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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies,

I had to throw out the name I loved. It was brought up that its probably not such a good idea to name her after 3 people that passed away. However, my mom and I have been coming up with suggestions. One I really like is Nalani Rose. The last name will be the father's which is Herman. It still has a really cute ring to it.

9 years ago

@enbutler- I've realized one of the best ways to decide on a kid's name is to scream it. My nephew is going on 3 and has reached the temper tantrum stage. I find myself yelling his name a lot LOL! If you feel comfortable yelling it in's good LOL

My crazy june has started! Now I'm adding my nephew's birthday cake to the mix. Cd1 is very very near! I started spotting last night...enough to wear a thin pad but not yet a full flow. I want it to start but I need to take the progesterone one more day to hold it off so my hysteroscopy/HSG falls on the right date.
This is my month-
*Family in town tonight and having dinner with them

*AF- It's my first bleed since my m/c so I'm feeling funky about it

*12th is my 29th birthday and taking my mom to day 1 of my church's women's conference, but have to bake cake for MIL's family reunion on the 13th

*13th- day 2 women's conference followed by evening with MIL's family

*14th- celebrating my bday with Jurassic World and dinner.

*week of the 15th- hysteroscopy/hsg procedure, baking nephew's bday cake.

*21st- nephew's bday party

*have my nephew the 24th, 25th, and 26th but I also have to prepare for a bakesale fundraiser on the 27th I'm helping with for a friend's cousin with cancer. She's only 17 and has been battling osteosarcoma for 5 years. They recentlly found an inoperable tumor in her hip and have to try a drug trial in texas...not cheap to travel there from st louis repeatedly. Hoping for a big turn out....even the local news station is supporting it.
And at some point in time, dh and I have to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary which is actually the 26th.
Crazy june but definitely worth it!
How's everybody?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Tara- holy moly woman! So much to do in one month. Thanks for the tip, I'll figure something out. Good luck with everything. Sorry to hear about your friend's cousin, that's unfortunate. I hope they find something that works for her. 1 more year left in your 20s. Lol. My 25th birthday is next month on the 26th! My nieces are gone to California for the summer with their father, my sister has moved to Arkansas again with her fiancee. I will moving to a different room in my parents house, so moving everything up will take a couple of weekends, thankfully I don't have that much to move.

My next doctor's appointment is on the 24th this month for another sonogram, this little girl wasn't cooperating with the lady and she couldn't see all of her anatomy so they have to do another sonogram. She'll be 2x as big as she was, which is nuts. Lol. She's getting stronger with her kicks and is stretching out. She's kicking and punching around my belly button now instead of so low like she was before.

How's everyone else?

9 years ago

FINALLY got a price quote on surgery. It's $2200 but only $400 after insurance....sweet!
Started af today so cycle day 1 and I'm waiting to hear from the nurse to schedule the surgery
Time to get this show on the road!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Wow you have yourself a fully packed month Tara! You're 29th birthday is the 12th?! My 29th birthday is today!! Didn't realize we were that close in age :)
Hope all goes well with the fundraising! I know its definitely not cheap. Our childhood friend, more like a brother, has been battling cancer since high school. He fought for so long, he stayed strong throughout, his body just didn't have the strength that he had mentally. We lost him Tuesday.. passed peacefully in his sleep at only 28 years old. God broke the mold when He made him. What hurts the most is that we took Jace to the park Sunday and were in a hurry to get home, had 10 minutes before dinner at my grandma's. As we drove by their hollow I said we really need to stop by, we hadn't seen them in a while. I saw what time it was and said we'd come back over this week. I'd never imagined that that was our only last chance.. I feel so guilty and wished we had stopped and got to see him and talk to him and tell him we loved him one last time. My heart is so heavy and I can't get the what its out of my head. Please pray for us and his family and friends, I know I really need it right now. Just need Him to guide me through all this darkness so I can find peace through it. It doesn't feel like my birthday, and I don't know if I'll be able to celebrate it any time soon.

9 years ago

I was getting ready to post a big happy birthday picture til I finished your post. I'm so sorry sweetheart! I'll be praying for everyone! Cancer sucks!
But I do want to wish you happy birthday

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Thank you.. for the prayers and the birthday wishes. I'm trying to be positive and trying to find peace and happiness because I know that he wouldn't want me to feel this way. I probably could deal with it better if I didn't feel all this guilt. We drove by - no matter how big a hurry or how late we would've been for dinner, we could've and should've stopped. I feel like that means I wasn't as good of friend to him as he was to us. I know we grow up and life gets in the way, I just wish we hadn't passed up our last chance. I keep telling him I'm sorry, I just pray he hears..

9 years ago

Jess- I'm so sorry for your loss. Cancer is a bitch, but it seems to happen to the best of people. I want to wish you a happy birthday anyway and let you know that I'm here praying for you as well. Please don't feel guilty, it's not healthy for you and he knows that you loved him. I felt guilty about not picking up the phone and calling my brother anytime and then he was taken away suddenly last year. I was so mad at myself for not being closer to him and not talking to him as much as I should've, but I know that my brother wouldn't want me to feel that way. And as time has passed, I've found it easier to cope with his death though the pain is just as bad as it ever was. But I'm a much stronger person than I was before now. Things have changed me. And I'm sure that you are a strong woman and you can handle whatever life throws at you, and this is just a test. Don't give in.

9 years ago

Jess, I'm so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and his family. That is a tough thing to go through. I am sure he knew he was loved and you cared for him! I'm still wishing you a happy birthday though I know it's not the best one.

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

9 years ago

Thank you all, I really needed to hear that.. all of it. And thank you so much for the prayers. I know he doesn't want me to feel this way and I'm working on it a little at a time.. going to be a slow process.

As for where I'm at this month I really don't have a clue.. haven't temped, haven't used any opks, didn't keep track of anything other than cd1. So all I know is I'm due for next af around the 13th. I've already chalked this month out because we only had 1 bd in anywhere close (going by cm and o pains). But yesterday we did it and the rest of that day and today I've been having o like pains again.? And its like 6 or 7 days past when I think I did.. have this weird tightening feeling, like a constant muscle spasm or something.. but since I haven't tracked anything I can't be sure when I did which I think is causing more stress by not knowing for sure!! Thought I was taking the less stress route by being laid back and just going with the flow! But at least I can obsess and symptom spot anyway because you know that takes up sooo much time that I won't be able to dwell on everything else for a while.

9 years ago

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