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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hello Ladies,

I just read through all of the posts on this forum, so I'm pretty much up to speed with everyone. Let me tell you about me...My fiance and I have been living in different states for the past 6 months because of both of our jobs. I finally gave in and moved with him earlier this month. I had my AF on Feb 2nd and I found out that I would be fertile around the time that I would arrive in VA. Please forgive me for the tmi's. I arrived in VA on the 12th. I was fertile between the 12th and the 17th. I ovulated on the 16th approximately. My fiance and I have not done anything for the whole 6 months since the last time we saw each other so you can imagine how much fun we had. (here comes the tmi) Every single night from the 12th til the 18th, multiple times a night. We did not use any protection except the pull out method, which we both know its not effective. Here I am 7 dpo and I feel so blah and sick to my stomach. I get waves of nauseousness off and on all day and night. I am extremely exhausted and have been doing nothing but sleeping and lounging around. My boobs are fuller and increased in size but not sore. I have mild dull cramping off and on in my lower abdomen. At first it was only on the right side, now its on both sides and in the middle. My daughter sprayed my favorite air freshener that I just bought a couple days ago and the smell of it made me sick. I feel uncomfortable sitting up because my stomach feels so full. I'm extremely gassy and irritable with an off and on headache. I have slight heartburn and have been burping a lot which is very unusual for me. And now I have a disgusting taste in my mouth that is causing me to feel nauseous again. What do you think ladies? Af is not due til March 1st or 2nd.

Sorry for the long post. Just needed to vent. Nobody believes me. They think everything is in my head but I know what and how I feel. Wishing all you beautiful ladies lots of baby dust!!!!!

12 years ago

Hi girls, i wish i was as good as u ladies with the name roll but im working on it lol. im so happy to see all the new post really praying this is the month for everyone!!!!!.Well i have two more days until testing and im starting to get nervous lol crazy rite?i think i running from BFN i know,i know,im going to test already :) tommorow !!! Well its been along ride with my.symptoms :cramping ,eating seems non stop,bac pain (the worst ever befor any af i can recall),spottin 4 days ago brown cm,and last but not least bbs are soooo swollen their comming out of my bras all of them and my nipps are sore also.I dont know but i have this wonderful feeling that i have my precious lil one and he /she is playing hide and go seek waiting for me to find him/her lol. Well cant wait for bfp and for everyone to find what they have been lookin for. BABY DUST TO ALL

12 years ago

Precious, your symptoms sound VERY promising! YAY, I hope this is it for you! Sounds great! Please keep us posted!

Welcome, Tanya!! You're symptoms sound VERY promising too! Especially smelling your favorite scent and nearly getting sick.

Good luck ladies! Hope this is your month!

How are my other girls doing?

Bride, any...positive results? :)

12 years ago • Post starter

Bride, perhaps those are signs! How is today going?

Lizzy, I am not sure what's going could be that you Ov earlier and your just picking up the tale end of the surge?

Tanyae, Welcome to our little group. Your symptoms sound promising that you could be pregnant. I have to ask though because I am a little confused... you said that you and fiance used the pull out are you actually not TTC?

Precioust, your symptoms sound promising!

I have a good news friends, hubby passed his Kidney stone!!
(PRAISE GOD!!!) I am so glad that is over with now. I hope he never has to deal with that again... its been a long journey!

my nips have been senstive lately... but my whole bodys been off I think because of my sinsus's have been acting up lately... plus AF is due next week.

12 years ago

Okay 3 of Super dark positive OPK and today I have increased CM but still not EWCM...I just don't know what to think!!


12 years ago

Fluff, GOD IS SO GOOD! I'm so glad your husband is over that! What a long ordeal it has been!

Lizzy, I have no idea what to think of those + OPK's w/out the EWCM, but don't they say those can turn + if you're pregnant too? Just sayin'!

Well, it's 9 dpo and today I woke up feeling queasy. Last night I had 7 random, vivid dreams that I can remember and I'm not the kind of person that ever dreams, ever...or at least I don't think I have dreams. I'm still dog very exhausted feeling. All I want to do is sleep. Hubby went to Dollar Tree for me to buy some more tests, but they only had ONE left. He came home and said, "I bought all that they had". I got excited until he handed me the bag with just ONE inside. lol! Of course, I used it right away and bfn. I am guessing AF will be due to arrive on Wednesday of next guess though. Because of the miscarriage, I'm not sure when to expect anything really. I'm just counting 14 days since when I think I O'd. Weird thing is that in the previous months before the m/c, I was having 17 day luteal phases, so I guess if I don't get AF by day 14 and still have bfn's, I can assume my 17 day LP is still on track and will just keep on testing until AF shows.

On another note, my 15 year old daughter came home from school yesterday and said that there's a group of DUMB girls at school that are TRYING to get pregnant! Two of them already are and rumor has it that another one is late for AF. GOOD GRIEF! This is beyond ridiculous. I got so upset! Here we are desperately TRYING to conceive and these KIDS are acting like it's a new fad or something! My daughter said, "Mom, they're all "flunkies" too...they make terrible grades, show up late to school, never do their homework, etc." WOW! Such responsible girls....ugh. Just isn't fair is it?

12 years ago

Thanks ladies! I am blowing nothing but baby dust your way!!!

@Fluffmonkey He and I had discussed it before I moved and kinda said if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't. We weren't trying but we both knew without using birth control that it would eventually happen. Now that there is a possibility of me being preggo, we are both excited and if it happens that I am not this month, we will be trying again next month.

12 years ago

Bride...I hear ya!!! That is so sad...they are KIDS!!!!!!! Ridiculous!!! I am glad your daughter is responsible and understands that they are "flunkies" so to speak!!!

I don't think it can possibly be indicating a pregnancy as I would only be about 5 dpo if I did O early!!

I have increased CM but not like EWCM it is not stretchy at is just abundant. I just don't know what to think!!!

Plus the hubby and I haven't BD'd since Monday because we have both been so tired and exhausted from work and the I am afraid I have missed it if I am Oing now...

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! :(

12 years ago

Lizzy, It could be that you still have not yet ovulated? Explaining why your having dark opk and abudance of CM...

Bride, Well its possible that your LP is 17 days still and so if that is true you gotta little more time then... Your daughter sounds like a smart kid, to know that what is going on is wrong... and far as those girls go... that is just incrediably sad... and your right its not really fair but we also must realize that God isn't blessing them with a baby, its a consquinece of sin..

Tanyae, So when are you planning on testing?

Well I am already starting to feel a little crampy at times.... I should have about 3 days before the gets here.. and last 2 months my cramps would start 3 days before and last month was also my first month charting so this month I am charting again to have more information and I will be curious to see and have something to compare to last months.

12 years ago

Hi Ladies!! Well...I am counting myself out for this month!!! I have no idea what happened with my body LOL!!!

I thought I was doing myself a service by not worrying about anything but BOY...the ewcm on cd10 and then the dark OPK's but no ewcm on days 13,14, and 15 has be all confused!! Maybe I had a month of no ovulation!!!

I would be 8dpo right now if I did ovulate when I think I did but I am guessing it was an anovulatory month which is really ok!!! I am fine with having a "rest" month for the old body!!!

I might take a hpt today just in I know!!! But AF is due in 7 days and I am sure she will come on right on time!!!

How are we all??

Bride any news yet???? Lily?? how are you honey???

Fluff, Lhen??? ANy news on your fronts??? I am excited for you all and wishing you all the best!!! :)

12 years ago

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