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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Ok.. last month went 40 days, this month 31 .. praying this next is back to my normal 28!! Going back to temping for a lil while til its back to usual..

8 years ago

@ditzy- Hi!!!! Welcome to the forum! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all of this. Family doesnt always help matters either. We've been trying for 4 years and my family is constantly asking us when we'll have kids. It's hurts everytime.
If you dont mind me was your lap recovery? If this cycle doesnt work, the RE wants to do a lap on me. I'm nervous.

@jace- Well, I'm glad your cycle is getting closer to normal again. I'm so curious to see when you'll ovulate next cycle.

AFM- I'm getting antsy to get home today. I've been having ovulation pains for 5 hours now ! Guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of eggs. It's sore to cough too. We're going to baby dance asap. I've got plenty of swimmers in waiting but I want some fresh ones for the hunt! Lol. I'm hurting but it feels so good to feel it and know it's happening.

By the way, I just want to say how much I love this forum! I was reading some others today while googling ovulation stuff and yikes...there's some mean women out there! One girl got yelled at for using the terms babydust and preggers .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Welcome ditzy!! You've found a great group of ladies here :) good Luck to ya!

Tara happy babydancing to ya!! It does make it sooo much better when you know you're ovulating & can feel it!! And yes there are some awful forums! Remember how long it took me yo join this one? I read along with y'all for a looong time just for that reason. I watched how y'all welcomed new people. I saw a lot of people on other forums being disrespectful & talking down to newcomers. Some were just downright nasty for no reason. I'm beyond thankful for this one! Y'all are the best :)

8 years ago

Jaces mama I'm glad your cycle seems to be getting back to normal. Can't wait to see how the next one goes.

Tara I just wanna say I'm so excited for you. I'm so glad you are finally on a path to get your rainbow babies. You helped me so much when I was down before I had Eli. I just hope you know how much I appreciate you. You are such a wonderful lady and friend and you deserve those babies so much. Just so you know dh asks me how you are all the time. I was telling him about your whole egg situation the other day. It's crazy it's been 3 yrs since I joined this forum after you messaged me, it feels like yesterday. I love you and your faith and your positivity.

Phat I'm hoping this is it for you. It's been so long, so many roller coasters of emotions, it's your time too.

Ditzy welcome, I had implant spotting at 7 dpo with my son. If I remember correctly it was like peachy colored cm, got a faint bfp at 10 dpo. Good luck!

Holly how exciting, I'm sure we will be hearing about your bfp soon. I'm also glad she was optimistic, I've heard some Drs can be quite jerks once you reach a certain age.

Mandy how are you doing? Anything new to report?

Afm I got positive opks today!!! Very positive at that. For those who don't know I went over a yr with maybe 2 ovulations before trying clomid and got pregnant with my 4th round, 1st round of 100 mg doses. So it's kind of a big deal to me to ovulate on my own. Now just for temps to confirm.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

8 years ago

CD1!!! Lol who knew we would be excited :-) IVF here we come!!! I can focus on Christmas and relaxing for the next 6 weeks. December we will do our IVF consult, get our protocol ready and make sure we are all on the same page. Then get everything approved through our insurance for a January IVF start. I hear it's a bitch and a lot of paperwork so we can get that all done well before the start.

Tara I can't wait till next week! :-)

Ditzy welcome! Fingers crossed for you :-)

@Athena, YAHHHHHHHH for ovulation!!! Let us know how your temps are

Jess, hi!!!! I'm sure your cycles will normalize soon. They usually take one or two, so I hear.

8 years ago

I think dh and I are covered in the babydancing department . Dh is drained and I'm all sexed out . Triggered wednesday at 11pm. BD wed night, thursday night, friday at 7pm, and this morning at 7am. Woosh! Sex hurt last night too. I did some research this morning while laying there with my hips propped up and realized that with my ovaries being so swollen, they are hanging down near the sides of my cervix. So whether it's injecting preseed, checking my cervix or sex...pressing around in there is bumping the ovaries and since they are so's hurts more . Could only imagine what OHSS feels like ! It's also causing me rectal pain. Sexy right? I cant bare down to even pee without feeling like I have a bowling ball jammed up there! lol.
So I guess today is 1dpo .Thank goodness I've got Thanksgiving to keep me busy the first week!
@jace- You're not so bad yourself darling! Is the being brutal?

@athena- three years already!!!! I can't believe Lammy's little girl is already 2 today!!!!! Tell your dh hi for me! I saw his post the other day...wasnt sure if I wanted to laugh or sweet!

@xomandy-fartknocker!!!!!! I think I'm taking your af coming worse than you. I was so hopeful for this round! But I'm so happy knowing you're so excited about IVF. I'm praying for you love!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone

Could someone please help me out?

I am currently on 8dpo, since ovulation i have been having cramps in lower abdomen, low back pain, sore throat and heartburn i have developed a cold in general and my other half tells me i have been eating lots lol. had a pressure feeling in my stomach yesterday (7dpo) so i tested got a bfn!!!

Did anyone go on to get their bfp with symptoms so early or am i driving myself crazy?

Its the cramps that are making me feel hopeful as i never get cramps everyday from O until now (8dpo)

8 years ago

Hi Ms Unpatient! I LOVE your username LOL .
It could possibly be early bfp symptoms if the egg implanted around 6dpo or it could be you have more progesterone being released after ovulation this cycle. Or it could be both . If you did have implantation'd probably get a faint bfp in few days. Can't wait for an update!!!! !!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Ditzy - welcome & good luck!

Tara - I wonder how many babies you're going to have...

Athena - 3 years does seem like forever

Mandy - I hope everything goes smoothly!

Jace - sorry AF is here. I'm sure your next cycle will be normal and hopefully you'll get your bfp.

Ms. unpatient - welcome. I hope you see your bfp soon.

I think I'm 5dpo since I had O pains that were so fierce I felt like vomiting, and thanks to Tara reminding me, my doc called in progesterone for me. I'm using Progestin twice a day vaginally. It's a capsule that melts, and it feels icky when it leaks out.

8 years ago

Ms unpatient Welcome! It is possible to have symptoms pretty early .. this past July I had super strong symptoms early!! Sore sensitive nipples that stung anytime my shirt rubbed against, peeing all through the night, crazy dreams, dizzy spells.. i knew beyond a doubt I was pregnant, kept testing til I got a positive at 12dpo!! Started out perfect, not so much after 8 weeks.. but everything happens for a reason & I know God has a plan!

Athena YAAAY for ovulation!! Amazing the things we get so excited for!!

Mandy, bummed about af showing.. but super stoked you're so excited for ivf!! Enjoy the holidays & your time off!!!!

Tara, witch ain't being easy on me that's for sure. Sucks she showed but glad it was at least closer to my normal 28 days. Back to temping, hoping this month is back on track & closer to my rainbow baby!! How are you feeling? Ovaries feeling a little relief? I'm soooo hopeful that this will be it for you!!!! :-)

Phat, 5do already!! I'm jealous of y'all!! Trying to work on my patience while I impatiently wait.. high hopes for you!

8 years ago

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