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Been at this a while...Private "Testers" Support G

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Hey! So the "Testers" thread was getting way too big, and way too chaotic, so I decided to make this thread hidden away in the Long-Term board... Because I know a lot of us have been at this for a while and we had such a close knit group and I don't want to lose that. So if you ladies want to join me here, please do! Hope nobody is offended by my doing this, I just cannot keep up with the new folks and honestly a lot of them do not "get it" at all. :(

752 Replies • 10 years ago



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221 - 230 of 752 Replies | Last Page

luv--well, since DH's family is absolutely amazing it's actually quite sad that we won't be spending the holidays with them. I feel bad for my husband since he's quite close with his family and has never spent a holiday away from them. He also has a young nephew that I'm sure he misses dearly. But there's nothing we can do about it so we'll make the best of it. That is rather peculiar that she'll shout things like that...maybe she's just genuinely lonely and it's more salient around the holidays. I'm glad your husband is okay with it now--or at peace rather.

darling--I'm not sure where Roseville is. We're from the Central Valley, Fresno area.

cam--sometimes no symptoms at all is the biggest key for people before their BFP but your attitude is great. I can't wait for you to test.

afmedic--do you plan to have a big Christmas dinner?

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

Back in the office for half a day, whoop whoop! Massage this afternoon and I can't WAIT!

Cam, FX'd!!! Isn't it amazing when you hear a word and it reminds you of who is really in charge?! I get so wrapped up in what I want, but then I hear something and it clicks again. I know it will happen for you and for all of the ladies in our sisterhood, and we will appreciate it all the more! Good luck with the final!!

Law, so sorry y'all won't be with family for Christmas :( How are you feeling? Any new symptoms? I think you asked a few days ago if I like having my weekends alone, and it's not so much as I like it, but I can go and do things I want and not feel, hair, massage, shop, etc.

Luv, hey I also played the clarinet in Jr. High and High School! GL this week! How are you feeling?

Darling, how are you?! Hope the cramping is in fact implantation!! Oh and I was in a military training course, I have already earned my BBA and now schooling is military related. But I am glad to have that course finished.

Sailorsgirl, hey you! Glad your numbers are dropping :) I too plan to get back on my workouts after the first of the year...

Blue, how are you feeling? Hope you have a good 1.5 days off ;)

SMH, LJT, MamaK one last Christmas prior to the new bundles!! How are y'all doing?

Rice, not sure if you still pop on here...but hoping all is well :)

AFM, CD7 AF is waiting to O...but will at least have a distraction with our trips!

10 years ago

Morning ladies temp dropped to below cover line I just hope she doesn't come before my pap smear today yuck! So I'm going to be obedient and stop timing bd and opks and temping. I'm staying around for you guys only. Yes Jada it was an on time word. He even prophesied to me that I was trying to hard and it was going to happen when I least expect it to. This is where my Faith is sooo I must obey.

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10 years ago

Cam, that's AMAZING!! Please stay around :)

10 years ago

I am!

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10 years ago

Law- oh gotcha! Roseville is near Sacramento. A good few hours North of Fresno.

Jada- Hope you have an amazing massage. My mom is a massage therapist, so I was her guinea pig throughout her training. :) I'm great! About to go do my Monday cleaning, and I'm NOT looking forward to it. My house got very cluttered with the last load of stuff...:/ That's great about the military training! Glad the witch is gone, hopefully this will be the cycle for you! :)

Cam- too bad about your dropped temp, but you're not out until the wicked witch comes! I've know ladies to have a big dip and still got their BFPs, so don't give up yet!

AFM- CD 23 and roughly 9dpo, Nothing really to report, just playing the waiting game and trying not to get too obsessed or anxious. aside from yesterday's cramping, everything else has been normal. Today I have to clean my house, which is much overdue.. In-laws are coming down from Michigan to stay on Sunday until the 26th, so I have just about a week to make everything perfect. I was really wanting to start the process on remodeling the guest bathroom, but I just don't think I'll have the time anymore. Just drew up some new plans for it, so now I just have to show them to my father, who will be the main helper with it.

