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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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ababy2love- I'm not sure. It'd be great-grandchild. You'd think you'd accept every great-grandchild wholely because you dont know when you leave this world. Im gonna make sure I meet her soon, and hope she accepts me.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

@snowwhite: She should... From just being on here I can tell that you are caring and passionate.

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9 years ago

@snowwhite you should go ahead with your TTC plans, grandmother will just have to accept your baby, and you can meet her before you start showing and just not tell her.
In terms of getting your bf in the mood, I had the same problem so I started to text him naughty messages that had him running home.

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9 years ago

@snowwhite you should go ahead with your TTC plans, grandmother will just have to accept your baby, and you can meet her before you start showing and just not tell her.
In terms of getting your bf in the mood, I had the same problem so I started to text him naughty messages that had him running home.

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9 years ago

I'll join you in the "fingers crossed for an April-baby"-section here. After a medical break we just got the go ahead from the doctor, just in time to make use of my July-ovaulation! Yey! I'm now in the ever so boring early DPO-land, but trying not to think too much of it yet.

If we were to get pregnant this month, the due date would be on hubby's birthday. Not ideal, as it would be nice for baby to have his/her own day, but I'm not going to take those kind of issues into consideration while TTC. Fingers crossed we made it this time.

9 years ago

Ababy2love-not sure if anyone ever answered you but you should start temping on the first day of your new cycle and do it everyday at the same time. When I started I began temping the last few days of my previous cycle just to get myself into the habit. Now I just do it as soon as my alarm goes off in the morning.

OldBiddie-love the name lol! Welcome to our board and congrats for getting to start ttc again! I'm also 2 dpo so we're playing the same waiting game. Hope this is our month! Good luck.

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9 years ago

Snow - so sorry to hear about the pettiness of the grandmother. That is just sad for her. Don't let it stop you and your bf from ttc. My DH and I have similar situation. DH's grandmother makes it very obvious that he is not a favorite of hers. She didn't like DH's father. But she has allowed it to trickle down to my step son as well. He is the only great grandchild at the moment but her favorite grandchild is pregnant and due in Sept. so it will be interesting to see how things play out. But even if she continues with her antics we have plenty of other grandparents who love and adore my step son (including my own grandparents) and who will be very excited for us when we get pregnant (which hopefully we are pregnant this month ). Keep your head up, it will be her loss if she continues her antics.

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9 years ago

Af showed today, so it's CD1 for me. (NTNP since April 2013, TTC since April 2014). If I conceive this cycle, my EDD is April 21st.

I'm hoping to do round 2 of clomid, but since my BF never had his semen analysis, I'm not sure if my Doctor is going to let me :( We were so tired and stressed out last month (we had to clear out my mom's old apartment since she moved - and she's disabled - so she can't do it herself) so a couple of days that we should have BD's around the O date, we missed because we were just too damn tired to do anything. It was nobody's fault, but it sucked that it just coincided with the first cycle of clomid. Kinda felt like I took it for nothing.

@RPope84 @Randall0123 The cycle I took Evening Primrose & Royal Jelly, I only had a 15 day cycle. I'm not sure if it was due to the supplements or not, but I stopped taking them and my cycles went back to normal. I know they have worked for others, but apparently they don't work for me.

@snowwhite @Brownstone That's how I feel too! I count the days until ovulation and then I count down the days until AF shows again. My life has turned into months of double TWW chunks!

@Ababy2love I'd start taking my temp on CD1 and for a few days after - just to get a baseline of what your beginning temps look like. If you don't want to do it every day, I'd start up again a couple of days before you think you're going to O. I think most people would say around CD10-CD12 (but it really depends on your cycle) But make sure you temp the same time every morning - even on the weekends.

Me: 36 BF: 37 TTC#1 since April 2013

9 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Hope everyone is doing well today.

Debating on whether or not I want to take a break from temping. I only temp to see if I have ovulated. I was temping through my whole cycles for months but the stress of seeing it dip after O'ing was stressful. After temping for almost 16 cycles and this being my 17th. Just wondering if I even need to to Maybe I will start again once AF is done. And go until I can confirm O'ing. My doctor told me to throw away the thermometer when I first started seeing him in Nov. Said it was a waste of time...(I think he just doesn't read the charts). But yet I kept up with it anyways. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Hey Ladies! Been using this site a lot the last few months - and finally decided to join the conversation. My husband and I are on our 4th month ttc. Like many of you, I want a baby really badly. My husband and I have been together for a long time and waited until he was through medical school to start trying to have kids and now, of course, its not happening right way like all of us hope. My hubby and I are both 28 and he is just as committed as I am every month so I feel really fortunate - although, every month AF shows her face I feel like I have disappointed him.

Really frustrated with opk's this month - as 6 out of the 7 sticks seemed to have issues with showing results. Started AF June 30th and lasted 4 days so began opk tests on cd7 through to cd 16. Cd7-cd13 all tests looked completely out of whack with no control lines and no ov line. Decided to try a different pack from cd 14/15/16 - finally got a opk + on cd 15 (which was yesterday Jul 14). Seems late for me as months prior + happened around cd13, and my faith in the opk this month is running low with all the crazy ones from before, so not sure how much to read into it. My cycles have been varying each month between 26-28 days but I think we have covered our basis this month with BD'ing. We started early BD'ing everyday from CD10 - to tomorrow which will be CD17.

Hoping and praying for an April baby as I know you all are too. Really happy that I found this forum, the support from other women going through the same thing as me is extremely comforting.


9 years ago

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