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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Holly - sorry chica. Here's to next cycle!

Speaking of pregnancy symptoms, with my first two pregnancies I had very early smell aversions to smells I normally loved like bacon. With my first I was visiting my mom & my ex & I went out to have some drinks & I had to stop at the 2nd because it made me sick feeling. Those symptoms were all before my period was due. With my last child I was cooking supper & made a crazy combination of foods. I posted on Facebook what I was making, and one of my work buddies said it sounded like something a pregnant woman would eat. I confirmed the pregnancy about a week later.

So some of us have symptoms before the date AF is due.

Keep hoping your symptoms are real, and one day they will be!

11 years ago

Yay Phat! sounds like you started getting symptoms right at implantation! I never tested with dh until I was late. about a week late to be exact. I just remember that my boobs were bigger when I tested. Now that I am TTC I notice EVERYTHING with my body. I just have to remind myself that it could be related to PMS.

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11 years ago

enbutler my mom has graves disease, well I guess had because she had to have her thyroid removed. She found out because she just started dropping weight for no reason and then my Grandma has a hypo-active thyroid and then my sister had a cyst on her thyroid. So thyroid issues run in my family. When I started having issues with my period they checked my thyroid checked and my ob-gyn told me that when I do get pregnant they will have to monitor my thyroid and they had to with my sister this pregnancy because of her cyst. But thyroid was fine, but my mom's didn't show up til like 5 or so years ago and she is 51.

Holly sorry the witch got you. I started my provera and I'm pretty sure its coming with the cramps I am having. I guess I didn't O this month after all.

AFM I am crampy and had some ice cream :) My hubby is so sweet. He got me some Ugg boots for my birthday. They are so cute, he told me that he got approval of 2 of his students (he teaches high school spanish) and a teacher that is my age. Before he ordered them lol. They arrived just in time too. cause it finally got cold here. I had to scrape my windshield for like 10 minutes this morning. So happy that tomorrow is my last exam and then friday I will be 25. We have a whole day planned :)

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

athena happy early birthday. I asked both of my parents if any thyroid issues run in the family and they both said no. Maybe they just don't know about them. I'm not really sure if i have Grave's disease, she didn't say anything about how i got it, just that my TSH levels are low. I still haven't started my bcp yet. Tomorrow i'm going to ask if i'm still able to take it since i found out that my body is making too much hormones, i don't know if taking my bcp is going to be good even though it's a low dose. I'm just going to check, i don't want to make things worse than they are already.

11 years ago

9 dpo today AF due Monday.....BFN:( with FMU took and OPK along with it test line barely even visible but its only 8 am here, I heard something about LH not being right until between 10-7.....IDK. So im 4 days out from AF she should be here on day 5. I figure something would show by now, however only 9 dpo and implant might not have happened, but I feel nothing leading me to believe preggo. Headaches and a little tired last few days but thats it. Really wanting a x-mas miracle, but I think the grinch might make and appearance. A Little down......dont want to keep tricking myself, thinking it will turn +. Just seems like with all the BDING, something should have happened :(

11 years ago and TMI.....noticed a bit of increased CM today and been having more dreams lately. Dont know if that means A thing....but increased CM today.....maybe implant?? God I hope so.

11 years ago

i had a very strange dream last night ...i gave birth to a little boy and i was like dont put him on me its gross ( like the blood and stuff ) then i was fighting with my DH cous we couldnt think of a name for him he had his middle names but no 1st name .

i got my blood test booked for the 31st dec and hubbys test 29th jan so we getting some where

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11 years ago

lol lammy, me and bf talk about names all the time, we want a boy and bfs middle name is randall, so middle name has to be randall but we cant agree on first names funny:) maybe you were dreaming about me!:)

11 years ago

Morning Ladies! Sitting here waiting for the state inspector to do his bi-annual visit so I can renew my business license. Figured I'd jump on here and keep myself busy. I dont know why I'm nervous . Anyways, CD 11 and waiting for the Big OV! Temps are up and down and opks are negative (which I'm fine with cause I want my egg to be perfectly matured ). My highest temp so far has been 97.6 and my lowest has been 97.0. So not much to report on...just waiting. Planning on taking a nice hot bath tonight.

@wildstraw-Wow, talk about 8 months of torture!

@enbutler- Well, at least you know about your thyroid now instead of later! Never heard of the fish dream. Ecoli in the uterus???? So I guess that means she's not prego?

@hkellerman- . Hopefully it's just taking time to show up on the test. Maybe your bf will pop the question on Christmas!

@holly- I'm sorry Holly. Great Christmas gift to yourself. I dont have the monitor but I heard they are great. Has dh been tested?

@kcordell- Right on K!!! Getting so excited for OV but nervous at same time!

@athena- Happy Birthday! My oldest sister tried to hide all 3 of her pregnancies. I've becomed trained in the signs. I've been able to find out when coworkers are prego just by watching them. lol

@lammy- Your dream cracked me up. I dreamt that dh and I got into a fight last night. I woke this morning and realized he left without saying goodbye. I thought, "Oh no, did that fight really happen"! I texted him and he said he told me goodbye and hugged me but I was passed out cold in bed! LOL

I love my inspector...his name is JOY. Yep, a boy named Joy. He's so sweet :). Two years ago when I knew a inspector was coming, I was so scared and I asked God to send me someone with Joy in their heart. When I opened the door and he introduced himself as 'Joy'! Prayer answered! LOL!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks everyone for your apologies for the Witch finding me again this month. Suprisingly I'm okay with it.

CD2 is a wrap -about to get ready for bed soon, so I hope to O again in less than 2 weeks. Can't wait to see what happens with my new Fertility Monitor that I purchased. This cycle I am also going to try and drink more green tea, more water, and grapefruit juice. FXD it helps! I will be 42 this summer and lawd knows I want to have a baby long before I turn 43!!!!

My BFF is also TTCing for her first and both of us had a MC this summer, so hopefully we will get our s soon. I keep reminding myself that in less than 30 days I could be announcing my , so that is uplifting.

Can't wait until stops so I can start ing again with DH !

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11 years ago

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