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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hang in there everyone.

Finally BD 2 nights ago. Slightest of slight chances could have caught my egg before it was no longer viable. I don't do my temps, so I guess based on symptoms and pos OPK's. I'm back on the crazy train!

Happy Thanksgiving!

11 years ago

@waiting i'll say a prayer for you. Hopefully you'll get the help you're asking for.
As for my issue, i guess i'll have to start demanding it more often.

So i'm on CD2, AF has finally slowed down. She was mean and heavy. Now, hardly much. Still got a few more days, i think. This is the first full month of taking Fertilaid so i should be able to pinpoint ov time.

I think i've gotten more obsessed with getting pg when i found this site, now i'm looking into getting Fertilaid for him and some opk's or a basal body thermometer. I'm not really sure yet. I thought about slipping my bf some horny goat weed . I know, wrong, but i gotta feed my appetite!

Love you guys!!

11 years ago

Oh my gosh enbutler!! You're symptoms sure sounded like a winnder I am so sorry that mean ugly got you!!! and seriously ONE TIME! I would be jumping my DH in his sleep to get some!

Munchkin woke up! TTYL :)

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11 years ago

Hello ladies, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine hasn't been so great. I just got back from the hospital, my grandmother has been declining since February when she had a stroke. She recently had pneumonia and after that she couldn't walk. She isn't expected to make it to morning. There were so many people there for her tonight (having 15 kids will do that). They also had to sign a DNR because they said that even if they tried to resuscitate her that it would kill her because she is so weak. It has been a very rough year to say the least. If you could just say a prayer for my family it would be greatly appreciated. My heart broke tonight watching my uncle with my grandma. He was in a car accident in the 80s and that they had to remove portions of his brain due to swelling and he is paralyzed from the neck down. He has always been taken care of by her and he starts crying and saying wake up mama I love you. Before I left she woke up and was talking a little but didn't open her eyes much and I told her that I loved her and she said that she loved me too and told my sister that she loved her too. So I am very thankful for that.

I know I wrote a novel, but I also wanted to say that either I missed my surge or I didn't ovulate. :( I haven't had anymore bleeding and praying that that was a good sign. I've had some cramping and twinging and if I did ov we def enough. So maybe we will have a Christmas . We really need some good in our lives right now. Praying for you all to get your Christmas also.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

enbutler... OMG I feel you, LOL!
He LOVES to make love just as much or MORE than I do actually... but with our schedules it gets really tuff sometimes... We actually have to "schedule" being intimate sometimes, LOL! Like ok we're gonna do it Tuesday... or something like that.

Luckily even though he is crazy busy, he works for himself too... so sometimes I will just text or call and say... I'M HORNY and he will stop if he can and come give me some and then go back to work. OMGosh, so much trouble for getting some, huh?

waitingonmymiracle,,, praying for ya!

lammy1988..I pray you feel better soon and your doc comes up with a better plan to help you.

athena8789... praying with you... went thru something similar with my Grandmother a few years ago, so I can understand...

Everybody, hope all had a fantastic turkey day.

Mine was ok... it was hard because I kept remembering that had I not lost my twins and been able to carry the pregnancy a few more months, they were due on Nov 22 last year so they would have been 1 yr old yesterday... honestly the hardest loss out of of of them... so yesterday was a whopper, but i got thru it and today is a new day so I am up joy for another day of life...

We still haven't figured out what we are going to do... keep trying or stop for a while. Kinda playing it day by day right now... so we shall see if we have a BFP by christmas... if not I definitely think we will seriously start back in January...

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11 years ago

Athena I am sending prayers your way! I am so sorry you are having to go through this.

CutiePieM hahaha I love that he leaves work to give you some!!!!

Phat! I'm glad you are back on the crazytrain :)

Waiting I really hope you get what you are wanting!!! Prayers being sent that your doctor will see things your way!!

I hope Everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!! I have been with the family since yesterday and we've had a blast. My brothers don't get to come out to visit very often so we all stayed at my parents. One of my brothers just told us yesterday they are PREGNANT. His girlfriend has a little boy almost a year younger than mine so this will be her second. I think they were NTNP.Lucky THEM!!! FX I will get pregnant soon. 5dpo today!

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11 years ago

OH Athena I'm so sorry but thankful you got to tell her you loved her and you could hear it back . That is something to be very thankful for. Your uncle broke my heart, I wouldnt have been able to hold it together either. I understand the pain though. I lost my grandpa and then my grandma 2 weeks apart back in the spring. It was sudden, in fact on the day of my grandpa's funeral the nursing home called and said my grandma out of no where (she wasnt even sick besides her dementia) was dying too. My grandpa loved her so much he hated to be away from her long. I guess 2 weeks in heaven by himself and he was ready to have my grandma with him . Your uncle reminds me of my aunt too. She has cerebral palsy and my grandparents were the ones that took care of her her entire life. Needless to say, it was a rough spring and my mom is extra emotional this holiday season. I'm sorry you're going thru this darling and praying that God takes her home peacefully .

@phat-hopefully you caught it in time!!!

@enbutler-Agreed! I wasnt this crazy til I found this site. I was like a kid on christmas morning....*look at all these pictures of bfps*. Told dh it was my guilty pleasure to sit and look at the gallery. Little did I know it would become such a big part of my life right now. I'm getting a bbt for my next cycle. Opks are nice but it's easy to miss a surge so I'm BBT as a backup so I'm not worrying like I did this cycle if I missed it.

@cutiepie-I think we all had a distant thanksgiving. As much as we might have enjoyed the family time and pie..we were all thinking about our mc, bfps and opks. Or at least I was! I'm sorry it was a doozy but I'm glad you're holding on ... "you make all things new, and I will follow you forward".

@kcordell- Kudos for being positive with your brother's news...cant say I'd be the same . But praying you get a bfp soon so they can grow up together!

Well ladies,'s office is closed today. So no provera. But I'm staying positive. Looked at the calendar and if I start provera on monday, I may still have a chance to get bfp between christmas and newyears...or maybe a faint line on Christmas! Well, dh is vacuuming the living room to put of the tree so I best be off to hang some mistletoe!

Thinking of all you girls! I'll hang an ornament for each of you !

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you ladies. It was a hard night. She isn't breathing well now

I have to say though I am very hopeful that this is our month.

I hope that everyone has blessed holiday weekend and to lots of and lots leading to lots of beautiful babies . to all

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@athena i'm very sorry for what you're going through. My grandmother had 2 strokes a few years back and she doesn't even remember who i am.

@kcordell yes ONE time. I plan on jumping his bones as soon as AF is over with. Don't worry, i'll get what i want..

@cutie girl it's totally opposite, i like it more than he does so i have to demand it. In fact, i'm getting some horny goat weed pills today. Is that so wrong to ask to get some 3-4 times a week? I don't think so

@waiting i think i'll just try bbt. I don't wanna miss my chance.

Well, my bf is getting ready to move the computer so i better go help..

Lots of for you guys!!

11 years ago

Athena - I pray your grandma passes peacefully.

Enbutler - I'm in the same boat as you except maybe more extreme, so I completely understand. If I thought I could slip something in on him I definitely would. GL!

11 years ago

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