weight with PCOS?

9 years ago

@sugaar- Our bodies suck. At least mine does. I've learned over the past 2 1/2 years. Progesterone does funky things to the body. But bfp cycles, I knew I was! Mostly cause after being pregnant 5 times, you start to know. lol. Waiting for update.

@PCOS-ttc#2- I've been on metformin for 2 years now. I was borderline diabetic/insulin resistant. Before I went on metformin, I wanted to lose weight myself. So I drastically cut my carb intake. In about 5 months, I lost 25 lbs (172-147lbs). I learned that pcos causes our bodies to not process sugar the way it should. Most people, sugar is processed for energy and burned off. For PCOSers, our bodies hold onto almost ALL the sugar. That's why it's so hard for us to lose weight or keep it off. Think of it this way...carbs are fuel on the fire. Best thing to do is cut the carbs as much as possible and dh and I went for a 2 mile walk around the block in the evening. It was awesome cause we got to talk the whole time instead of just staring at the tv. After the 10% of my weight was gone, my bloodwork was all normal but I was put on metformin anyways to help out and reduce my m/c chances. So now, my bloodwork is perfect. I'm also eating 75% paleo. I aim for non carb dinners and I surprisingly dont miss pasta. That's a shocker for me...I'm italian!!! lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Got a bfp this morning!! I'm trying very hard not to freak out that I'm going to lose it like the last two.. Scared :( but at least now I have a better understanding of why I was such a hormonal/emotional mess on Saturday when I found out about my coworker!! Praying that the next few weeks pass quickly. My doctor still won't see me before 8 weeks unless something happens.. That Is a little irritating after 2 miscarriages.. :P

9 years ago

Congratulations s.taggart910 best of luck!!!

9 years ago

Yay, a BFP! Congrats. And super sticky baby dust to you s.taggart

Afm dpo 10 had nothing to say, then I Started crying when I heard a song, then cried harder realizing I'm probably pmsing already, I pms from 7-10 days, AF would be due 7-8 days from today :P

9 years ago

Oh congratulations!!!!! Stick baby stick!!!!

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9 years ago

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