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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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My dh was a premie, he was born at 27 weeks. His mom told me that her body wasn't meant to carry baby, though she did carry his brother to full term. She had a miscarriage before his brother. Dh was in the nicu for a month and his mom didn't meet him for a few days I think. Basically he was killing her and they had to do an emergency c-section. She had almost miscarried him and so they put her on bed rest and gave her something, I think steroids to get him bigger because they knew he was coming early. He was 3 lbs 8 oz which to me seems pretty big for a baby born at 27 weeks, but if you ask his dad he was only a little over a pound. he was def tiny though. They had a bear that was bought for him and it was a little bear but it was bigger than him.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Congrats sowell! 7 dpo did 2 hpts with FMU, nada :(. I am getting a little stab in right lower abdomen as I type this. AF is due on the 17th, so today is still not even time for A FRER. Trying to stay + but ive already convinced myself im not preggo. We danced last night, and I said it will happen when it happens, BF said "whatever" I think he is trying just as hard as I am. I know its still early to get a BFP hoping this pain is implant, but who knows.

11 years ago

Got my blood work results back. Numbers are only 98. But prolly because I'm so early. I'm not worrying. Have to go back Monday and redo blood work to make sure it is going up. Didn't have to do this last time so this is a different experience for me.

11 years ago

11 years ago

WOW I have missed ALOT!! I have been out of town the last week at my in laws house. Phew. so much fun but glad to be home!!

Athena I know what you mean! Everyone is preggers but me! I"m glad you are focusing on you and DH. That will help make a baby too :)

SOWELL!!!!! Wooo!!!!!!

Tara how is it going with the Clomid??? Predicted O??

CutiePieMom you are living my fantasy!! Growing up I always dreamed about just picking up and moving off to my own town and starting my own life!! I wish you the very best!!

Lammy Hows it going??

Enbutler How is it going on the school front??

Hellerman the best advice I can give you is to wait for AF to test. I know that is almost impossible but it will make your stress level a little lower. You'll have 9 months to enjoy being pregnant testing early will only make you crazier (That is what I am telling myself!!)

AFM CD8. Last months luteal phase was much longer which is great even though I hate the witch. Just waiting to O now!!

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11 years ago

kcordell - came bang on 28days , dh has his swimmers tested at the end of jan and i got to book my test other then that nothing much lol

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11 years ago

Ah sorry about AF but having the tests just means 1 big step closer to that BIG FAT POSITIVE!! However hopefully you'll have to cancel that appointment because your preggers before then.

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11 years ago

I took another test.... I then went to the pregnancy test calulator and it said if I O'd when FF said I did. It said:

Taking a Pregnancy Test

If implantation were to occur on the most common day (9 DPO - Dec. 10, 2012) the earliest an early pregnancy test is likely to show a positive result would be: Dec. 12, 2012 to Dec. 14, 2012
hCG (the pregnancy hormone) doubles every 2-3 days during the first several weeks of pregnancy. Give it some time to build up so the test can detect it.

So, there is still hope. A few more days to obsess!

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11 years ago

Good news! I feel like I am back in the game. All afternoon/evening I have had pain/twinges/pinching/cramping around my pubic bone. And the cramps aren't quite like AF. Can't really describe them...they are just different. I notice the pain in my pubic bone area more when I am driving or sitting at the computer (odd). I also have had some sharp pains in my breasts.Oh...and lower back pains too. Whatever it is...there is a lot of activity down there! I am shocked that at this stage in my cycle it is like all of my lady parts woke up! It's like a dang party down there.

I POASd and , but I have hope since I could be only 10DPO! For once I hope I O'd late!

my (and your) is on the way! to all of us!

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11 years ago

Hey Y'all!
So bogged down with things to do over the next few weeks that it should keep my mind busy post OV. No OV yet but it's only been 2 days lol. Expecting it between Friday and Mid next week. Getting a massage sometime in next few days so I can be extra relaxed! So nothing to report here!

@enbutler- a fish dream? Glad your bf is opening up again.


@sowell- So excited for you!

@kcordell- I'm cycle day 9! So we'll wait for OV together!

@holly- YAY symptoms!!!!!!!!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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