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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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It's quiet up in here.
Peed on a cheapy this morning and got a line within the time limit. So I went to pee on a $store test and the test line had a huge slit thru it. So instead I gave in and peed on an answer test...negative. Getting so frustrated at the large number of false+ I've had on different tests. Dh still thinks I am but he always does. Trying to have as much sex as possible for af monday.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Sorry it was not your BFP Athena. Hugs!

Waiting - I hope it is just early and you get your BFP tomorrow. I am also tired of Wondfos. If you look at my previous posts in the gallery, I have had several false positives with them. It makes me wonder if I had 'real wondfos' or some knockoffs!

AFM - I'm on CD 9. I finished my letrozole (femara) on CD 7. I took Bravelle (fsh) on CD 7 and 8 (150 ius each time). Yesterday, CD 8, I started etradiol (estrace). It is a little blue pill that I insert vaginally. I will be taking these until my RE tells me to stop. Let's hope it helps me get a BFP and a sticky bean.

Tomorrow morning, I go in for my mid-cycle ultrasound. I sure hope that I have more than one follie! That would be really promising. Guess I will have to just wait and see.

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10 years ago

showed up today... cd 36..... Really you big B!!!!

10 years ago

@Praying4#2 - sorry the witch showed her ugly face.

AFM - I'm CD10 today and had my US today. I had two follicles on the right side. One 19mm and the other was 14mm. Nothing on the left. The doctor said my left ovary was 'quiet'. I was happy with this considering my last monitored cycle a few months ago only yielded one 17mm follicle on CD11.

Now here's the not so great lining was thin again and even worse than last time. My lining was only 3mm! I was taking 2 mg of Estradiol once a day since the evening of CD 8. They upped my dose to 2 x a day. Based on the size of my follies, I have at least a couple of days before I ovulate....maybe more. They drew my blood today to check my LH and estrogen (particularly because of the thin lining). The nurse will call me this afternoon with the results and let me know if anything changes from what they told me this morning; however, my doctor was not working this weekend, so she will review my chart and results in the morning and let me know the next step.

Praying for improved lining!

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10 years ago

Just got a call back from the REs office. My bloodwork came back.

My estradiol level 1160 and my LH was 6.3.

They want me to come in tomorrow to see my RE to determine when I may be able to trigger. Not expecting much of a change in terms of my lining tomorrow, but we shall see. It will be interesting to see how much changes in a day with the lining and my follicle sizes.

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10 years ago

Saw something faint on smu test but I'm pretty sure it's an evap. Af due tomorrow. Temp is pretty high but I know that doesnt mean diddly squat. Sharp pains in boobs off and on too. Gonna be glad when this is over. It's amazing that with 2 lovely eggs, I still cant get knocked up.

ANOTHER one of dh's cousin's in pregnant. Barely old enough to buy alcohol! Hold on while I bear my head against a wall....

@praying-i'm sorry the witch got you love. Dont think i'm far behind.

@holly- hopefully by the time your eggies implant your lining will be thick enough!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

I hate the feeling like AF will be here any minute.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Temp is surprisingly still up. I was sure I'd be bleeding this morning when I woke up cause after sex last night I was cramping bad! I have a pad on today so we'll see. I didnt bother to test though. Figured if AF came it came.

Happy Veteran's Day!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

@Waiting - I hope you are not out yet...especially since your temp is still up. I can't remember if your temp dives before AF or not. Fingers crossed for you. Hoping it is just still early.

AFM - I'm CD11. Had a follow up appointment with my RE this morning based on my results from yesterday's appointment. I had an ultrasound and still have 2 eggs on my right. Yesterday they were 19mm and 14mm. Today they are 21mm and 16.5mm! I'm glad they are still growing.

As you may recall, my lining is thin. Yesterday it was 3mm, but today it is 4.73mm. I'm glad that the increased Estradiol seems to be working. She also gave me an estrogen shot hoping it will help give my lining even more of a boost.

We are scheduled for my first IUI on Wednesday, 11/13, so I have been instructed to take my HCG trigger this evening and to BD tonight. Praying all works out this cycle. My RE said if it does not and my lining is the suspected culprit, they may have to do a procedure to see if I have uterine scaring preventing my lining from getting thick.

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10 years ago

Idk what's going on with this period, but it has been horrible. It's like I've gone a long time without a period when this my first 30 day cycle in a long time. It's been painful and very clotty and I'm talking huge clots. I decided to wear pads this time because tampons are bad for you and I haven't mastered putting the softcup in. So I thought what the hell, but I forgot how yucky pads make you feel. Ughhhh I'm ready for af to be gone. I'm taking Clomid 1-5 this cycle. I read aa study where 24 women took it 1-5 24 more took it 5-9. But they took placebos on the other days so they wouldn't know which day and they did iui's on all the women. 6 from the 1-5 group got pregnant and none from the 5-9 got pregnant so I thought it was worth a shot.

Tara I hope the witch doesn't show. Fxed for you.

Holly fxed for you too, good luck with the iui. I hope this is it for you.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

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