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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hallo sweet ladies!

Jace's, when i have a pain in my heart i have to consume it... i am the Kind of Person that can't live with it or ignore it, because it will eat me from the inside. So i consume it.. i cry and i shout and i hit the walls for as Long as i Need to. Find your way to "eat" the pain, i am sure you will be ok, you have a son who will give you more power than you can imagine. He will look at you and smile to you and you will feel your wings getting stronger.

Wish you all ladies a great day!

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8 years ago

Thank you Astrid.. I know you're right. I can't run from it forever.

And enbutler, don't you dare not share your updates for fear of upsetting anyone!! As hard as it is for me, I'm still excited for you.. and it makes me smile to hear what's going on with you & seeing you're beautiful pictures! I am so happy for you, and I know one day all of us will be there - whenever He sees that its the perfect time.

8 years ago

Jace's Mama - I hope you continued to get stronger every day and that you can be weak when you need to. <3

I'm glad to read everyone's updates & see how you're all doing. Welcome NightSpyder!

CD4 here & trying not to get quite so obsessive & crazy during this cycle. Easy to say when it isn't the TWW yet.

8 years ago

Been thinking a lot today .. I really want Jace to have a sibling that's not too far apart in age. I know that's not up to me - but whether to try or not is. I also know that I'm nowhere near emotionally ready to jump back into ttc. It kills me just wasting time. The doctor said they used to recommended waiting 3 months before trying again but that now there's really no difference in whether we wait or try again right away. I know I don't want to keep waiting, however I know I have to deal with all of this before I can get my mind in the right place. Opinions on waiting or not??
I've read so many different stories - some were told to wait & didn't & had another miscarriage, some got pregnant straight away & had perfectly healthy pregnancies .. ? My Dr said either way is fine. Have no idea which to go by.

8 years ago

I am soooooo ready for bed . How bought y'all? Just spent 2 hours preparing dinner. Felt like going a little over board so I made homemade broccoli slaw, sweet potatoes, waffle crusted chicken with spicy maple sauce (basically healthier version of chicken and waffles). Took forever and my feet hurt. Looking forward to tomorrow's dinner, frozen chicken patty sandwiches and fries LOL! Who remembers those from the high school lunch room? I had a craving for them and dh just about sang praises to me for buying them. Lol.
It's been a crazy week. Remember my friend's cousin that we did the bakesale for a few months back...well her cancer is worse. It has spread to her sacrum and her lungs. The doctors here said there were no more options so they are going overseas soon for treatment . So please say prayers for her and her family. Her name is Emily. Then my aunt had a bad mammogram but today the doctors told her that the repeat mammogram and mri came back clean. So that was good news.
On a lighter note...after paying bills this week and moving more over to savings...we are only $300 away from our goal for our injectable COI cycle at the RE! Which is in a month and a half!

@nightspyder- Love what your mom said :). How are you doing?

@enbutler- would love to hear an update :)

@jace'smama- I've heard so many mixed things too. We usually always just jumped into another treated cycle cause my doctor had no reason against it besides my emotional health and the thought of not trying again hurt to think about. I think part of it was that I missed having a life inside of me. Granted it usually took a few cycles to get pregnant again but trying again, gave me something to concentrate on and be excited about. But deep down, I think I was just trying to fill a hole. If I had it to do all over again, I probably would have waited a couple months to get more testing done and find out why to prevent future losses. But just like you, the doctors didnt want to test me. It's a hard decision to make but dont make it out of fear...make it out of faith. I say, keep praying about it and get comfortable making love to dh again and then decide

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello all,
Just dropping in to say I am thinking of and praying for you all. I hope this month is it for you!

I had a cyst this cycle, so no Femara, but may still do an IUI. I started my new job, so I have new insurance and the possibility of IVF. Trying to stay positive.

8 years ago

Tara, waffle crusted chicken?? You should have taken a picture! You wanna come cook for me? Lol
I'm so happy to hear that your aunt mammogram came back good. I will definitely say a prayer for Emily. WooHoo!!! It's almost that time to start TTC!!! <3 <3

Jace, what is your name? I know you have told us before and I would love to be able to address you by your name :-)
I feel as long as you are emotionally ready then go for it. I have jumped right back in after mine, I couldn't stand the thought of wasting time. I felt like that month I waited could've been my month!

Phat, lol we all wish we wouldn't go crazy during the TWW. I try to keep myself as busy as possible.

Hi astrid!

Enbutler, you will not upset anyone! You say whatever you want :-)

8 years ago

yes me too! i've been having stomach cramps, sharp pains in my boobs, etc, etc,. i have baby fever SO bad. just about everyone i have discussed with says it's all in my head....which actually is just about the last thing you want to hear when you want a baby really bad!

8 years ago

@Late, you know my Dr has NEVER checked me but once before giving me Femara. I have seen so many people say they go in to get checked for cysts but I have never had to. Hmmmmm I'm not complaining cause it's one less appointment but I do often wonder what if there is one, ya know!

8 years ago

@Enbutler - I keep checking for any updates from you!! I meant what I said 100%. No matter what's going on with me, it puts a smile across my face to see your glowing pictures & rests my mind knowing that you & baby are doing good! I PROMISE that nothing you would say or talk about would upset me. Of course I'm was for me & still looking for ways to cope, but none of that takes away from my excitement for you. Heck, if I were to log on here tomorrow & see BFP's for everyone UN here I would be jumping for joy & praising the Lord to the top of my lungs!! I care very deeply for all of you - it makes me happy to see y'all happy I promise you that ..

@Tara - I can't believe you're si close!!! Only $300 more to save?! I'm getting si so so excited =) the next month & a half will probably seem to creep by, but that's really not long at all! Chicken Patty day at school was hands down my favorite day.. they were awesome! I think jumping back into ttc might be what will help me the most.. like you said, to concentrate fully on that. Today's been a good day, other than this migraine its been pretty good.

@Mandy - my name is Jessica .. Jess, Jessie, Jessica, Jace's - any of those will work ;) most people just call me Jess cuz its easier. But when we go to my in laws it gets confusing. His mom will holler Jess & me, my husband & my father in law all answer! Lol .. they are Jesse I & the II lmao.

I'll catch up with everyone else when I get back on later!!

8 years ago

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