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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@athena awwwwwwwhhhhh that is the sweetest thing! I am such a romantic at heart. I love guys like that. he's a keeper.

@mem how are you today?

@xoxo any AF? I am secretly hoping that you are still in the game.

How is everyone else?

I finally get a positive OPK yesterday and there was a "situation" and DH was called back to base, he just got home this morning and I'm at work. We BD'd everyday since Sunday, no BD last night (night of first OPK). Is that ok? Oh another question, my temp this morning was up but not over 98 did I O? Can someone look at my chart?

11 years ago

@Pisces, no I don't think you have ovulate yet but go to your "My Cycles and BBT Charts Page" then hit "Edit Dates" and take off your set ovulation. It isn't going to read your ovulation in all the right ways if you have it set already. Just clear it out to blanks and save it until you know for sure what day you ovulated on. You might actually ovulate today but we can't confirm that until you notice a high temp jump of more than 0.2 to 0.3 degrees. I think they are higher than that normally, all mine are usually.

Yea my husband says he still has Faith cause the witch hasn't came yet and my temp went UP this morning! WTF, I was sooooo expecting it to fall. I'm thinking CTP has me only at 14DPO today which my temp should still have came down by now or me start cause I usually only have a 13 day LP. FF has me 12DPO lol so if that is the case then my temp should drop tomorrow and me start Saturday!

**Shrug** Who knows!

11 years ago

Lammy how are you?????? How ya feeling?

11 years ago

@xoxo I just saw your temps and look good I really hope so. I removed my O date. now will it set automatically? On Fertility Friend it has a mix of summaries. It says, based off my cm entries, it looks like I O'd between CD 12-14 and that my temps should confirm. On the temp portion, it says no shift in temp has been detected. **big shrug** oh well
lol... Let me know if you decide to test again :-)

11 years ago

Yes CTP will put up a blue line for their "Possible" Ovulation and once I see a GOOD temp shift I "Set" my ovulation.

I know, my charts... Man oh man I hate charts! I swore I would only use them for ovulation purposes but it is so hard!

11 years ago

@xoxo ok, the blue line still stayed for today but so I am hoping that I shift in the morning.

Your temps are looking great girlfirend! **exciting**

11 years ago

Yes, CTP is going to base it off of your +OPKs. Just cause you get a +OPK does not mean you ovulated. Definitely wait for a temp shift to "set" your ovulation. They might adjust if/when they notice a temp shift or it will tell you that you have two possible ovulation dates based on two different criterias.
They still haven't noticed a temp shift on my chart, HELLO CTP are you seeing something I'm not! Lol. Yea my temps are high which I am not sure how to feel about!

11 years ago

Test again tomorrow Mandy! I got my BFP last month at 15 DPO and your chart looks good.

Don't have tons of time to respond to everyone but thank you all for asking if I'm alright. I'm feeling better. Just went and picked up my progesterone script today so we'll see what happens this month! DH bought me a teddy bear and apologized so we're back on track. He actually admitted to being selfish! OMG!

The bleeding stopped so I started temping again. I was just so depressed for the last week I couldn't even bring myself to temp. My temp was SUPER low today which is normal for the week before O so fingers crossed I O this month! This is my third month charting so I'm still learning.

11 years ago

YAHHHH I'm so glad you guys are loving again ;-) Yea I could be 12DPO 13DPO or 14DPO depending on the chart you use so if I do not start by Saturday then I am going to test again that morning.

11 years ago

WOOHOO! My temp dropped this morning! Never thought I would be so excited :-) So my thoughts behind this is maybe I didn't ovulate till CD20 like Fertility Friend says cause that would put me 13DPO today and my temp ALWAYS drops 13DPO cause I only have a 13 day LF and I start the next day.. I should start tomorrow and then I can start my tests on Monday!!!!! either way, regardless what day I ovulated on I am just ecstatic that I can move on now!

11 years ago

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