Hope you ladies are doing great today! :)

10 years ago

Ok, darling!

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10 years ago

wow enjoy your massage!

Cam, sorry about your temp drop, im still keeping my fingers crossed for you, but that prediction sound promising.

Darling, fingers crossed your cramping is implantation.

Afm, nothing new here, still bleeding after my miscarriage, levels still dropping slowly. Its all getting a little old now. But I have started cramping a lot more again. Should get todays results back tomorrow. Seriously just want to start ttc again


10 years ago

darling--when you say "drew up the plans" do you mean you did it yourself? Remodeling is so exciting! When we move back to our home in CA we plan to remodel our house.

cam--i love your attitude. I read a devotional often and I had one a few days ago that was particularly relevant and uplifting because it reminded me that I am not the decider of my life's path, He is. I know it's so hard to be patient when you want something so badly but that's what we must do if we are to have any sense of peace. The devo was from december 11th...I'll type it below:

"I am working on your behalf. Bring me all your concerns, including your dreams. Talk with Me about everything, letting the Light of My Presence shine on your hopes and plans. Spend time allowing my Light to infuse your dream with life, gradually transforming them into reality. This is a very practical way of collaborating with Me. I, the Creator of the universe, have deigned to cocreate with you. Do not try to hurry his process. If you want to work with Me, you have to accept My time frame. Hurry is not in My nature. Abraham and Sarah had to wait years for the fulfillment of My promise, a son. How their long weight intensified their enjoyment of this child! Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses." Psalm 36:9, Genesis 21:1-7; Hebrews 11:1

JLHart--I see. That must be nice. I don't do any of those fun, girlie things anymore....but that's mostly because there's no where to go near my apartment. I'm feeling pretty good--symptoms...well, there's heartburn, exhaustion, and slight nausea but all of them come and go...nothing persistent. doesn't sound good at all before I get ready to eat something. It's none of my favorite foods have any appeal when I envision them. None of them. That's so unlike me.

10 years ago

Cam so sorry about the temp drop, I think you're very smart to let go and let God! I'm sure it will be much less stressful for you and you can enjoy your little ones and your DH even more :) Of course we all insist that you stick around! Hopefully your energy will rub off on me ;)

mydarling "that's it?!" that is so rude! Shouldn't their parents be teaching them better?! In my case I gave them a video game and the kids were like "don't we already HAVE this one?" I said "I hope not because your dad told me you WANTED that one." Brats! :-P Your son's birthday is the same as mine! Oct 11 :) It's good because if you believe in astrology he will be diplomatic and romantic. I will have my fingers crossed for your test later this week, if you are testing then :)

lawbride I agree you can make the best of it! And maybe start your own holiday traditions, since you'll have a baby next year and all :)

JLH OMG, thank you for posting that, I was trying to remember to message everyone about the new board and I forgot about Rice. Holy cow I am such a dick! I will message her right away! :( Man I was trying to go through everything and make sure I hit everyone too. Geez. Sorry guys!!! Yay for the post-AF O wait! I'm doing well today, well until I realized I forgot about Rice. It feels like the movie "Home Alone" right now!

sailors oh my goodness I can't imagine how "over it' you must be with the bleeding and cramping. I really just want your cycle to come back for Christmas! Best present ever is the chance to try again :)

AFM CD 14 and BDing this morning didn't happen. My DH has issues with impotence so we always BD in the morning and he takes Cialis the night before, well that doesn't work if he sleeps really badly anyway. He hadn't had that problem for months, too. I think it's a sleep disorder more than anything because that can really mess a guy up. I told him it was ok because I would probably need IUI tomorrow anyway, but when he got to work he texted me "I'm a loser, you deserve so much better" and it just totally broke my heart. I wouldn't want to have a baby with anyone but him. It's so sad that he feels this way. My OPK this morning was pretty damn dark so I scheduled the IUI for tomorrow early morning. Last month I think I did it too late so my cervix was pretty closed off, this month I want to get it a bit before O. I told DH it didn't matter that we couldn't BD today because that just means more sperm for the IUI tomorrow, I think he feels a bit better about it now.

10 years ago • Post starter

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