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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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I would respond to the latest posts, but I'm out of . About to head to my first GED class and find out my scores on the assessment test. Looking forward to it! (I'm a little nervous about the classroom setting, being homeschooled, I always did school in my room or wherever.) For those of you who are newer, I am finally getting around to getting my GED, most homeschoolers get it done right after graduation, but I'm Little Miss Procrastination.

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10 years ago

Skyline - Good luck with the GED class tonight! I know you'll do great!

Bean83 - yes, my dh is a pastor. Thanks for asking about my family. My dd (she's the youngest) is having a hard time getting rid of her runny nose, but my middle ds seems to have kicked his cold to the curb today. My oldest ds and my dh both are still struggling. Neither are running fevers, but my dh's has turned into a sinus infection, and my ds seems to have exhausted himself with a basketball game Friday night and practice for 2 hrs Saturday. It's like he brought on a relapse by over-exerting himself. I'm still in the beginning stages, so trying to head it off. There are a lot of people in our area who've gotten pneumonia and the flu, praying that doesn't come our way.

Makeup - for a good set of appointments Friday. Keep us updated, and rest whenever you can. I can well remember how tired early pregnancy made me - if I sat down for long enough, I'd fall asleep!

football - No, you're not a loser! I can certainly understand not wanting to have to start over from scratch. Understanding your body better is always good. Just imagine how much more info you'll have when you start back TTC.

desertchic - Emma's my dd's name! I think it's a lovely name. for you, that things will work out in the best timing for you.

nosymptoms - Hi! Don't you hate how the symptoms can make you feel like you're pregnant, then you drive yourself crazy wondering? I think we all do that. And like the other ladies said, 9dpo is a trifle early still, so just hold on. You're not out till you see AF!

Lschrader - glad you got to spend some time with family, and especially time with your sister. Let us know as her time draws near. I'll be praying for her to deliver safely. How's your dh? Is he back to work? Hope AF hurries up (if she has to come at all) so you can get back to actively trying. I have such a good feeling about things for you!

Afm - Well, after 2 days of hard core cramps, I either felt like AF was coming, or - and this is terrible - it reminded me of my miscarriages. Today I've gone back to just having twinges. I'm TRYING not to read anything into it. I'm also trying to stay OFF of google...but we all know how that goes! Lol! Of course, I don't want to see AF this weekend, but I'd rather accept her appearance now as fact than walk around thinking I'm pregnant and crashing when she shows. If this "triphasic pattern" thing works out, I'll be elated.

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10 years ago

@skyline I tried temping, but I don't think I did it accurately. Currently 7 dpo

10 years ago

Bean- I'm not sure if I'm laid back exactly, but I'm definitely trying! Thanks for the well wishes :)

Skyline- Good luck! I hope your class went well and you received the grade you were hoping for. So proud of you to be obtaining your GED! Better late than never! What a great example you're setting for your baby!

Rebecca- I didn't know your husband was a pastor! How cool! I'm glad that the intense cramping has gone away...I really hope it's not an early miscarriage like it's reminding you of. I totally know what it's like wanting to Google everything, though. Praying the pains stay away!

LSchrader- How was the trip? I love little get aways. You remember your dreams a lot, too? I always remember mine, and I have them regularly, but I've never met someone who also remembers theirs! How's your husband doing? When is AF due? I hope the surgery does the trick and you get your BFP this coming cycle!!

Like I already said, I downloaded Fertility Friend and I've started using it to get used to the way it's set up. I don't think the app is very user friendly (I have an iPhone), but I've found the desktop site to be okay so far. I put in everything that I've noticed along with the OPK results, and it calculated that today is O day. Doesn't really matter much anyway, but hey, at least I'm still keeping track of my body and learning more about it. I'm excited to BBT when the thermometer comes and really start pinpointing my exact O days!!

Hope everyone has a lovely evening!

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10 years ago

@skyline- Good luck! Hopefully all goes well :)

@rebecca-FX for you lady. Hoping this is not signs of an early m/c. I hope you get an BFP and AF stays away this weekend.

Thanks! I am 100% she will show up right on time though :) DH and I only BD one time before I ovulated (like four days before) because of his surgery so I know it's impossible!

@football-yes! I have the craziest, most vivid dreams almost every night! My dad still makes fun of me for my dreams. I guess when I was little, I would sit at the kitchen table every morning and share my dreams with my parents, haha. I still do that with my husband! That is one of the reasons I am so curious to see what happens when I do get pregnant. Will I continue to have these crazy dreams...are my normal crazy vivid dreams what women have while pregnant? Will be even MORE weird?! haha.

10 years ago

** UPDATE **

To anyone who read my other posts a few days ago.

I had found out I was pregnant and then two days after that test I took two more and no positive results.
I still had hope but then today I got my period, and it's actually my period, not just light bleeding.
I am sick and tired of those early pregnancy tests (I guess it was a chemical pregnancy) I'm never going to take them again no matter how impatient I get. From now on I'm going to try and wait two weeks after my period is due.
I'm not going to let this get me down! my partner and I are just gonna keep trying until we get our little bundle of joy

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10 years ago

@LSchrader - I keep two tabs open when I'm responding on the computer, so I can scroll down and read and switch over to answer each post. On my phone, I open up a note and switch between the forum and the note the same way. I thought I share in case you'd like to borrow my technique. So you DTD 4 days before O-ed this cycle? You know it only takes one tenacious little swimmer determined to survive.

