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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@athena- my little Romeo has been sleeping at my feet on the couch all weekend. He knows something is up but not quite sure. Wouldnt that be awesome if I could train him to smell ovulation! LOL!!! Forget opks....instead try, Rent-A-Pet Ovulation Kit!!!

Not much going on here. Getting tired of looking at pics of cervixes....guess I definitely shouldnt be a OBGYN! Feeling stressed tonight. Waiting for my BIL to go back to work so I can go back to being a nanny for my nephew. Feeling future bills already weighing on my back. Praying for a miracle!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Had to share this with the ladies that have pcos. I have been looking into herbal remedies to help with it and I found that spearmint tea and licorice root are supposed to help. I went and bought some Plantation mint tea, which is spearmint, and while I was there I noticed the Egyptian Licorice Yogi tea. So last night I had them both in one cup of tea. They are sweet so you don't need sugar or anything. I have had the heaviest period ever for the previous couple of days, I don't know if it is related but today was very light, only used 2 tampons for the whole day. I think you are only supposed to drink them the first portion of your cycle just a fyi cause the licorice says not to drink while pregnant.

and happy

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Oh and to tell you how bad it was I almost went through a box of 18 supers in 2.5 days. Today I only used 1 super and 1 regular.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Good Morning Ladies!
I wanted to share this link:

I was searching about two years ago for things to help regulate my cycle and hormones naturally because my monthly cycle and body was so out of whack and I know one of the things that prevented some of my previous pregnancies was low progesterone... so I went back and found the site and used it last year after my last loss...

There is a cleanse that she has listed on the site and its good for women who want to either get pregnant or cleanse your system and simply help to regulate your normal hormone levels...

Can't "vouch" for everything on the site, but I did do the cleanse...

I actually started it after my last pregnancy ended... Instead of letting them induce me & going thru all of that... I started the cleanse at home and it kick-started the whole process... And instead of taking months for my cycle to return it returned almost immediately and I noticed a change within the first cycle after finishing...

my cramps used to be awful... so bad sometimes I couldn't get out of bed.... but now they are manageable and most times I don't even take Tylenol or anything... PMS was also horrible! now I am a lot more balanced, most of the time, lol!

just thought I would share and see if it helps anybody else. She also has a lot of great information for fertility, a newsletter with a lot of great tips, recipes, etc...

for anyone who checks it out, hope you find something helpful! ;)

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11 years ago

well, I might be out this month... been having cramping last few days... and just went to bathroom and had a small amount of blood on tissue... sorry if TMI...

don't know if it is AF starting or if implantation bleeding... Im still gonna wait til tomorrow and if bleeding gets heavier then I know. if not then Ill test and see what it says...

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11 years ago

Nothing is too TMI here. I talk about explosive diarrhea, bed breaking sex, and my butthole cervix!!!

My sister gave me a book back in July called Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susun S. Weed. Gotta love how she's an herbalist and her last name is weed LOL! Just realized that! I'm a dork. It's a natural herbal remedy book for preconception to postpartem and for your baby. (for ex: breastmilk for pink eye, red clover flowers for uterine health). I do believe that God put everything plant on the earth for a reason and for more than just something pretty to look at. One idea is called Lunaception. Apparently ovulation is also controlled by light and you sleep with the light on for 3 days and then off for 3 days. Hmm...may need to look into it! Not sure dh wants to sleep with the light on though lol.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

lol...yeah i guess this is a pretty open thread.
AF is starting a day early if thats what it is... all good though, that just means only a couple weeks till we can try again.

Yes, I have heard of Susan Weed... used to get her newsletter, pretty good info. LOL, yeah pretty cool name too.

I looked up the lunarception thing... interesting.

One thing I started back with recently is Maca Powder... very good for the body and immune system in general, but Ive also heard its good for fertility... supposed to be really good for the males too... im taking it for general health but every little bit helps to boost fertility too.

My biggest thing is i want to start back exercising... I have truly slacked off and gotten lazy over the last bit of time... I really want to get back active and be as healthy as possible. alas it is COLD outside and the cold is not my friend, lol!

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11 years ago

Opks are on a plateau but I'm starting to notice my cervix turning upward and I'm getting EGCM! It's not extra stretchy yet but...ok I'm going to get gross here....
My stomach started hurting me so I went to the bathroom. Was in there for about 10 minutes. After wiping, I stood up and pull my pants up. When I did I felt something cold and wet against my leg. You know how sometimes when you stand after peeing, you'll tinkle a bit? Well, I thought that was what it was, so I pulled down my pants to dry myself off and surprise surprise...I had EWCM stuck to my leg. It was like my vagina cracked an egg and some eggwhite dripped down my leg when I stood up. Sounds a bit like my body is getting ready to O, what do you think. For those of you ladies who take OPKs, do you start getting EGCM before you get a positive opk? Thinking about popping a couple muscle relaxers, numbing my sciatic nerve with ice and trying to tonight. What do you think????

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Aide now is everyone this evening?
I'm trying not to read into things but still keeping fingers crossed. I'm having random pains today on my right side of my abs. Should know by Monday what the heck is going on lol. I called the doc today and they said with me prolly ovulating late to wait till Monday then they will get me in to see the midwife. I'm not going to test again till Monday morning. I have a first response test just waiting for Monday lol
Baby dust to all :)

11 years ago

Sowell KMFX for your

Waiting Bang it out!! Sounds like your about to have a super O!!!

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11 years ago

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