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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Yes, this is my first cycle of clomid. So there's still a chance I could ovulate? My poor husband, lol! I think he's tired from this weekend, I thought that would be my fertile phase. So I should continue to test with the OPK? I think I should test 2x a day, don't you? Just so I don't miss it. Is that stuff you suggested for EWCM ok'd by doctor's? I am going to look into it. I am using preseed too. but I don't really like it because it makes it too wet down there during sex and I can't feel as much, lol. Not fun. I only use 1 gram.

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10 years ago

@kristi- oh ya!! You can still OV! The earliest I have OV'd on clomid was cd 19. Everyone is different with how their body reacts to clomid. Your dr just gave you a ballpark. Keep testing! I test a few times a day when my cervix is ripe, I seem to catch my surge in the evening. How does your cervix feel??? Soft, open, wet or hard and closed?
I just use preseed. Clomid dries me up and I have to take shots of grapefruit juice to drink it. Lol! So I stopped and bought preseed. I agree, I have less friction but I'm willing to give it up during my fertile period for a baby. Almost every cycle I used preseed I was just bad eggs. Keep using the preseed and just incorporate an external vibrator!!!! Haha!!!

Af is pretty much done!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Kristi - unless you are allergic to bee products, I don't see where there would be any contraindications, but you can ask your doc. It's not much different than eating the honeycomb out of fresh honey. It gives me more energy, too. GL!

10 years ago

Thanks girls! So I took another OPK at lunch today, but it was a target brand not First Response. I only had a 1 1/2 hr urine hold though. It was negative, there was a second line but it was lighter than the control line. I wonder if that is a good sign though because it was such a diluted pee. My cervix feels soft and wet but it is closing. It felt more open yesterday. And my CM is getting thicker. It has continuously been white too. No clear. I feel like crap today too. I'm achy crampy and tired. Slightly nauseous. Yuck.

Tara - lol, about the vibrator. I had to use it while having sex on Monday night!

Phatgurl - Thanks! I don't have any problems with bee products so that's great. I eat raw honey. So maybe I'll incorporate that every day. :)

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10 years ago

Kristi - the raw honey can't hurt for sure. I was reading all the stuff the Durham's is supposed to help, and libido was one. It's supposed to make you a dang sexual tyrannosaurus or something. Too bad I can't get dh to take it 3 times a day! Bahahahaha

10 years ago

Lol! Oooh libido increaser! I am liking that! I think I will sneak some into my hubby's food! He's pretty good about it, but he does go thru phases where it's like pulling teeth! Geez, I think I think about sex more than he does at those times!

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10 years ago

My dh is always ready to go! It's exhausting sometimes..yet nice lol ;).

He said besides me being sexy, it's due to the increase in testosterone from working out everyday. Thank you exercise! Lol

Af is done!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara my husband is the same way, don't have to ask him twice lol. Unless he is super tired, but you can only work so many 12 hour days with 4 of those either outside in the heat or doing workouts. Fridays there is no telling how long he works because of the football games.

Afm I'm just going with the flow. Hoping to ov soon.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Hello ladies. Just wanted to pop by and say hello and how you gals are doing? Hopefully everyone is doing well.

10 years ago

Hey Tara & Everybody

I have been reading a wonderful book Called:

Prayers & Promises for Supernatural Childbirth by jackie Mize

It is a wonferful book & I found a prayer for TTC & I wanted to share with you:

Prayer for Desire To Conceive, Fulfillment over Barrenness. (I am not saying that we are all Barren but it is a powerful prayer)

"Father, We thank you that Children are the heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Children are Your idea, Father; You thought up children, and family, and home. You instituted the family in the Garden of Eden. You ordered children; You commanded them when You said to Adam & Eve, â??be fruitful and multiply.â??

You said that the barren womb is never satisfied.

Lord, the Word declares that I am wonderfully and fearfully made by You; therefore, I am perfect and able to conceive and have children. You said that I would be a fruitful vine by the side of our house and our children like olive plants around our table. We are not ashamed but happy because out quiver is full of children.

Thank you, Father, that you designed and fashioned me to have children, that in the bible barrenness was the exception, not the rule, and not Your will, not normal, something against Your plan and purpose. And in Your goodness and faithfulness, every barren woman in the bible who was Godly and believed Your Word became pregnant; You opened her womb and blessed her, and she gave birth to a precious baby just as I will. You make the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children.

Your said, Father, that because You are our God and we are Your people and have a covenant with You, that You will love us and bless us and multiply us and bless the fruit of my womb and that neither male nor female among Your people would be barren.

Father, we are redeemed from the curse of the Law of Jesus and being barren is under the curse of the Law; therefore, we will receive from Your grace and have children.

Father, no plague, no evil shall come nigh our swelling. We are healed by the stripes of Jesus. Sickness of any kind is taken out of our midst. You said to ask anything of You in Jesusâ?? name and it will be done; and that if two of us on earth agree as touching anything it would be done. So we pray and we agree with You and Your Word, Father, that we will conceive and bring forth a healthy, precious baby to Your glory and honor. We pray all this according to Your Word and will. You said, this is the confidence that we have in You, that if we ask anything according to Your Word and will. You hear us; and if You hear us we know we have the petition we desire of you. We have it now. Thank you, father, in Jesusâ?? Name."


10 years ago

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