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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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2061 - 2070 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Funny you should bring up heartburn. Sorry about your regurgitation issue. Lol. I was nappn with lo and got woke up by heartburn. Thats rare for me. But Im actually feeling kind of af(ish) though.

7 years ago • Post starter

Let's hope that it's implantation cramps for you. Come on bfp's where are you???

7 years ago

Hey ladies, sorry MIA today another long day. I'm ready for a nap lol. You two still have plenty of times for those bfps :-) Will cont to pray daily that we all get them with these cycles. AFM, waiting from a call to hear about the endometrial biopsy/scratching and if doc thinks it could potentially help me, but if it would delay my transfer I'm not doing it lol. I can't wait any longer.

7 years ago

Ok, I'm definitely not going that route lol. It would push me back another month and I'm barely making it through right now lol. Its all in the Lords hands anyway and I have my faith and trust in him. I did look into counselling, but I haven't called yet. I'm really having such a difficult time and wonder if it might help me cope although, the only true thing that I feel will help me is getting that +. I'm having trouble knowing that everyone in my family is having babies and no probs getting pregnant except me :-( Its one of those why me things lol. Ok, I feel better. Maybe I don't need a counselor just you guys lol

7 years ago

Lol Lucky. We can be your counselors. : ). I dont blame you for not wanting to push it back a hole nother month. No way. Your so close! Im excited to go see my RE wed. I have a list of stuff to talk to him about. Lol. So when do you start estogen. Do we have a tranfer day yet?

7 years ago • Post starter

I will take my last bcp on Saturday so will probably start Tuesday and begin the estrogen that day. Then at some point I get an US then another around day 13ish and then will begin progesterone shots and finally transfer prob around Mar 5-6. That's why I don't want to push it back, it already seems like forever away. My sister will be finding out what shes having when I'm getting my transfer and I'm already having trouble with even thinking about that. I really wish I could change my thinking but all I think about 24/7 is being pregnant or why I'm not by now.

7 years ago

Yeah it does feel like forever but it will be here before ya know it. Im sure thats how I will be with my IUI. I would love to do ivf but I could only afford one round.
If your anything like me I would be hopn the baby has its legs crossed and they cnt see. Im just spiteful like that. Im working on it. Lol Its your big day though! Prayers that tiime passes quickly for you

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning. Test this morning was a bfn. Jst a hint if a shadow. Wasn't expecting to see much since it took two dye packs yesterday to get a shadow line. Oh well at least I get to see my RE to cheer me after my bfn tmrw. Lol. Nauseous again this morning but I still feel like the witch would be here anytime. One breast is slightly tender, wierd.

7 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning!

Dandy it's still early but if it doesn't happen at least you will have a plan with your RE. I saw on the news this morning that a couple here had quads from 3 IUIs after trying for 5 years and adopting 2 boys, there's hope :-) Lord knows when to send the signs :-)

7 years ago

Awe. I totally agree! I really hope that lifted your spirits. That is such an encouraging story!

7 years ago • Post starter

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