@makeup - I was just thinking of you yesterday, good to hear from you! I hope your appointments go well on Friday. Have you had any more migraines?

@desertchic - I love the name Emma too. I hope she comes at just the right time and I hope your delivery is quick and as easy as can be.

@football - That is exactly what I did on my break, I kept doing the OPKs and tracking my cycle and paying attention, because I wanted to keep learning my body. Ha! You are not a loser, I think it's a good compromise. I couldn't schedule sex even if I wanted too, DH would have gotten wise to what I was doing and he would have none of that. So I just had to trust that we would both be in the mood at the right time and bada bing bada boom! Glad you got a clear positive OPK and that you feel like you are getting the hang of it. I remember a lot of my dreams (not every night, but a lot of nights) and I had some bad dreams right before and after my BFP, but they have settled down. I did have a flying dream, I had a flying dream once before that was SO real I woke up thinking I could really fly. I was so disappointed when I realized it was a dream. This one wasn't quite as awesome and I didn't wake up thinking I had really flown. lol I know what you mean about FF app not being very user friendly, but I put up with it since it was by far the most intuitive as far as interpreting temp patterns.

@rebecca - How are those temps today? I hope you are staying well and that your family doesn't get pneumonia! Sorry you were having those scary cramps, keeping my fingers crossed for you.

@Jess - How long did you temp and how come you don't think you did it right? I thought I was screwing up big time, but it just took about a week to get in a groove and be confident about it.

@Babywishing - I'm so sorry! **hugs** I totally understand and that sounds like a good plan. I'm glad you are so positive and I hope you get your bundle sooner than later.

@athena - How are you feeling?

@pisces - Are you doing anything special with DH before he has to leave?

@miracle - How are you feeling? Any word on finding a new Doctor yet?

@lolee - How you doing today?

AFM - My appointment is today!!!! They will be looking for the heartbeat with the doppler and it is not guaranteed that they will be able to find it at 8 weeks, keep your fingers crossed for me, I want to hear that little heartbeat!

The GED class was good, it's an interesting bunch of people! I was sitting by another homeschooled girl who was crocheting. DH was like, well, you found a buddy! It's funny, I was like 99% sure she was homeschooled before she mentioned it.

Oh, and as far as my grades, I'm ready to pass the Language portion of the test and just shy of being able to pass the Reading portion. Math is the one I'm going to have to work on a bit and the REALLY frustrating thing about that is that the teacher we have is not good at math and is just teaching from the book, so if I have questions, she's not really going to be able to explain things because she herself doesn't understand it past what she is reading to us from the book. I so wish the lady who did orientation was our teacher because she is a math teacher. *sigh* So I am going to have to come home and look this stuff up on my own/get DH to explain stuff. I like math and I know that I can understand the advanced stuff if I have the proper explanations, that's the main reason I stopped doing math when I was 16, I stink at understanding math instructions from books, I need a human being to show me. Okay, sorry for the rant guys! I was just frustrated to realize that I could do my teacher's job just as good as her because all she is doing is reading from a book.

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10 years ago

@skyline-Yes that is a good technique. Most of the time I am responding while at work, so I usually have to go quick! I hope you get to hear your little bean's heartbeat! So excited for you!

Glad your classes are going well, but bummer about the math portion. I am AWFUL at math! Seriously, so bad. I do not get it one bit. It is totally a different language to me! DH is ridiculously smart so hopefully our children get his smarts! He is an engineer, blows me away the way his mind works!

Hah, yeah we only DTD once before I O'd. I would actually laugh if I got pregnant this cycle! The one month were we barely BD, didn't do anything we had been before (preseed, softcups, temp, opks). Wouldn't that just be funny. I really doubt it though :)

@babywishing- Oh i am so sorry for your loss. That is the hardest thing...decided if testing before missed AF is smart or not. I don't think I could handle seeing a BFP, then getting my period. I am so sorry, and you are in my prayers.

How is everyone else doing today? I wish this week would hurry up so we can watch some football this weekend! Any of your teams in it still? As you might know, we are from the Seattle area so we are very happy that the Hawks are still in it :) Love my Russell Wilson!

10 years ago

Makeup mama iPod you get a better view, glad you checked back in.

Desertchic hope you have a speedy delivery and your baby is in your arms soon .

Football getting to know your body definitely makes ttc easier. The thing I like the most about fertility friend is you can go on the desktop site and search charts for ones similar to yours or ones that ended up pregnant.

Bean83 how are you doing?

Rebecca fingers crossed for you, I hope you get your bfp.

Jess if you have questions about temping you can ask.

Baby wishing it am so sorry. I hope you get your true bfp soon.

Skyline I pray you hear the little heart beat. Are they not doing an ultrasound?

Lschrader fingers crossed for you. I hope dh's surgery is a success and your eggo is prego next month :)

Afm I'm very certain I ovulated.
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But fertility friend hasn't given me crosshairs. It's probably because I missed a lot of temps but we shall see. Oh and my temp is the highest it's been post ov.

I also wanted to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I will never understand why such a good father was taken from his daughter so early. It breaks my heart that these deadbeat dads are sticking around yet he is taken when he truly wanted to be there for her.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Miraclemama, Pisces how are y'all doing?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

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