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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi everyone. Yes I got to bed sat, sun and mon morning... :) At least I have a chance of getting pregnant if I bed... I just paid for a ttc reading with tania. I did the 24 hr bypass so now what do I do? Do I just wait until she sends me a email? Feeling excited about it.

@Tiff ~ I pray your first dr appointment goes well. You have been waiting forever for this appointment.

@Pisces ~ Yes, my honey always comes through at the last minutes doesn't he... :) You know how your reading said the number 4 was significant? Well maybe you will ovulate tomorrow on June 4th? Perhaps? Fun to think about.

@Introuble ~ Yes we are in this tww together hon. We are all in it together. I love that we have our pregnant friends in here still hanging with us. Gives me more hope and support. Kinda like they are egging us on... PUN intended...LOL! Cornball I know...

@topo ~ we all hope your having a successful surgery. Praying for you hon. You are missed and loved.

@ everyone else.. Hope you are having a easy and nice Monday.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Mama Tania will send a confirmation email asking for certain information about you and a picture then she will get back to you on your reading 24 hr after she gets your info! She's pretty quick with things! Good luck I'm sure your reading will have lots of good things in it for you!

I did get the call on my block work results from Friday my eta number went up to 17945.1 just on time for the 6 week mark! So I'm happy that things are going as normal as possible!! Ultrasound tomorrow !! Can't wait

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11 years ago

Hey girls! Busy busy Monday.

@tiff how was the appointment? Hope you got to get a sono or least some heartbeat action. Yeah girl I was sick as a dog for damn near the whole pregnancy with my son. I was actually in/out of the hospital for dehydration. At like 6months I actually heaved myself into pre-term labor's was pretty intense. Not sure if there is a connection with sex of the baby.

@trouble thanks for asking about the prom, she was adorable and said she felt like a princess which is exactly what I wanted her first prom to be like. Great kid! She deserved every minute of it. I hope you did O and catch an egg girlfriend. So how many DPO would you be?

@jsx glad your numbers are looking awesome!!! That means our bun is baking jut nicely (my oven is still on pre-heat) I hope your reading was awesome and everything you expected. My friend who is pregnant got the same reading but she gets hers in June 6th like me so I am interested to see what it's like. I felt like Tania was so on target with my personality.

@miracle hey girlie! I was thinking that too about the 4th of June but my OPK was negative this morning so unless something major changes, I don't think I am O'ing tonight. I did BD last night but that was just for fun ;-) SO glad DB came through for you **atta boy**! So the DPO train is in full affect!!!**party ova here..whoop whoop**!!!

@desertchic hey girl! I know you read but don't post sometimes but I pray all is well with you today. I have to check in on the pregnant bunch because I know during this first trimester you can feel so sick and so drained that its all you can do to just fall into bed at night let alone check in on us girls. So to all of you that continue to check in on us, thank you because I know that some days you just feel cruddy.

@topo it's Monday and you were on my mind all day. I hope you had your surgery and I hope it was successful and you have a bun in the oven as soon as you are healed. Please come back and talk to us when you are ready. And just so that you know I will not stop sending you a daily shout out to let you know that we all miss you.

AFM: as I just told @miracle still waiting to O, OPK's are still negative. I feel like that ovary is doing something but haven't spotted ewcm as of yet either.

Now I wanted to share something with you guys, last week I had a moment. @Topo and I used be part of this other forum but we kind of found our home here with @miracle and now our little family has grown but I still read some of their stuff if nothing is going on because the founder Is the nicest person even if her company can a little rude sometimes(which is why I am here). Anywho: last week Tara posted that she had gone to church and the subject was "get prepared for the rain"....whatever you are trying to do, step out on faith and start preparing. And his specific words "if you are trying to have a baby, start looking at baby stuff, buy something....get prepared". **hands immediately went to mouth in shock** that was my moment. I have never even looked at baby clothes or cribs...I haven't allowed myself. I put my head down or look away when I pass the baby department at Target. Why??? And then God told me "you have FULLY invested in TTC but not in the end result".

