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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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So Tara how have your OPK's been looking? getting darker?

I wanted to get a neti pot but my dh told me they were no good. So I didn't get one.

Sorry Hkellerman about the , but there is always next cycle. It's all about the timing.

Kcordell sounds promising

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Hey ladies! trying to catch up on all the posts since I last got on here. Hope all is well with everyone.

m and the sweetie were able to get out and have fun for my birthday, and I had a couple of speaking engagements, and other birthdays to celebrate and a dinner party as well so its been a crazy.

I am so happy right now, God has truly been doing some awesome things for us lately... this year is ending on an amazing note. I am so excited about the new year.

Good luck to those of you still in the tww and experiencing signs and symptoms.

Well gotta run, I am pooped after preaching today. Gonna lay down. Have a good evening everybody.

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11 years ago

Hi i'm new to all of this but I totally understand what your going through. My husband and I have been trying for exactly 2 years and in the past I've tested and convinced myself I was pregnant at one point and it always came back negative so I was always disappointed. Unfortunately what makes it so difficult is that I don't have a cycle and after all of that I just quit trying and didn't think anything about it. But now I'm wondering because the past few weeks my breasts have had sharp pains in them and ive had more headaches than I usually do more pimples cause I hardly ever get any my lower back aches and ive had pains in my lower stomach kinda feels like muscle spasms and quick short pains that never really last that long. But also 3 weeks ago I had one little spot of blood and these things that have been happening have become more prominent. So I'm just playing the waiting game too because if its positive I'll be ecstatic and if not I'll be heartbroken. So I totally understand and I wish you the best (: oh and if anyone has any advice feel free to share with me!

11 years ago

atwitsend- Have you gone through any testing or anything if you don't have a cycle. Because I think if you aren't having a cycle you aren't ovulating and if you aren't then you can't get pregnant, but there are things that can help with that. I have pcos and had a regular cycle until we started trying. I just knew I was pregnant when I missed the first cycle and then the 2nd came and went and I finally got answers from the doctor. So if you haven't gone through any testing you may want to. At least talk to your ob-gyn to find out what is going on because you should be having a cycle. Good luck!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@KCordell...Yay for fertile CM!

To all my BC2PFs (Best Countdown 2 Pregnancy Friends), I am on CD5...can't believe how time flies! Waiting to O again and hope DHs swimmers catch that eggie! Nothing significant to report in terms of my new Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor (CBEFM). So far I am at low fertility and expect tomorrow will be the first day using my sticks. I hope to ) within 7 days!

On the bright football team blanked the Giants today.

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11 years ago

im hoping i ov on christmas eve what a lovely late pressie that would be .

we went to see twightlight yesterday and the feelings of family and love were so strong making what to push harder to get our soon

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11 years ago

Hey girlies!!! CD 15 today and no OV yet, but I think I'm getting close. My cervix is high, texture is medium and opening is medium. My CM has gone from creamy saturday, to watery and a mix of EWCM yesterday and today it's about the same. My temperature dropped this morning to 96.9, lower than it's ever been . Took an opk this morning and looks the same as all the others...negative. Testing again in a few hours. Not sure how LH acts with Clomid. So I'm praying I'm close to OV! We saturday night and used Softcup for practice. That was interesting lol. He offered to keep my hips elevated while I inserted post sex I put my feet on his chest and pushed my hips upward while I put it in. Luckily the lights were off so he didnt have to watch me actually stick it in! He said he kept waking up in the night giggling cause he knew his spermies were up against my cervix. He's silly. Think we'll tonight with Softcup again and see when OV comes. Besides that, not much to report. Just waiting....

@kcordell- YAY CM!!!

@hkellerman-I'm sorry honey!

@athena- I love my nedipot! Works wonders. I love seeing my snot run out my nose and into the sink! I've gotten thru the cold/flu without drugs with it.

@atwitsend- I'm with you hun! I hate the imaginary symptoms! How many dpo are you? What has your dr said?

@holly- Have fun with your new toy!

@lammy- Hoping for Christmas Even Conception!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Yay!!! I am pretty sure I ovulated yesterday. I am so proud of myself because I knew just from the way I was feeling it was coming. I am finally figuring my body out. Today I had some EWCM but now it is going creamy which is my bodies tell tell sign of entering the luteal phase. This cycle has seemed to fly by I have really tried to relax and just got lucky I O'd on a weekend. Just hope we danced enough!! Planning to test on New years eve which is when the witch is due!

Tara sounds like you are about to O as well!!!!

Lammy a Christmas conception sounds lovely!!!

Good luck to everyone!!

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11 years ago

Tara - did you really say you're using the Soft cups??!!

11 years ago

OPK was negative...again. Maybe tomorrow! But I do think I am really close to it. I was out grocery shopping for almost 3 hours and by the 4th store, I felt like I tinkled in my pants. My underwear felt cold and wet. Came home and it wasnt was EWCM!!!!

@kcordell- YAY K! If anyone can understand how awesome it is to finally start reading your body, it's me!

@phat- YES! I'm using softcups. I know I was scared to use them but I went for it and tried them during last few days of AF. I love them!!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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