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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi Ladies,

Amanda: The one nipple that hurts more than the other one is odd for me but you know what I said about symptom spotting. lol But, it sounds like you are on your way to that BFP! All of the symptoms you are having sounds really promising. How is your temp? Is it rising? Have you experienced a Implantation Dip?
About your sister-in-law.... you know some women are like that, but I wouldnt let that bother you. When you get your BFP your little one will be born to a couple that really wanted him/her for all of the right reasons and he/she will grow up with all of the love and support two parents can give it.

Topowifey: Stop stressing..... like Amanda said what's ment to be will be. We just have to do what we know/learn to do and be patient and let everything happen the way it is supose to be.

AFM: My nipples arent quite as sore but, the cramping is down to a minimum. Almost gone....which is really weird.

Hope things are going well for you guys.

11 years ago

Zuberi_Baby2013 i am trying at least the best i can lol @amanda it sounds like u r gonna get ur soon luv as for me today tired more then ever grouchy today nasuea sore boobs last night woke up idk if i was dreaming or it was really happening lolz stabbing pain almost pinching in my left bbs headache all day checking tp nothing lol and a lil more creamy cm idk

11 years ago

About my temp.. you can look at my chart.. basically it has increased since O (obviously lol) and stayed up.. went down .1 day before yesterday and another .1 yesterday so not enough to be considered an implantation dip.. then went up .2 today.. We will see what tomorrow's temp is. Hope that temp stays up there!! I am trying not to symptom spot the only thing that is tripping me up is this creamy CM. Other than that same symptoms as last month except cramping has stopped as yours (Zuberi).. weird huh?

Let's keep our hopes up! This is could be the month for for all of us ladies and if not we will have another month to try to keep one another sane lol

11 years ago • Post starter

I couldnt see your chart. And yes, it is weird for our cramps to just stop. Well, we said we were going to take the journey togther and I guess we are doing just that.
Testing: I am trying really hard not to. These three days need to come and go so either can come or I can get my . By the way when are you going to test?

T/wifey: I know it i hard not to the stress...... but if you do have a lil bean in there you dont want anything to happen to him. .

AFM: Same old same old nuthing has changed since my last post. Im getting ready to take the kids to the movies but I will be checking on you guys.

11 years ago

I feel the same way about AF ..i really want her to stay away but if she isn't going to I would rather her show up early and get it over with lol

About the testing: Idk..I'm not sure that I will make it to Thursday (day AF should start) or Friday (one day late) assumng af doesn't show before then. I just hate to test just to get a and be disappoined when it still might be too early. I have a store brand tests here at home. I have thought about going to get a better test like FRER or Clear Blue but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

What test are you ladies using? Any ideas on when you all plan to test?

topowifey: when is af due for you?

p.s. zuberi: have fun at movies! I will be in bed within next hour... I have to get up at 4 a.m. to open store and wil be there for 12 hours ugh :( oh and we are supposed to have another 5 to ten inches of snow tomorrow night. This week should be super interesting!

11 years ago • Post starter

@amanda my is due the 28th thursday i would be testing but i cant because i took another trigger hcg shot on tuesday that just past 3dpiui idk why
@Zuberi_Baby2013 u r so right r dh r so lucky lolz they have no stress

11 years ago

then we are all due for af the same day! haha so topowifey how long do you have to wait to test or do you have to go to doc?

11 years ago • Post starter

@amanda my doc said march 5th when af doesnt show to be sure test march 5th then he will do blood work followed by ultrasound depending on blood work omg idk why he gave me the secant shot for after iui thats why idk whats going on if my symptoms are true or false becuase of the two shots of hcg i got

11 years ago

topowifey: I wish I knew more about hormones and all that business so I could help understand why he gave you a second shot.. maybe something to do with implantation? I feel for you b/c I can't imagine having to wait any longer to test than I already have to :(

AFM: Today I still have sore boobs (no different than last cycle) and a tiny bit of cramping and lower backache but nothing too noticeable. I am still having creamy white CM. I just have a feeling is right around the corner.

I will not test until I miss my period! I will not test until I miss my period! I will not test until I miss my period!
Maybe if I repeat it enough times I will stick to it. So scared of the I'm a nervous wreck about it!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi, I also had the mirenia removed in january 2013.Hubby and I are ttc with baby #4!!!

11 years ago

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