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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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To be honest, without temps it's hard to tell looking your chart. Guess it's always possible you ovulated yesterday. I know using opks that you can OV between 12 and 48 hours so you may have ovulated yesterday. Sounds like you're covered baby dancing wise lol :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Missdani- so sorry to hear about your trips to the hospital. Thank you for the compliment. I ended up losing 22 pounds from my morning sickness that last a good 2 months so I understand feeling. I hope you get better soon.

Tara- boy you are certainly busy. I hope everything goes well for you and the party!

AFM- I'm almost 32 weeks (tomorrow). My pelvic muscles and bones are preparing early by separating for the baby and boy does it hurt. I feel like I've seriously pulled my vagina. I had this pain a couple of months ago for about a month, but it was a little more dull and mostly only hurt when I lifted one leg. Now it hurts to roll over in bed and when I walk or when I squeeze my legs together. It sounds funny to say, but it really hurts. And I've developed some lower back pain that hurts when I walk too. Grrr. In total I gained 17 pounds. I have my dr appt next week to check my progress. Baby Nalani is moving around like crazy. I think she's going to be a night owl like me. I will post a progress shot soon for you guys

8 years ago

@enbutler- my sister's pubis started separating at about 34 weeks. She could barely walk or get in and out of the shower. She's went into labor 2 weeks later.
Hurts just thinking about it.

Well, still bleeding but at least it's light bleeding. So weird. Looks like I'll be calling the dr on monday to let them know my body's jacked up. Spent today decorating the dummy cake. It look gorgeous!!!! I have to wait to attach the peony til the day of. Easier to transport without a huge flower on the side. I'll post a pic next saturday once it's finished :) :) :)
We have to keep it in our office cause it's one of the coolest rooms in the house. But we have to keep the door open so the air can flow through the house. So to keep our cat away from it, dh brought home 2 Dell boxes and duct taped them together and made a door to open to get it out. That way the buttercream can continue to crust and it wont get cat hair on it LOL. FYI- my office is a MESS! I have craft store bags everywhere! lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara- interesting. It hurts to walk and if I'm readjusting in bed it hurts pretty bad too. I have a strong feeling she's going to come early, but not sure how early. Seriously though, pubic bones separating, not a fun feeling at all. I'm sorry you're body is jacked up. I hope everything works out for you though. I was laughing about the cake, I bet it is gorgeous. Can't wait to see the finished product!

8 years ago

It's SI Joint pain. VERY Common during pregnancy. I'm guessing it's excruciating anytime you twist??


8 years ago

Not really when I twist. Just lifting a leg, or adjusting in bed or when I walk or just when I stand up

8 years ago

Hey lovely ladies :) Despite still being so sick I'm in a pretty good mood. Figured it'll be better for me to try & be happy & sick instead of sick & miserable & bitchy & crazy!! I can't get a handle on my moods though, I can be laughing so hard & then pissed again - usually over nothing. Trying very very hard just to keep my mouth shut because after I say something I know I was being unreasonable but I can't keep from saying it first!

Wow Tara, you are Superwoman!! Can't wait to see the finished cake, you do so great with them. Sorry your cycles are going crazy. When I first started mine were every 2 weeks like that so they had to put me on birth control to regulate it.. think I was 13. Before the BC I was evil!! It was so horrible & being at that age I was crazy enough! When I eventually came off the BC it just stayed normal thank goodness
Missdani I hate to hear you've been so sick! I thought I was starting to feel better cuz I had a few days where I felt great.. but then it hit back with a vengeance. 8 pounds down so far :( imagining the end result helps me get through each day! And having a 2 yr old that demands my attention - I'll just run around with him with bucket in hand & sit every few minutes. Lately I've been getting really dizzy & my vision starts going blurry, mostly when I'm driving if I've been sitting for a while.. got my blood pressure cuff dug out so I can check that the next time I feel that way. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Enbutler you look beautiful! I love baby bellies, seeing a miracle in progress is amazing! I was miserable with the pelvic pain with Jace from 36 wks until he was born - and for a while after! I looked like I just got off a horse for 3 wks. There was no way I could close my legs any farther! To sleep I'd hafta put 2 pillows between my knees to lay down.. and get up or sit down very very easily & slowly. Baths were the only thing that helped ease it for me. I can't believe you're so close!! Super excited for you! I still have until the 31st before my first ob appointment & its driving me crazy! I've been tempted to go to the ER just so I could see my lil peanut!! If I had better insurance I would. At least its actually working now - well the insurance company is finally seeing an active account so I guess we'll see!

8 years ago

Jess- thank you! The pelvic pain is but all worth it in the end. Hope you get to feeling better soon. That little peanut will be waiting for you. Don't worry

8 years ago

Hello Ladies!

Missed me yet?
Sorry i have been MIA but i was on vacation. It is now unfortunatelly over but was great! We were for a couple of days to ma parents in Romania and then 11 days in Italy by the sea. We also visited Venice and took a gondole ride. now THAT was romantic...

Sorry to read about the various Problems here but i am confident God will help solve them.

I had my HSG done and both my fallopian tubes are free and looking good so one more issue off the list. Now i am really clueless about why the miracle doesn't happen for us... except for my light Insulin resistance there is nothing wrong with any of us, so... no idea.

Wish you all ladies a great day!

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8 years ago

Here you go ladies..User Image

8 years ago

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