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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Awww, dont worry. Everything is gonna b fine. Try n be positive. We r all hopin n praying for u n d little one.

tc n keep us updated

10 years ago

Justlmore - wanna meet at Costco for pizza? We can cry over churros together. I'll buy for you & your munchkins. :-) I'm going to have my tires rotated & will be a basket case with all 3 kids with me asking me when we can leave every 5 min.

You are right, it's not unusual to spot in early pregnancy, and breast sensitivity is much lower with each subsequent pregnancy and can diminish quickly, too. Did you get he hcg #s from your blood test?

Try to keep the negativity to a dull roar. The chemicals your body produces during stress are not good for the baby. Hugs!

10 years ago

Also, stop checking your cervix. You could be irritating it which is causing spotting. The extra blood flow to it in pregnancy makes irritation spotting much more likely.

10 years ago

Thanks joezammu, it got much lighter. I still only see it when I do a finger check and its clear and very light brown. I'm hoping its just leftover blood either from implantation (since I didn't spot at all) or last af. I'm feeling a little better than this morning. Cramping subsided a little, feeling some flutters, breasts are a little sore and, my sense of smell is still sensitive. I made my daughter apple and cinnamen oatmeal this morning which smells awesome. It made me so sick, I felt like I was gonna vomit but didn't. So some things are still there its just the spotting that's making me think otherwise. How is everything with you?

10 years ago

How is everyone doing? Any changes in the past few days?

10 years ago

Phatgurl, I try to not check my cervix as much as I did before bfp. But with the cramping and feeling like something bad was gonna happen I felt like I had to. What you said makes a lot of sense, I didn't think of it that way. And no the doctor never called. I tried calling yesterday in the early evening and I was too late, he had left already. So I'm gonna have to wait till Monday. I may test again just to see if the line is darker. But then again it might make me worry even more if its not dark enough. My daughters 5th bday was yesterday so I was also doing a lot more than usual. I don't know, I could go on and on about what caused the spotting and its driving me insane. I didn't know breast tenderness wasn't as bad after having kids nor did I know that it can go away early. That's good to know and makes me feel a little better. I wish we could meet up but I have a neighbors party to take the kids to today ( my in laws are going also ugh, makes me wanna pull my hair out lol! My mother nlaw is very narcissistic which makes her extremely hard to be around. Especially cause of me being borderline, it makes it sooooo much worse! We should definitely make plans!

10 years ago

Oh, cervix is still high somewhat soft and very closed, so I guess its a good sign. I'm gonna stop checking, like phatgurl said, I think I'm doing more harm than good.

10 years ago

Justlmore - have fun at the party! I don,t think checking it will hurt anything. I just think it might make you bleed which could make you stress out. Check away. Just don't freak if you see blood.

10 years ago

Just1more, so glad to know that you are feeling better. And hey even I have a 5 yr old. I am feeling ok now...hopeful for this cycle I guess.

10 years ago

Joezammu, I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers for this cycle! I woke up this morning with a little more pink discharge. But like yesterday it seems to be fading. Its very strange and I just wanna know whats going on already! Its very frustrating for sure!

10 years ago

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