I almost fell off my chair. What does this mean? I don't really know but I feel like havent invested because I haven't given myself the opportunity to BELIEVE that this pregnancy is possible, but it is and it's time that I own it.

11 years ago

Sorry I have been so distant ladies. I just don't have much going on. I have been reading everyone's updates though. I am 8dpo today and feel nothing...absolutely nothing! Last month was having all sorts of symptoms, so who knows!

@pis-- I just love that you shared that. There have been so many times where I thought that I would jinx myself if I bought something, or shopped around for a cute baby outfit. I was always scared to let my sister give me hand me downs for the same reason. It is stupid, but it really made me feel better, so I appreciate it. Thank you :)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday!! I am very thankful for this group. Cheers to all you ladies!

11 years ago

@lsch you see that's why we are all here to help each other. I have been meaning to post that for days but I knew it would b lengthy so I had to find the time. The next thing is to find out how to post the links to my daughters prom pic. Lol

11 years ago

@lsvh and I posted on accident without addressing the 8dpo and no symptoms, that could be a good thing. Last month symptoms and no baby, we'll take no symptoms and a baby ! Many many women report feeling nothing what so ever before missing they period so keep hope alive !!!!

11 years ago

Hello Ladies,
It is I the new

Ok well my dear af is suppose to be visiting me tomorrow. I have been working so hard I don't know if i'm tired from working or what. But I do know that I leaked so much cm today I thought it was my period seriously. I went in a little and all that came on the tissue is cm very slimy.. I'm sorry for the info but you guys are the committee lol So I feel obligated to tell you this. My breasts have been bothering me for the last week. even today. However I could also just be feeling real pms symptoms after taking my iud out. I don't know but I'm just waiting to see. Oh and I actually threw up yesterday and this morning That seemed a little weird. And no I wasn't drinking just kidding.

@Pisces What Up Brooklyn lol my 6th grade daughter had her first dance on Friday. She looked so beautiful. I'm sure your daughter did as well.

To all the other ladies it was fun reading your posts. I hope everyone has a great month ahead of them.

I'm scared to take a test I know I know but I'm scared not to see a line because I want to see a damn line sooo badly.. Ok just needed to say that. TTYL.

11 years ago

@Pisces wow that was some real stuff in your message. I agree whole heartedly. I was actually looking at the baby layette sates and I was like I'm being silly But after reading your message I believe it is true and ok. I believe I am going to have a another baby so I'm just going to let nature take it's course. I truly believe that when things are meant to be they happen whenever they are suppose to not when we want them too.

However I'm still scared to take a test...... Tomorrow is D DAY WILL SHE OR WONT SHE GRACE ME WITH HER LOVELY APPEARANCE>.........

11 years ago

Hi all,

@tiff - how did it go??!!! Details!

@miracle - any news on the reading?

@jsxitz - great numbers, update us after the ultra sound.

@pisces - hope we can see photos of your DD's prom! Fingers crossed you O soon and join me and @miracle on the 2WW! Loved your update, we all are so positive for each other I honestly think we forget to be positive for ourselves!!

@topo - thoughts heading your way. Hope today went well.

@LSCH - glad you're back, when is AF due? Glad this month is different in some way like @pisces said.

@ldavis - welcome (can't remember if I said that before! Stay away AF!

AFM - so my temps say I am 3 DPO. But no EWCM and I was expecting to O CD20ish so I think I will OPK tomorrow and if that is neg then test again CD18 or so.
I might also transfer temps into fert friend and see what that says.
I am also going to be sricter about the temo times in the morning

Soooooo could be 3DPO or could still be waiting to O! But am getting blood work tomorrow so that may shed some light too.

But it was a fun weekend of anyway!

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11 years ago

Went to dr all went well, did ultrasound and only 7 weeks exactly so my dates were 6 days off so I must of conceived when I wasn't trying ( weird) but that explains why my test weren't coming up possative for so long, babys heart beat was 129 bpm! Had to wait 2 hrs so we r going to new dr next time

11 years ago

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