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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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341 - 350 of 1122 Replies | Last Page

Hey Ladies,
Amanda: yay for AF. But this is the last time we want her to show her face on this forum for at least 9 months.
Im happy you guys can start trying again this month.....

Sandra: I'm glad your appointment went well. Im jumping on the wagon with Amanda, lets get that BFP before the nxt appointment!!!

MommaC: I don't think you are out because...... Sperm can live up to 5 days. So lets just wait it out and see.

Dbjohnson: CD15 girl....... Have you Oed yet? I no you are busy with the in~laws,...... But keep getting it in! Give them something else to talk about! Lol

Afm: I'm 2DPO today and im still having O cramps. I'm not going to symptom spot during this TWW. I'm going to spend that time praying that my egg implants. I feel really good about this cycle. However if something really diff and or interesting happens i will let you guys know.

I pray you guys are having/had a great weekend! I look forward to reading you guys posts.

11 years ago

Hello, Hello!

The in-laws finally left, hooray! So, I am able to get back to my normal schedule. I've missed y'all SO much!

@Zuberi: both of my BBT charts estimate I O'd on the 4th... That was the one day over the last week that we didn't BD, so hopefully we caught the egg. How are you?

@Momma: I wouldn't count you out! Sperm can live for 5 days, and the Preseed is suppose to help them live the longest. I think you are in a good position, just try to relax and not stress too much. I wish I could, but I'm always thinking

@amanda: has AF disappeared yet? What's your plan this month? I'm so excited you are able to start trying again!

AFM: both of the BBT charts I use say I O'd on the 4th, making me 4 DPO. I'm happy to have my quiet house back, without people in my face all the time. However, that makes it easier for me to obsess, and I really don't want too... It's just so hard.

Happy Wednesday! Talk to you all soon!

11 years ago

Hi, how are you guys?

I miss you guys too.

Dbjohnson: I'm doing great. I'm glad that you have your house back. I'm getting ready to have 3 other children here in about a month. My niece and two nephews are coming for 3 weeks when school gets out. Keeping in mind that I have 3 here already! So I need to get this BFP before they get here! lol

afm: I told your guys that I wasn't going to symptom spot and I think that I have been doing a good job (not) lol. Well here I go..... yesterday (4dpo) I had a huge dip... my temp went from 97.8 to 97.5. This could not be a implantation dip because it is way too early.... I have been having O pains since the first day of ovulation. However 4dpo they felt like AF was coming. Sore nipples (had them since O..... not normal for me I get them 3-4 days before AF) Loose BM, pain, and pressure. Moving on to today ...... my BBT was 98.1 (FYI) my cover line is at 97.9. I have no cramps or symptoms so far today. Its as if they all went away. (Nipples a little sensitive but not sore)
Well ladies that it for the update.

I look forward to hearing from you guys. Hope you are having a great day!

11 years ago

Hi gals! I've missed you guys!

DB- I'm so glad family is gone for you! LOL I know I spent a lot of time with both sides of the family this week and gosh am I so glad to be home and settle...I obsess over it too! But I've been doing WAY better now that I have you guys to talk to..I barely talk to DH about it until he either asks or randomly will bring it up...but its not something we talk about daily!

Z- It's SO hard not to symptom spot. Hoping for a BFP for you soon before you are a momma hen of 6! I didnt temp again this month. When will I learn?? But I've had O cramps since saturday so hopefully thats a good sign too!

AFM- I've had period like cramps off and on since O day. SEVERE backpain too ... but I was traveling a lot so I'm thinking its nothing..def. was discouraged until you all made me feel better about still having a chance! I recalculated...and if I did O overnight thursday-friday my fertile days would be wed-sat so I guess my hopes are up a bit...I'm thinking I'm 5 DPO (I wasn't supposed to even O til monday) so we shall see. Not looking too into it this time around cause it got all messed up...

Hope you guys have a great Wednesday!

11 years ago

4days and no updates!?! I miss you all SO much.

Well, here's my story... 8 DPO (or 6 DPO, the different charts won't agree), getting close to testing. Waiting sucks, as always... I haven't had much to say, just sitting around waiting. Can't wait to hear how all of you are doing!

Happy Mother's Day! Hope you are getting spoiled!

11 years ago

Hey Ladies,

I hope you all are having a great Mothers Day!

Afm: I have no updates. Just waiting..... Today is 9Dop. I tested this am hoping for a early mothers day gift but, bfn. I didn't get discouraged though. Its still early. Well, that's all for now. Maybe next week will bring more excitement for us.

I look forward to reading you guys updates.

11 years ago

Happy momma's day!!!

Quick update cause life is boring in my tww; I'm 9 dpo as well and I've been extremely tired (I slept most the weekend as much as I could and this was my first sign with dd) but I'm trying not to get my hopes up; I've also been extremely moody- dh said I'm either pregnant or on my period because I'm not usually this uptight; I'm usually pretty much a pushover. But that's just me. I tested this morning and I had a neg. I'll prob try in the am cause I'm just addicted lol! Hope you all are great I wanna hear all about you all!

11 years ago

Hey ladies!

Sorry I have been really busy lately. I have been reading your updates and hoping to see some BFPs! But I feel like as soon as I have time to read your updates I have to jump up and do something else. Sounds like everyone is basically just waiting around. That is the game we are all playing.

AFM: I am waiting to O. My period lasted it's normal 5 days but two days after that was some brown spotting here and there then BAM creamy cm! I couldn't believe it.. So I have had creamy cm for two days now. We started BDing yesterday (the first day) and we (I mean me.. he has no idea what we are doing he just knows if we get pregnant he's ready for another baby haha) are using the sperm meets egg plan so we will try again tomorrow. I'm wondering if O is going to come early b/c I didn't get sticky cm first it just went right to creamy. So we will wait and see! I feel so off b/c until now our cycles have been pretty insync with one another and now I'm so behind!

Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day! Hope we all have another little reason to celebrate next year!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

Check this out

Let me know what you think!

11 years ago

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful mother's day! We celebrated my boy's 2nd b-day on Saturday, and mother's day on it was a pretty busy weekend! :)

My only problem was that my parent's got divorced in 1988 (!) and my mom STILL hates my she was all mad because we invited him to my son's bday, and he didn't even bring a present...and she was so bitchy to him, that my dh started talking with my dad, you know, to calm things down, and now my mom is all angry at my dh for not 'taking her side'....(she didn't say it that way, but I now that's what she means...) was hell, I tell you....BUT, seeing my son's happy face, playing and opening presents, made me forget all the rest :)

Anyway...I saw this article, and it made me feel a lot better about this TTCing round... :

I decided to try to lose weight, and start trying later, in August-September...last Friday I was 'sure' I was pregnant, I took an HPT, and "SAW" the line, but asked dh for a 2nd opinion...of course there was no line...and he said 'don't worry, don't get so stressed! I think it will happen next year". And that made me think....I can definitely, I decided to slow things down, and first wean my son, lose weight, and then start trying....and as the article mentions, I might try some acupuncture ;)

So...I will still visit you ladies, to see how you guys are doing, I hope you all get your BFP's soon!!! :)

Lots of baby dust and blessings from CHile :)

11 years ago

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