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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Holly isnt provera just another form of progesterone? Just curious. I have my fx for you and have been praying. I know God will give you your baby. i know every one in this forum will have their baby. Prayer is a powerful thing. Just know He is listening and will provide for you.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@Athena - that is a good question. We will see what the doctor has to say after my results come back tomorrow or the next day....I have bigger fish to fry!

Well today I got the results back from the gazillion blood tests they did on the 17th for our Fertility Panel.

DH - No issues whatsoever

Me...that is another story.

1. I have the MTHFR Deficiency - they are going to proscribe some special prenatal vitamins which have extra folic acid and should help me in that area. I think I read somewhere that having this deficiency increases your risk of miscarriage. I have to learn more about this.

2. My AMH Level is a dismal .16. I asked her to repeat it about 2 times to make sure I heard her correctly. She said my RE prefers it to be 1. Basically, my age is a huge factor and egg quality is poor - which they say can be expected, but not to loose hope.

They say all of my other test results thus far were great and they have had success with patients with similar levels like mine; however, I cannot help feeling bummed by this news.

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11 years ago

Hey all! I was wondering if I could chime in one your conversation! My boyfriend and I aren't trying to get pregnant, but we aren't really taking any precautions either. I'm 20 and he's 23. In September, I went off nuvaring and the November I had the worst period of my life. It was 4 days late and severe cramping. It's been crazy ever since. Now, my period was 4 days late, very light compared to my normal period, with absolutely no cramps. Well, I started out with tiny cramps the first day but that was it. I used 2 tampons and ever since been using pads that barely have anything on them. It's been since Monday since I've had this....I think it's stopping. Is this implantation?

11 years ago

It's been a very long day!!! This morning I went to Target with my sister and as we were walking in, an older man that was leaning up against the building collapsed onto the concrete. When he didnt get up, we ran over to him and I was preparing to put my CPR certification to good use. We checked for breathing and thank the Lord he was breathing on his own. My sister sorta freaked out and just ran away to get help (and she's a nurse! ). She completely forgot that I had my nephew on my hip. So I knelt down next to him and prayed over him. He started to come to so I just sat there rubbing his back and talking to him. My sister finally came back out with some staff and a wheelchair. About 2 minutes later the ambulance, firetrucks, etc were surrounding us. They kept asking how we knew him but we kept telling him we were just passing by and saw him collapse. They took him to the hospital in the ambulance but I have no idea who he was or how he is. Praying he's ok . I keep reliving in my head.
Update- I'm cd 10 and I start taking my opks tomorrow . Oh...and my friend messaged me tonight that she thinks she's pregnant. She's not late but she got nauseous with the smell of popcorn. I'm not thinking much of it yet cause based on the past year on this forum...that doesnt mean much .

@pisces- I notice more headaches when I have clomid in my system. I've just been taking the Tylenol too. I'm so sorry about your mom honey .

@athena- ya! glad the bleeding has slowed!

@lacey- It's possible your headaches could be hormone related. But a large percentage of headaches are tension headaches. You can have tense neck/back muscles that will cause pretty nasty headaches. Even if you dont feel the's there. Splurge and get yourself a therapeutic massage!

@holly- Praise the Lord you have an answer sweetheart!!! Now the doctors know how to handle it and get you knocked up for good! I'm declaring you'll be fertile and your eggies will be healthy in Jesus name!!

@wondering- seems a little long for implantation bleeding.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies, I have been a silent member of this group since it started and I am always following the posts. I took a break from TTC Dec because of all the false hopes and BFNs. I even tried Soy Isoflavones but was unsuccessful of course. I started back trying this cycle. Before doing so, I went on a diet to lose some weight and was able to lose 45lbs ( I am now within my BMI), started eating very healthy and drinking plenty water. I found out about soft cup via a post from Tara and used it this cycle. I am currently 8 DPO and getting a ton of symptoms: sensitive nipples, slight cramping, headaches and call me crazy, but I am actually feeling a heaviness in my lower abdomen. I do not temp but for the past couple days my body has been heated. I feel so positive this cycle, however, I felt the same way in Dec, so I don't want to get carried away again. is due Wednesday and I am holding out on testing until Thurs if does not shows.
Sending lots and lots of to each and every one of you and hope and pray that we all receive our soon .

11 years ago

@kysha- WELL HELLO HONEY!!! A silent member huh?....too cute! I'm so glad you tried the softcups. I love them! I got my stash ready to go for this round. lol. Congratulations on the weight loss by the way! That is no easy feat! I'm very proud of you!
It's so hard not to get our hopes up but I'm still so excited for you! Praying you get your this cycle! You deserve it! Go Kysha, Go Kysha...get your symptoms on!!!! . Forgive me...I slept great and have tons of energy !

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Tara!! Really appreciate the warm welcome! You always make me LOL

11 years ago

You guys know what is so funny? It is only when we are TTC that we look forward to being sick or having sore nipples amd cramps. I have been cramping all day and boy am I enjoying it

11 years ago

Oh I's the only time I jump for joy when I think I'm going to puke!!!

I'm still having a good day but it sorta went down the crapper earlier. I was installing babyproofing cabinet latches in my sister's kitchen (her and her hubby barely can use a screwdriver) and the screw slipped and took a chunk out of my thumb. Luckily it wasnt too bad.
I took my first opk since february today and was quite fun!!!! Yes...I just admitted peeing a cup is fun!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Lol at Waiting!!! TTC has his awesomely great times and its horrible times :-)

11 years ago

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