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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey athena,
just love your fact sheet about twins.just noticed your due date is my wedding anniversary thanks for the present lol

10 years ago

Ok ladies I have a question. Can travel meaning crossing timezones and the dateline make your period early. Both times I travelled overseas this time and on my honeymoon, I was exactly 1 week early. I am now 4 dyas late.

10 years ago

Mandy - nothing has changed with my situation. Still bd'ing infrequently, so that cuts my chances down to like 1/2 of a % every month.

Athena - I qualify for every one of the twin things except that I'm Caucasian, I'm not a twin & I'm not undergoing fertility treatment. My granny (mom's mom)had 2 sets of fraternal twins out of 10 children, I'm fat, I'm tall, I'm old, and I've had 5 prior pregnancies (confirmed). I thought a lot about that with LO. My hcg was pretty high early on, so I thought maybe it could be twins, then the ultrasound tech thought she saw 2, and my husband almost pooped his pants. Heehee. If I end up having twins one of you will have to adopt onebecause I am not mentally equipped to deal with multiples. I believe I would have to be admitted to a long-term facility or hire an au pair.

Since my last post I had more creamy cm that was enough to show on my tp, I'm nauseous & I had another - test.

10 years ago

Mandy - heavy question about the dateline. I have no idea. Oh, and yes I'm taking hpt's. I think I'm 8dpo.

10 years ago


First off , I must say that I really love my Dr and the connection we have. She's a winner.....Ok, so we discussed my age: since I turned 35 in September 2013, I asked her how I'd know that my eggs were sufficient. To determine this she suggested the FSH test, which I'll have blood drawn for on Monday, (Cycle day 4). Also, my DH is turning 47 in a few months so she also suggested that he schedules a semen analysis to make sure he's ok too. She provided the referral so we'll have an appt for that scheduled by this coming Wednesday.

She told me that as women age, sometimes our cycles will shorten or be extended. So in this case, my cycle has shortened to 24 days. Who knows if it'll remain regulated as such or do something funny the next time. Guess I'll find out.

She also said that she was shocked that my cycle returned immediately after the Mirena removal, being that I ovulated during the time that I should have. She assured me that even if timing is right and all is okay with both myself and my DH, that it can still take (3) cycles.

Since the DH and I only wanted to TTC by JULY2014, I wanted to get more insight on what lies ahead and to get a head start on making sure the DH and I are all clear. That way, if there's an issue, we're not wasting 2-3 months before finding out. #BeingProactive

In the meantime, I'm just gearing up to try again this cycle, which is right around the corner. The witch should be all clear and gone by Tuesday, Yes!!!

let's go ladies...I'm claiming all BFP's this cycle..That's a lot of LOL

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10 years ago

Thank you my lady loves! You're so supportive . is the 3 month mark since my kitty passed and 2 year mark of TTC. Never thought I'd see this day. But we're going to head to my mom's and watch the last Twilight film together and have chinese and some leftover Christmas cookies. Gonna enjoy myself before the specialist tells me no more carbs LOL. I am doing pretty good though. All the meals I cook at home I've made paleo. Still trying to get used to just meat, veggies and fruit. But I tell you what...we've had some YUMMY meals! The other night I put some chicken tenderloins into a baking dish, poured diced tomatoes and green chiles over it. And sprinkled chopped onions, cumin, chili powder and S&P over it. Cooked that then made a salad with romaine, diced mango, and avocado and then shredded the cooked chicken and added it as well...Enchilada Salad!

@mandy- I was wondering how confusedttc was too. As far as the timezone thing goes...there has been studies that show that it can affect your luteal phase. But not sure it would affect it by that much.

@pisces- Hey sweetheart! I'm hanging in there. Going to the specialist on the 10th. Praying for my miracle babies soon! Hope you're well too. And yes, I miss you too!

@phat- I'm sorry love. I hope it's just too early . I believe Pisces is in Texas last I remember.

@babymagic- I'm glad it went so well hun! Having a dr you like makes all the difference. I remember phat saying that with age, the luteal phase can get shorter. I hope all the tests turn out good!

As far as twins goes...there is no known history in my family. So I'd be the first..but then again, I'm the only one that has needed fertility medication!
My mom never had a problem, my oldest sister got knocked up 3 times on accident (by 2 different guys), and my other sister only tried 3 months before getting pregnant. She has pcos I was shocked that it's sooo hard for me. The only known one that had difficulty is my cousin with pcos. She tried almost 3 years with each of her daughters. It's nice to have her to talk to as well.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Waiting I am really sorry about your kitty. I havent been on for quite a while so I didnt know.
I didnt thi k that it could effect it that much either travelling that is. My cycle was always spot on u til I started the I.v.f and then she went I to hiding.
I have had some whacky cycles since. If I am not consciencly ttc its fine but when we are it plays funny buggers with me.
today is will be 5 day's late, not pregnant and dont feel either that I am or im not. Also I am turning 47 next week so could be that.
piscies- athena mentioned you were taking ovaboost can I ask how you are finding it, I was thinking of giving it a go.

10 years ago

Confused was my friend on fb but her account is gone. Hopefully she will contact me

10 years ago

Wellll...this morning's test is darker. I didn't sleep well at all last night, so it's a 6hr hold. Trying not to get excited until I see marked progression, but it's hardnot to. I almost threw up this morning when I opened my coffee canister. :-) Holly - that's my version of your Twix test. AF is still 5 days away at the earliest which means I nailed my O date if I am preg. I'm hoping it means I had a very fast-swimming boy sperm. The anticipation is killing me! I posted my test at 10min & at 30min if anybody wants to look at it.

Tara - I'm waiting to IM you because I know you sleep late & I think we have an hour time difference.

10 years ago

Hi phat,
I had a look at your hpt pics there certainly is a line. I have everything crossed for you that it keeps getting darker.i am currently 5 days late with a negative hpt

10 years ago

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