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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies, been a while. just been busy with working and trying to play catch up on bills. Hope all is well. I'm doing much better, looking on the bright side of things. And i'm speaking with an old friend who has had his eye on me for some years

10 years ago

Tara how was the acupuncture?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Weeeeeelllllllll....I dont know.
It was fun. She did some cupping to my back to help with tension and inserted needles at the top of my head, between my eyes, ears, fingers, overtop of my uterus, and in my feet. It didnt hurt..just a little stick. I'd rather do that than pluck my eyebrows! It was relaxing and I laid there just talking to God...and dh who was sitting next to me.

She was very relaxed but also seems very......I dont know how to explain it. She seemed unsure and confused by me. I know acupuncture is touch and go depending on where you are in your cycle but I got the feeling like I was the worst case scenario she doesnt think it'll help. Dh felt the same way. Just left feeling kinda hopeless. I dont want to continue with her if she isnt going to be positive about treating me. Part of me feels like...what's the point?

Did some research on Parints. It's a place my dr is referring me to. It's a home-like facility for couples on a budget trying to conceive. Nurse practicioners trained in fertility treatments, work under my drs orders. They can perform more treatments than my dr can at her office. A specialist is $300-500 for the first visit...this place is only $95. So we may try that if this round doesnt work. I hate saying that, cause I know instead I should speak faith and trust God will keep his promise.

@praying4- i'm so sorry about your chemical honey

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Pics dh took...
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Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

@waiting, try to be positive. I know it's hard but stressing out it's not going to help us get that baby bump we so desire. Trust me I know how you feel. Half the time, I think why do I even bother but I think it's all going to be worthy in the end. I know that you have PCOS and I have found that this website has a lot of information on fertility so if you have a minute take a look, it may give you information and lead you in the right track. In the meantime, I will keep you and all the ladies in my prayers. Have a good night.

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10 years ago

Sent an email to the acupuncturist telling her how I felt and that she seemed unsure....this was her response...
"I think you are pretty spot on with your assessment. PCOS is a challenge. It is not so much that I am unsure about the treatments, as unsure of the outcome. A lot of it It depends on how your body responds, as well as how patient and dedicated you are.

For this cycle,we will work with the phases of your cycle to support ovulation and a healthy conception. It is pretty straightforward.

If you don't conceive this cycle, we move on to the work of strengthening and nourishing the body. I have successfully worked with women with PCOS. Others have not conceived with my treatment alone, and have gone on to IVF. Since you have taken Clomid for ten cycles, and your body has been working pretty hard to produce those eggs, it may take several months for you to start ovulating on your own. The formula I talked with you about, Jade Pearl, has been formulated especially for women with PCOS, so it has a variety of actions: dispelling damp, regulating and nourishing the qi and blood, unblocking the channels, It works on the thickened ovarian capsule and gets things moving in sluggish ovaries. In addition, we will probably need to add the other formula for tonifying the yin that I mentioned. It will probably be Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, or a similar formula. If we can get your cycles somewhat regular, we may use the third group of formulas I mentioned, the ones that change throughout the cycle. Even if you do not have regular cycles, or a great looking chart, you can still get the release of eggs and positive pregnancy test. We will support this with acupuncture, especially stimulating the ovaries.

Diet and exercise are really important. I know that making peace with the metabolism you have and staying away from those starches your body is always asking for can be the hardest part, but it is an essential part. The exercise and diet are important because the acupuncture and herbs can help with ovarian function, but not with the insulin resistance a lot of patients with PCOS have.

Thanks for asking the question. "

I understand where she is coming from but I was telling dh that I've had a nagging feeling since my treatment. Cant put my finger on it but it's constantly on my mind. And usually when that happens it's one thing and one thing only...GOD! I'm a christian and Jesus is my life force, not qi. I use acupressure in my line of work but I dont view it as part of an energy network. However my acupuncturist is very big on yin/yang and qi and 'dispelling dampness'. Some might think I'm a wakko but I just have this feeling like I shouldnt be having this done by her. So I've looked into more acupuncturists and found a christian chiropractor MUCH closer to me that does fertility acupuncture. Planning on calling him tomorrow.

This so confusing.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara I think you should follow your heart. She doesn't sound like she is the most encouraging anyways and you want someone who believes what they are doing is going to help you because they're negative vibes will not help.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I'm back from my business trip!

Tara - glad you have some additional fertility options, but sorry the acupuncture was not quite what you wanted. I agree that you should follow your heart and do what you think is best.

I'll catch up with everyone else, but wanted to give a quick updated.

AFM - I'm 8DPO and 9dpiui. I really good about this month. I have sore boobs, lower back ache and light cramps, and am having crazy dreams. Last night I dreamed the actor Terrence Howard was bullying me and my family LOL. That is very weird because I don't even follow him closely.

I tested out my HCG trigger and received a negative test on Monday (morning and evening) and Tuesday morning. Last night I took another test and saw what looks like a little darker line. This morning's was about the same as last night. I was taking Wal-mart cheapies, so I decided to take my first FRER today, so I would have something to compare it to tomorrow. The FRER has a clear 2nd line. It I faint and won't show up on a photo. Fxd tomorrow I have good news to share. I sure hope that the HCG for the trigger is not still in my system and toying with my emotions!

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10 years ago

So excited for a certain someone that I could burst...well two certain someones! Ms Holly and Ms......I'm gonna let her update!

@holly- eeekkkk,,, ! Wish I could see your test!

Talked with the chiropractor's office. The dr is indeed a christian! Whoop whoop! I have an appointment tomorrow at 10:30 for a consult and possible acupuncture treatment. Consults are free! (The other acupuncturist charged me $30). Each session is $45 so same price as the other but about 1/3 the distance and less traffic. So we'll give this a go. I feel much better now....except now I have to tell the other one that I wont be coming anymore.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good evening all.

@waiting, I agree with Athena, you should always follow your heart and instincts. We, women, are very intuitive but tend to doubt ourselves often. So I'm glad you're following your heart and moving onto some one better suited for you.

@Holly, I'm new to this thread but have been following it for a while. FX it's great news. I know, from reading most of the posts here, that your road has been bumpy so I will be praying for you!

Have a blessed night!

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10 years ago

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