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2 Years
Has been a member for at least two years.
Request yours when your account is at least 2 years old.
5+ Years!
Has been a member for over five years!
Request yours when your account is more than 5 years old.

Earned or activity-based

Recurring supporter!
Monthly supporter ($5+/month)
Awarded to members who are generously donating financially every month to help support CTP!
Visit this page to learn more and make a donation.
Gold supporter
$50.00 or more
Awarded to members who have generously donated financially to help support CTP!
Visit this page to learn more and make a donation.
Silver supporter
up to $20.00
Awarded to members who have generously donated financially to help support CTP!
Visit this page to learn more and make a donation.
Bronze supporter
up to $5.00
Awarded to members who have generously donated financially to help support CTP!
Visit this page to learn more and make a donation.
Top poster
Earned by members who are extremely active in the community posts!
This badge is assigned by admin based on site activity.
Top voter
Earned by members who like to vote in the gallery - A LOT!
This badge is assigned by admin based on site activity.
Contest winner
Member won a CTP contest!
Prize winner
Member won a prize or received a gift from CTP!
Academy grad
Member graduated from the CTP Academy.
This badge is earned by successfully completing the CTP Academy fertility quiz.
Academy grad with honours
Member graduated from the CTP Academy with a perfect score!
This badge is earned by successfully completing the CTP Academy fertility quiz with a score of 100%.


Member recognized for being especially supportive, caring and compassionate.
Nominate members you see providing extra special support to others.
Wise owl
Member recognized for giving intelligent, sensible, rational and informed advice.
Nominate members you see who take the time to share their knowledge.
Flower girl
Member recognized for being helpful, welcoming and consistently striving to make our community better.
Nominate members who are kind and truly make the community a better place.
Social butterfly
Member recognized for being a very sociable person who likes to actively and helpfully participate in all areas of the site!
Nominate members you see that show up and participate in a positive way - everywhere!
True friend
Member was recognized by another member for being a sweet and wonderful friend.
Nominate a member who you feel has become a true friend!

Self nominated

Pregnancy loss
Member has suffered pregnancy or infant loss.
Please request this badge for yourself only.


How to nominate a member for a badge

  1. Visit the chosen member's profile

  2. Under the heading 'Badges & achievements' click the Nominate this member link

  3. Select the badge from the list and enter a reason in the space provided

  4. Click 'Nominate'

Be patient. It can up to a week for us to review and assign badges.
