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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Well that sucks! We need some good news on here ladies otherwise we really will the the crazy ladies !
Sorry you didnt get your BFP, Shay . At least you know your body is still working and ovulating. It sucks, but it's awesome to know that God knows what He's doing and He'll bless you with an amazing, beautiful baby when He knows the time is perfect . Same goes for you too Holly honey!!! Praying your AFs are super fast so you can get back to !

@ lammy- I'm so sorry things are rough right now . But we're here if you need us!

@Shell-WHAT HAPPENED? And Happy Belated Birthday!

Not much new with 84 of cycle, waiting to either start throwing up or bleeding.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

SO I feel crazy too!! I am pretty regular on a 28 day cycle and this is our second month not preventing. I think I ovulated late this month (felt pain 2-3 day after I should have ovulated), but I'm about 13 days DPO, this morning second urine was BFN..... But my breasts are sooo sore! I just want a baby!

11 years ago

Eh ill live i secretly ordered preseed. Figured DH wouldnt mind once we with it l0l he cant complain then haha.

& of course af had to show the day i go back to work! Shoot me! my co workers knew when i walked in the door. Gotta love working with almost all women! Even our pa knew and hes a man. He goes 'ohp your cranky today must be aunt flow" (they all know we are ttc) and i mean ALLLLL know! so i shot him a dirty look and he goes YUP and turned around l0l theyre awesome though. as i am sitting here on the clock writing this. Oh well. Got patients to see i guesssss!

i am in the mood to not do a damn thing!!

this may sound odd but keeping my fingers crossed that you start throwing up tara!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Welcome mjmcfarlane! May we call you MJ? So you should just be about ready to test! This might sound creepy but how do your breasts feel? I swear I'm not a freak!...Many of us on here describe our boobs hurting but some get BFP and some dont. Just in case you do get a BFP , I'm curious how you'd describe the soreness (bruised, nipples overly sensitive...?)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey all I wanted to join you on here. Feeling totally batty right now. Half the time I'm sure I'm pregnant and the other half think it might be in my head. TONS of symptoms at 9dpo(my ticker is behind 1 day, IDK). Heachache, twinges, pulling in abdomen, extra mucus(nose included), and a lot of others, we'll see. I wanted to take a test tomorrow but I think I'll wait to 12dpo to try, at least it won't be quite as early. I know I'll be upset if it's neg though. Wish you all bfps and sticky baby dust this cycle!

Married to DH 5/2004, DS 8/2005, DS 6/2007, DD 7/2009 Trying for 1 more!!! User Image

11 years ago

Angela - glad to have you!

Tara - Well, let me tell you about MY boobs! :-) They were both really sore from about 5 dpo on, then they stopped hurting except for randomly for the past 2 days. Now my left bb (bb of choice for my nursing babies) feels like a hot poker was stabbed into it if I try to see if it's sore. I'm going to be optimistic & call it a good sign. It's either that or my 2 year old stood on it all night last night.

11 years ago

@Tara I saw you post about the tea! It hasn't made you want to haha I told DH the other day.. "I guess this tea is kinda working lol" he asked why.... "I'm like suuuuper horny" DH:"It's about TIME!" hahaha

AND I'm off today?!!?!? It's on and CRACKIN for his birthday on Saturday! haha
I noticed that when I drink it in the morning I won't be hungry until like 1:30 or 2pm.

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

wellll...looks like I'm out. AF has arrived. Fingers crossed it will just be spotting, but I'm not very hopeful. It wasn't until I started TTC that I had these crazy symptoms. I'm in tune with my cycles & body, and all of this nuttiness was not happening before. Now I'm really starting to worry something is wrong with me like PMDD or one of 1,000 other female reproductive issues. Or maybe I'm just getting old & these are early menopause symptoms? Grrrrrrrrrr

11 years ago

MJ: Any new news? Did you take another test! Hoping and praying for your BFP!

Tara: There is nothing weird about that question. I have to ask totally random people questions like that at work. Thats akward, but when you know another women is ttc its like all our doors are wide open to eachother & to be honest that is exactly what i know i need, as you have heard about DHs reactions to stating my boobs hurt.. lol..
Tara have to you happen to talk to you DR about taking progesterone?

Destiny- I work in an ER so its kind of crazy that watching it on TV made me cry but clearly it was just hormones. I was crying that an intern pricked herself with a needle she was using to numb an illegal who tried to sneak over the border and ran from border control only for his driver to hit a tree and throw him and his friend from the bed of the truck.

Angela- Welcome! Good Luck and i am jealous if i have tests in my house i cant help but to take them eben when i KNOW it will be negative! lol Baby Dust to you hun!

Mooney- What is the flavor of that tea? Is it at all sweet? I am nervous to order it out of fear that i wont like it. I like seetened tea. Tara hows it workin or you?

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

@Phatgurl- Thanks for describing your tatas for me! I'm sorry about AF though. That sucks! To be honest, it's hard to believe it's already time for your AF again. Time is flying! If it isnt spotting hopefully the next week flies by fast!

Hi angela! Crazy highfive !lol! honey! Praying for your !

@Mooney- I have been really horny! But I wanted dh to put a little more effort into it! One word...foreplay! He even turned me down one evening cause it was earlier than we normally did it. I think my hormones are evening out too...since I started eating tons of fruits /veggies/triple H2O intake and been drinking mt tea, my face has cleared up a lot and I'm feel more girly (PCOS=increased testosterone). I even painted my toenails this weekend! That is so unlike me cause I'm a tomboy! ROFL! I love a pedicure every great know and then but I actually searched for change and went to the dollar store to buy a bottle of polish.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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