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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Just got a call from my doctor's office. A very nice nurse was calling to go over my results with me. She said that it went up another "chunk" so we are going to be optimistic. She agreed that some people's doubling doesn't start until after they get to 100. She ordered me another blood test for tomorrow, and told me to think "higher than 160" thoughts. So can you all pray for me and my little bean. If I get higher than 160, she'll order another blood test for next week. She is going to personally (instead of one of the other nurses) call me tomorrow to go over the results.

I was really expecting a difficult call today. This was much better. I know I am not out of the woods yet, but at least it isn't as gloomy and scary.

11 years ago

Hi all,
I'm ready to try again this month, fingers crossed that it will happen!
Dbjohnson - I'm so sorry to hear about your first experience with the nurse, I had an identical experience with my first m/c, where the nurse was awful so much so that I changed my Dr's. I didn't have a clue what was going on and when I phoned for my initial results she said ' oh well it doesn't look good' it was so awful so I totally understand how you felt.
I'm hoping everything is going well and your numbers have come up. I spent so long looking at the internet for all the possible scenarios and ended up getting myself more confused.
I'm sending positive vibes from NZ to you :0)
Same for everyone else, hoping this month will be our month!

751 / 6000 Emojis


11 years ago

Hey ladies! I am praying for you all!

Dbjohnson: keep you head up girl! It is in God's hands and you are definitely right there are many cases of hcg not "doubling" and everything is fine. Try to take it easy.

SandraK: I am still in amazement at God's work with your little miracle. It's crazy when things work out like that and by crazy I mean amazing, awesome, and magnificent! My doc is going to put me on intravaginal progesterone as soon as I get a BFP he says.. and he said THAT DAY I am supposed to text him so he can call it in b/c he said there's no reason not to try to prevent another m/c so I'm glad to hear you are already taking your injections.

Zuberi: I hope you O early! I always hope that for all of us.. less wait that way hehe

MommaC: I don't know where to start. That is almost exactly what happened to me... I hope that your outcome is better than mine. I really really really hope so and I am praying for you. Just remember that whatever happens it happens for a reason. I know it is cliche but I truly believe it. Hang in there!

Tanialnz: I'm glad your back with us. It's always great to get a fresh start at things! What's your plan this month and what CD are you on?

AFM: Temp spiked this morning which means I O'd yesterday! I've still had a small amount of cramping today and my OPK was pos this morning so we will probably BD one last time and see what happens! I'm really anxious to see what this cycle brings!

11 years ago • Post starter

I got a 167!!!!

I am not out of the woods yet, but this is a good sign! Thank you for all your kind words, and thoughts & prayers!

11 years ago

Amanda- thank you <3 I know you guys are always here and I really appreciate al thoughts and prayers ... You're totally right.

T- welcome back

Sandra- any word?

Z-how are you?

Dbjohnson-I'm SO happy for you , I've been praying.

Afm- Monday I had a strong positive, Tuesday I had a lighter light and started cramping and heavy bleeding. I went to the drs today and I have miscarriaged. I'm emotional about this one. :,( I have to decide if I want a d n c tomorrow or to just let it go, I'm leaning towards letting it go. I've been bleeding pretty bad and I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. But I'm feeling blessed when I hold my baby tight that I have her. I will update more later. â?¢tearsâ?¢

11 years ago

Dbjohnson: that is great news! Can't wait to hear your results today!

Momma_C: I am so sorry. I know how bad it sucks but my doctor told me that this happens to almost every woman at one point in time but many don't recognize it b/c they don't test early and just think it's an abnormal or late period. I know that it doesn't help how badly it hurts but at least you know that you are not alone. Have you made your decision on what to do today? I hope whatever you decide to do works out for you. Do you know your hcg blood level? I hope you are feeling better today. Remember that we are here!

SandraK: what's happening with you? how's that little baby?

Zuberi: what cd are you on?

AFM: 3DPO today. Nothing new. Just playing the waiting game. Temp isn't much over coverline (about .4 degrees) so I'm hoping it jumps up. I'm trying to decide if I can wait to test until I miss my period.. we all know that probably won't happen so I'm trying to decide what day to start. What day do you all start testing? I'm going to try to wait it out... hopefully next week is super busy!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

I have been thinking of you. this week was my daughter's last week at school, and as of today, she is done!

I'm so very sorry. I know the pain as we have had two. I hope you are resting this week. How are you feeling?

