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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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whoot... Doc snuck me in this am instead of having to wait till Friday...
they took a bunch of blood... ran a bunch of test...
and then she told me if I don't get some rest... I am going to have problems... So I get to take two weeks off from school, (hubby kinda made me)
and pretty much everything that has been stressing me out...

He handed me some seeds... a few bags of dirt and a shovel... and told me to garden ... It helped a lot... something about getting my hands in good earth <3

@ waiting
That's horrible... I just couldn't imagine :(
I watch my friends daughter all the time (we are so close, she calls my son her adopted son, and I "claim" her daughter as mine... )
I don't know what i would do... if they took her away :(

@ lammy and Memph- How are you guys feeling... since it seems the wait is over?

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11 years ago

Thank you all for your advice and kind words.

This being my first cycle off BC I don't even know if I ov'd. I think so but unsure. I am tempted to start taking BBT but I have no clue where to start and I think DH would think I am crazy. Since it happened so fast for his brothers and their wives he just assumes it will be that easy for us and I am skeptical. I just can't seem to think it will be that easy for us. I think I am either 3 or 4 DPO. AF is expected around 4/14/13. I am so hoping that she doesn't come, I know it is early in our journey. How do you ladies keep going after all the BFNs??

@waiting- So sorry! I hope it all gets worked out.
I am so tempted to just ask my SIL about her BC experience (she can keep a good secret) but then I know it will ruin it for DH when the time does come for our BFP. Since this is the first month we are TTC he thinks nothing of it. That it will just happen. He has no idea what it takes and what some of you ladies have been through to get a BFP and sitck it! I just feel kinda hopeless this month after reading different things about coming off BC.

@xomandy- How can you hold off from testing?? I think I am on 3-4DPO and I am already thinking about what days I can test next week!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

11 years ago

You get tired of seeing BFNs all the time! I do anyways. I haven't been trying near as long as some of the wonderful ladies on here, yet I am already going bonkers! I really just told myself after last cycle to NOT symptom spot and not get my hopes up. Two months ago I would have bet my last dollar that I was pregnant and NOPE! After ovulation we have completely just went out about our lives and not thought to much about it. Don't get me wrong, I sit at my desk at work and login here and stalk everyone and pray that I too will get my BFP but I really have just relaxed a bit this cycle. My amazing husband and I have just decided that we will try what we started this month for two more months then go to the Dr. My OB said I was more than welcome to come in now and at least start all the normal blood work and stuff, I might go ahead and take him up on that offer if I don't get my BFP this cycle. I still temp like it's an addiction lol and check CM daily..

11 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I hope all is well. Today has been a very busy day, so I have been unable to read all the posts. I hope to catch up tomorrow because I'm really tired!

AF did not come on again today, so I think it is official that AF only lasted for 1 day on April 1st.

I do have some good news though. I made my first appointment with the reproductive specialist! Yay me, hubby, and baby to be! My appointment is April 17th - which is good because it gives me time to get all of my records sent to them so hopefully they won't waste time running tests that have already been run and will have a clear picture of my history. I am so excited! Guess this is a different kind of 2 week wait!

On another note, my CBEFM said high fertility again today - strange since technically this is at the begining of my cycle. I don't think it will ask for more sticks tomrorow, so I plan to reset the monitor and start again on CD6 like I'm supposed to. I also ordered some Wondfos for LH and HCG and a CBE smiley face OPK (just love those...especially when I get that smile). I ordered everything from Amazon and they should arrive by Friday, so I have plenty of time to get started. I will use OPKs and continue to temp so I have great data for my RE.

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11 years ago

Phew. I'm not having a good day! No beta results yet and my "DH" cannot be any worse of an A-Hole. It's nice to read about you ladies' guys because mine really does suck sometimes. I think we are just incompatible. I've known him for 10 years and we've always been really good friends. We got together 3 years ago and man, I just resent him sometimes for being so selfish. Sorry, ranting. I'm losing it over here!

11 years ago

Things are better today. Had a blast with my nephew...besides getting covered in applejuice puke . He's trying to walk but cant balance if he isnt holding onto something and my back starts to hurt bending over so much to hold him up while he walks. So today I twisted a small blanket into a sorta rope and wrapped it around his chest and under his arms. Then I held the ends like horse reigns. He literally ran around the whole house with me following behind with my hands on the reigns. He loved it. It broke my heart to leave cause as when I closed the door I heard him burst out in tears. I may have been extremely jealous when my sister was pregnant with him but WOW...I love that goober so much! Anyways....I move up to 1000mg of metformin tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. Gonna be so happy to be back in the game. This birth control thing sucks!

@xomandy- Patting you on the back

@lammy- that would drive me nuts waiting!

@soarys- you need a massage!

@lacey- With BBT temping you need to start on cycle day 1 or in your case cycle day 2 since you dont know when will attack. So if you dont get pregnant this cycle, you can start temping with your new cycle. When you temp, it needs to be first thing in the morning before you get out of bed. Their is plenty of stuff online about temping and the BBT thermometer you get will have instructions inside. I so badly want to blurt out my TTC secret to my sister sometimes. Today she noticed my blood draw bruise from my last blood test and I had to make up an excuse about it being to check my insulin. She bought it! But I hate lying. My family going to start thinking I'm a heroin addict

@holly- I need to purchase some more wondfo opks here soon too!

@memphrika- I'm sorry your dh is being a turd! I wont be on here again til tomorrow night, but i'll be looking forward to your test results!!

On another note...I really miss temping. Since I'm taking a cycle off, I figured there was no point in sticking the thermometer in my mouth every morning. I'm looking forward to do it again. Love you ladies!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Mem, my husband can be a complete asshole too! I think about once a week he makes it a point top prove it Lol..
Okay, maybe once every two weeks :-)

@waiting, that was extremely creative! Talk about thinking outside the box!

11 years ago

@holly glad you are heading for the FD, when I first went I saw two different doc s in the same office and one was great and the other was a jerk. The jerk made a few comments about my age and a few comments about my FSH which at 39 was a 9something. He made me think it was the worst number he's ever seen. I left totally bummed. My next appointment after my failed IVF..I got the lady by accident (scheduling conflict) and she was awesome. She said my #'s looked good for my age and thought tubal reversal was a better option and allow my body to try naturally. I guess in the end what I am trying to say is we are both over 40 and you will encounter jerks and you will encounter people who are really on your side. Don't be afraid to fire a jerk and look for someone who is positive about what you want and is going to be willing to leave no stone unturned.

@soarys yes gardening is good! My grandmother is 89 yrs old and she gardens every morning clock work. She says and I quote"some of my best problems were solved right here in this garden, nothing like God's good earth & sunshine and the miracle of planting a seed and nurturing it along to remind you of how good God is and all that can be achieved through God is you just have the faith of a mustard seed".

@xoxo 7DPO already ! **whoop whoop** I am praying that this is your month girlfriend! you go and have a Great weekend with your dad and take it easy. Time will fly by to your BFP!!!

@mem hope you have a better day with DH than yesterday. Those DH's can be the most the most infuriating creatures at times but what can we do, we love them to pieces.

@lammy hey girl, waiting waiting ! Lol..but isn't it exciting. Midwife, I never had one of those but I did have a Nurse Practitioner and she was absolutely wonderful

11 years ago

Omg I'm having some bleeding today I don't know what todo

11 years ago

@mem call your doctor please

11 years ago

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