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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm feeling blah today but I thinks it's because my cat is still sick and losing weight. Has me nervous. I was dry heaving on my sloppyjoes. All I could do was eat green beans. Had a huge temp spike after a nice dip yesterday. So we'll see what happens there. I had to get up at 5am and didnt feel like poas. May do it tomorrow.

@just1more- my progesterone has always been great. Just have bad eggs. @phat-xoxo. Love the slap comment lol.

Cant wait for your test results!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Phatgurl - I'm sorry your going through so much with your son and ttc. My oldest son has the same problems but he's never been diagnosed. I suffer from adhd so I can sympathize with you. I also suffer from ptsd and borderline personality disorder. Which makes it difficult for me in social situations, including talking about what's going on with ttc on this site.

The stink bugs! UGH there everywhere! Its horrible here. I'm in wellford in spartenburg south carolina. My 5 year old daughter plays with them, YUCK! I tell her not to but then she does when I'm not looking. Little does she know I can smell it on her and its disgusting. We've been using a duster for key boards and stuff, its freezes and kills them on contact, muhahaha, pay back lol!

Goodluck with testing today. I know it seems impossible and I'm not gonna tell you it is so I'm hoping you'll get your bfp!

10 years ago

Wow tara, if that's not a good sign then I don't know what is! Your willpower is amazing, I tested and will be posting my results soon. I have to use my hubbys cell phone because my tablet doesn't take pictures. I hope your cat gets better. I s he of old age? Have you made an appointment with the vet yet?

10 years ago

@just1more- he's 14. He had bloodwork done last week and everything was normal. Dr called it stress cause my 15month old nephew had been at our house a lot. He's been puking a bit and not eating as much. But he gets finicky when he doesnt feel good. But I switched food and he's eating more. Dr will call me today. Big part is to get him to gain weight. If he is still losing we'll do xrays probably. I was a vet tech for 5 yrs so I know what it could be.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara - come, just test. Sorry about your cat.

Justlmore - we're about 20 miles from each other & with our issues we could be twins. We should go to the Mellow Mushroom near uptown with all of our kids one day. I have ADHD, too, so I know what he's going through, but he adds to my ADHD issues because the talking is a constant distraction. I have depression & have also had a BPD diagnosis and have a hard time bonding with other moms around me. I'm very suspicious of people's motives. I care a lot about others, but social awkwardness is really hard. I tend to babble to hide my nervousness. I'll check your test soon.


10 years ago

Mine was stark white BFN... do i need to post pic... what about everyone else

10 years ago

Hi ladies! I tried my best I could to read and catch up with all your posts. I must say WOW. And not a good wow. I know that emotions run high in here, but while I was reading the feeling that was building in me was irritation and disappointment.
I mean come on, this forum is meant to help and be a common place we can all go to confide and vent and Tara who set it up in the first place is all of that and more. She is the first one to always lend some advice or to empathize. Plenty of other women on here add in their support and advice and I am so thankful to them for their replies.
It seems to me (which this is just my bystander opinion) that lately the comments of people have gotten catty and judgemental and just shameful. It seems like people might be getting a little sensitive on here too. I know emotions run very high when you're ttc so I feel you on getting a little erractic on the emotions.
But my perspective on what happened here was that it looked like a group of specific women jumped down the throat of another woman that didn't come here to gloat, but came here just like all of us to get support, comraderie, and reassurance. She may have come across a different way than she intended and she even said that she tends to do that, but lets be real here. We all come across unintended at times. Trust me, there are plenty of posts on here that I've read through and some people come across not so nice, but I think and believe that is not their intention.
We all have bad days and we all put our foot in our mouths at times. And lets admit it, we are all crazy and we overreact and we tend to try and convince ourselves of things that aren't really happening. We're human. It's what we do. But we'd all be better people for at least admitting when we're wrong and when we're acting crazy.
I just want to say one more thing that stuck out to me. Mandy - that lady did not say she was dyslexic because she couldn't conceive. She said she doesn't convey things very well due to the fact that she has dyslexia. I'm not sure what you read, but that was what she was saying. And she didn't say it wrong, because I completely understood what she was saying. I also wasn't clear on why you came out and said for her to not judge you because she hadn't posted another response since she said she was leaving this forum. Not attacking you at all, just wondering if there was something else that triggered you.
Please do not take my post in any wrong way. I am simply voicing my reaction and perception of what went on here the last couple days. I really hope the mojo of this forum improves because it is giving me anxiety, lol. Best of luck to all you! My to all of you and

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10 years ago

Kristiszabo - sorry to say but you do not have all the facts straight. Please dont single me out by naming me. I stand by what I said. And if you were to read all post you would know she was judging my character. In her reply which I what I was replying to. Sorry I ever came on this site.

10 years ago

Tar a, I hope your kitty gets better soon. Cats can get stressed easily, I'm sure you know that already though. Its great that he's eating, maybe some catnip will help him. It may sound funny lol but, I'm being serious maybe it'll help him. I've loved cats ever since I was a little girl, poor guy.

Phatgurl, wow, what your describing is definitely me as well! I've went through all the forums trying to get involved in conversations but I felt like I was being ignored and felt like I wasn't wanted there (thanks to my pd). When I joined in this topic I was uneasy at first, now I feel very much liked, I guess? Well, at least I hope so lol. I've actually never became friends with another mom, I get too worried about what they think of me. I haven't made friends with anyone here either because of the same problems. I'm very happy and lucky I've met you and the fact that we are so close is great! Its good to know I'm not alone with what I suffer from. I feel like most people don't understand me ( they probably don't lol, I don't understand myself sometimes ) but you definitely can! Have you tested yet?

10 years ago

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