Amanda, Now your in the waiting game right, since you just ovulated? how are you feeling?

Zuberi, how are you? Did you o yet?

Tanialz, Hello! I joined some weeks ago, and haven't met you! But, glad to hear you are back.

How are you feeling? Any updates on your latest labs? Hoping everything continues to increase!

Afm, I had hcg labs done monday, hcg done wednesday, and then I go in today-friday later this afternoon for another hcg once my husband gets home. My doctor never called to give me the first 2 results from monday and wednesday. That is SO not like him! He has always called and is so on top of these things. I left a message yesterday afternoon with his nurse, and still haven't heard back from him. He never lets his nurses give results, but always him. I started to panic and fret, but I know if he felt it was urgent, he would of called. Well, at least, I'm hoping that. Like I said, he is so good about these things in the past, so hoping it just means he has been maybe been busy, and since I'm still early, maybe he's waiting for a few days of lab comparisions to call me? I have to be honest to you all and say I have struggled this week with worry and feeling nervous. Due to past losses, I'm always so cautious and nervous at this time. Especially since I don't know any results or labs, it doesn't help. I did cave in and have my husband get out of the ziplock bag (I put away the remaining 2 tests not to drive myself crazy), but like I said, caved, and took not only the digital last night, but the frer test too. The digital popped up right away in not even a minute. The frer was dark almost same as control line. I know that still doesn't necessarily mean much compared to what my actual hcg says and if they are doubling, but I just gave in. ugh. I so wish sometimes it wasn't this hard in the beginning. I was worrying myself too much. I'm still doing the daily prog. injection they gave me... my husband gives them to me. Once I hear any results, I will let you all know.

11 years ago

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

I hope you all have great plans! We have something everyday, a lot of parties and BBQs... We'll see how it all goes.

@Sandra: I am in awe of you only taking 2 tests! I have been taking at least one everyday! I am a true addict! I bought my tests in bulk, so I figure I might as well use them... Especially if it makes me feel better, which it does sometimes but doesn't others. A fast digi and a dark line are GREAT news! I'm sure everything is fine and your doc is just busy. If there was a problem I'm sure he'd make time to call.

@amanda: I know the wait is terrible, but I am so excited for you! I feel really positive about this cycle for you! Please let's us know when you test!

@Momma: I am so sorry! This whole TTC thing is tricky with its ups and downs. I'm thinking about you daily!

@tanialnz: I'm glad you're back! We missed you. I understand a break is needed every oncse and awhile from the TTC craziness! I can't wait to hear about this cycle goes for you. What is your plan?

@Zuberi: hey babe! How's it going? When do all the kids show up? I can't imagine having a house full of kids. Exactly how many and ages will be at your place? And for how long?

AFM: cd 35, DPO 21... I can't believe I am only cd 35... It feels like I have been in this limbo for a lot longer than that, maybe that is one of the disadvantages of testing early. My doc called on Thursday to congratulate me on my 167. I will be doing another hcg test on Wednesday, hopefully it will be in the thousands by then. If it is, then we will schedule an u/s for the next week. However, I had a small brownish/orange spot on my liner on Thursday, and my doc was really upset about it. I am in a "wait and see" day by day plan now... Like I said earlier, I have been testing everyday, some days I get darker results, some days they dont look much different... This morning I got dark strong lines instantly. They were darker than the control. So, there has been some progress, hopefully it is enough!

Ladies, enjoy your weekend!

11 years ago

hi I was just wondering if you would all mind if I join you? im 33 and ttc #3 fell on straight away with first two, been trying a year now for this one.

had pelvic scan that revealed polycystic left side, and have some fluid consistent with ruptured ovarian cyst. im currently in the process of having fertility bloods done, had it done in day 5 and have to go back on day 21 to check ovulation Is occouring. using clearblue digital ov tests so far been testing since day 8 and I am day 12 now still no lh surge.
im guessing that im not ovulating and will wait to see the blood work comes back . next step will be clomid. just looking for a bit of support as dh is getting sick of me whinging to him lol

thanks in advance

Kathy xxx

and to us all !!!xxx

11 years ago

Happy Memorial Day ladies! I was just remembering, 7 years ago, I went to Fort Lauderdale for work, and spent Memorial Day sightseeing the beautiful city..seems like another lifetime, lol :)

Enjoy the nice weather! Santiago will be cloudy, cold, windy and rainy all week :P

Lots of baby dust and sticky vibes to all! :)

11 years ago

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