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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Wow... Lots of excitement since I last looked on here! I don't even know what to say. I'm looking forward to some updates ladies!

AFM: today would be cd 31... I can't remember the last non preg cycle that went past 30 days... Also, today would be DPO 15, weird. So, I think I am now having AF, but I'm not sure. The spotting has been really thick in texture (almost like the fruit in jam) and dark brownish black. Today I got a large amount and it is more liquidy, like AF... But it is still really dark brownish, not bright red like normal. My temp dropped below coverling this morning and I am having AF cramps, they are getting more intense since I have gotten up. I'm counting today as cd 1... I'm thinking maybe because my cycle was so long, maybe that is why e blood isn't as red because it is old? I'm sure it will change over as the day goes on.

Like I said before... I cant wait to hear the updates...

10 years ago

Dbjohnson: your cycle is being so weird that I'm hooked on your updates like I'm watching a tv show. :o) Hoping all is going in the right direction so that you get a BFP soon with a good sticky bean.

AFM: I emailed my doctor this morning. I'm on CD37, 15dpo, took another test this morning still negative and no sign of AF. I asked her how much longer do I wait for AF before she gives me another round of Provera. She responded to give my body another week. She is sure AF will arrive because my progesterone was so high. I say, pooey. All my hpt's have been negative, so I'm ready to call this cycle a bust and move on. I'm so awful at the waiting game.

10 years ago

OK... Officially cd 1... Bright red, and LOTS of it! The cramps are CRAZY! Just wanted to update y'all.

I've spent some time this morning reading forums about Maca and Vitex. From what I read, Maca is really good for men. So, I'm definitely going to have my DH take it. I think I am going to too. I'm still debating the Vitex.

Still waiting for updates! Zuberi, Amanda... What's going on??

@skarcm: I am glad I can provide you with some entertainment I can't imagine having to wait as long as you have to.

10 years ago

Ok.. so here's my update..

My blood test came back at 3 which is what it was 3 wks ago and obviously not pregnant. My dr. said he had no explanation for faint test. I didn't go into detail to tell him I had not 1 but 4 faint tests b/c he might have thought I was a little crazy .. maybe I am but what I do know is that my vision is just fine and I still have the tests.. I've checked multiple times.. There IS a second line on every one of them. Oh an to top it off my spotting stopped after starting progesterone supplements.. coincidence? No one will ever know. I am pretty relieved that I am not pregnant b/c I would have been really worried not having waited the 2 recommended cycles especially with 3 previous m/c's and I didn't want to put off my testing. SO I am the most confused I have EVER been to say the least. I am stopping my progesterone and am going to hope for a period in about 10-12 days. And something useful to come out of my dr. apt next week. Fingers crossed!!

Skarcm: sorry you're having such a long cycle. I know how miserable that can be.. trust me!

Dbjohnson: Sorry AF is here but here's to another cycle!

Zuberi: where are you?! We need to know what's going on with you!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies

Well....... you guys know I couldn't resist taking another test...well ok two more test. Lol they were negative. And my temp dropped all the way down from 98.3 to 97.7 then 97.3. With that being said. I am on cd6. I have an appointment with my ob/gyn because of the faint positive for tommowow and I am still going to keep it. I started taking soy isoflavone again yestetday. I'm doing cd5-9. I pray this one sticks!

Skarcm: I hope you get some answers soon. I know how you feel about the waiting. It's hard not knowing what's going on with your own body.

Amanda: you may have answered this question already but. ... how long ago did you have your first bleed after your m/c? A 3 should not give you (4) a positive hpt. I would try to take another test before stopping your progest and see if the line has gotten any darker.

Dbjohnson: I am so sick of starting over I could scream lol. I read somewhere that we only get a fresh batch of eggs every three months. So our new batch should be coming up pretty soon. Lol jk.

Have a great day ladies.

10 years ago

Hi ladies - It seems like all of us are in some sort of limbo right now. AF did arrive this morning, so I pick up my Femara today and start it on Friday. My doctor instructed me to make an ultrasound appointment for Oct 29th (CD14). I called the office and had to leave a message. I'm waiting for them to call back so that I can get my u/s scheduled.

10 years ago

OMG I AM GOING CRAZY! I swear to you all there is a second pink line. I AM LOSING MY FREAKING MIND!!!!! WHAT IN THE HECK?!? So I am either pregnant or my eye sight is messed up and for some reason I can see a pink line or I got a bad batch of tests. I took another test and it was positive. Not much darker but possibly a little. I even called the dr. office back to be sure my level was 3. My doctor is going to think I am a nut case. I called First Response and she said retest (duh) and they are sending me a refund. This ttc journey just continues to get longer and a little more interesting everyday haha

10 years ago • Post starter

Amanda: did you post your test in the gallery?

10 years ago

pic #'s are 187023 and 187022. Please tell me if I'm crazy.. Maybe I am but I swear they have gotten darker

10 years ago • Post starter

Sorry 187023 and 187029. I accidentally added old pic again.

10 years ago • Post starter

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