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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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alishakaye - that's how I was last cycle, too. I've just about convinced myself it had to be a chemical since I had a couple faint positives then about 50 negatives. Hope your news is better than mine was. If it wasn't a chemical then I should just put my own certifiable papers in the mail to myself cause it means I'm CUH-RAZY. But seriously, our minds have more power over our bodies than we think. Here's hoping for your BFP...

11 years ago

Verdict is in! I have PCOS and I'm "obese" I got laughed at. The doctor looked at my blood results and started giggling when she said, "Oh yea, you're definitely not pregnant!". I think she giggles during awkward moments but still you just told me I have a disease that will make it hard to have babies, can you hold back the laughter just a bit? Then just for future information I asked if zyrtec will dry up breastmilk, she giggled "Yes, but you're a long way from that!". After looking at me, giggling at my symptoms of hair growth, she said she's 95% sure I have PCOS and that I have to have a fasting blood test tomorrow to confirm it. She also said that 165lbs is considered obese and that I have to lose 10% of my weight and that should start to even out my cycles. But she kept looking me up and down, giggling talking about my weight. Felt like I was back in high school again with the popular skinny girls pointing and giggling cause of my muffin top. I feel like I've been hit by a mack truck!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

waiting - it seems like doctors get no training in bedside manner at all. I am glad she's trying to help you, but it would be a whole lot more awesome if she didn't have to be a jerk to do it.

11 years ago

Went to inlaws for dinner tonight. Gotta love how tonight of all nights my father inlaw shows me the toys he getting for his future grandson and mother in law was sharing plans for getting a car that can fit two carseats. (they dont know we're trying either...they just really want grandbabies). *sigh* I just have to keep smiling and put on a brave face.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Aw, waiting, so sorry your doctor was like that to you. If a doctor was like that to me I would NOT go back. That's no way to act around patients! :(

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11 years ago

Sorry to hear that Tara! I can't believe that doctor was so unprofessional... have you thought about switching doctors? I know it's a hassle, but when you do (and I know you will) get pregnant you don't want some a-hole of a doctor giggling at all of your concerns. However when your pg you will be able to sass back more readily. :-)
P.S remind your doctor next time you see her that basing your body on what some chart came up with is obscene. I run 5 miles a day and my previous doctor tried to give me the same crap... let's say I 'sassed back' and walked out. :-)

Also, sorry about the in-laws! I know how much that sucks! My mil just keeps asking if we have her granddaughter coming yet... she has 7 grandsons and refuses to accept we could have #8. It's really hard to go over there... except I'm a little more vocal about it, so she has toned it way down. Maybe have the dh talk to them, that is when you are ready to have them know.

User Image Let the 2WW begin...

11 years ago

Hello, i hope you all dont mind me crashing in on this thread, but i feel like i am going mad too!

initially i was all relaxed about TTC, naively believing that it wouldn't take that long and that it would be easy. ( i have never taken the pill so thought that there would be no synchronization cycle). Now, i am just ultra paranoid, scanning my body for any pains etc. i am also possibly imagining symptoms??

i think that i am 10dpo. i have had the odd day of nausea and headaches, but now i have cramps, some in the stomach and uthers low in the middle area. if i prod and poke my BBS they slightly hurt.

when is the earliest i can test? any advice???

baby dust to you all.


11 years ago

Bowbow - I'm going to give you some advice, but please feel free to ignore & act like a crazy lady - the rest of us already are or have in the past.

You can start testing now if you're 10 dpo & have some money to burn. The smarter thing to do would be to wait at least until the day your AF is supposed to come for a visit so you don't spend too much time squinting at pee on a stick trying to see something that may not be there. You will literally be able to convince yourself something is there that isn't if you aren't really preg. Stay away from the blue dyes. I used to love them, but the quality seems to have gone downhill, and I would recommend FRER or digital.

Wal-Mart is the cheapest place I have found to buy the First Response Early Result, and if you look thru them you might be able to find some with bonus tests free in them.

Please keep in mind all of the pink dye tests work like this: you pee on the stick or dip it in a cup of pee (first morning urine is recommended, especially early on), the pee will start to move across the testing window and will momentarily make the test line appear causing you to think you've got a +, the line will most likely disappear within a minute leaving only the control line, if the test line stays/gets darker/reappears with a PINK color to it within the time limits listed on the instructions, you have yourself a positive.

A few recommendations - stay away from the store brand pink dyes with a + sign in the test window as they give very faint false positives pretty much always, do not keep your sticks in a drawer like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter and check them every hour for days trying to convince yourself the line of evaporation is a real + like I do, do not spend stupid amounts of time looking at the test line in different light sources trying to make a line appear that isn't there or convince yourself the hormone strip is really a + even though there is no pink color to it, do not dehydrate yourself by not drinking enough so your pee will be more concentrated, do not break down and buy the blue dye tests because they will break your heart, if you think you see a pink line on an FRER take a digital test to confirm or get a quantitative beta hCG at the docs office instead of testing over and over and over.

The $ store and $.88 Wal-Mart tests are sensitive enough to determine if you're pregnant, but you better throw them away after the test time limit if you get a - and cover them up with something you would never touch so you won't dig them out of the trash and think you got a delayed + result - they have bad evap lines that come up pretty quickly. NEVER check the test results on those 2 types before 3 minutes because it takes a while for the pee to soak in & the pink color to fade from the background of the tests & will confuse you. fRERs have a line of indentation on the back of the test strip that causes a shadow that can make you think you have a positive, and if you hold them up to the light there is a plastic piece in the back that is exactly where a + test line would be so it maks it seem like it could be +. Basically, with an FRER it has to have a pink color in the test line area after 3 minutes and before 10 to be considered +. Do not take a part a digital test to check the strips inside. They always have lines on them because they compare the 2 strips inside to give you a yes or no answer.

If you take photos and upload them, some of the pink dyes will look more + with the camera than they really are, and some will look less + than they really are, so don't put too much stock in the photo version helping you figure out if you're knocked up or not. If you have a photo editing program, you can do the same things with it and not have to upload the pics.

Hope this helps. I have used pretty much every US brand of tests except digital, so if you have any ? I will help if I can. You can click on any of our screen names to be taken to a screen that will let you click on our HPT pics so you can see what false positives or misleading tests can look like, too.

11 years ago

Phatgurl.... I totally loved reading your posts just now. Just had to tell ya.

& Shell

11 years ago

Thanks, Shell! Any new news from you? AF ever show?

11 years ago

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