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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm sorry Tara, I'll keep praying for you and your family. I hate seeing families fight, in the end they'll always be there. We're in the middle of a feud as well.. Sis-in-law doesn't want her husbands side to have any contact at all with their son. I'd understand a hesitation if they actually did anything to wrong them, but they've done everything in their power to help them! I think its more control than anything, it just sucks that there's nothing we can do. Him and my son are 3 weeks apart and I thought they'd be like brothers, instead Jace hardly knows him! Sorry for going off on a rant, I've just been holding that in for SO long!!
Wow 11 weeks already enbutler, that's awesome!! I hope the morning sickness starts to wear off for you. Can't wait til you can get in to the doc and see your little peanut!!

9 years ago

Well IUI #2 scheduled for Thursday. Follicles are:
2 @ 9.0

We are letting them mature a bit. I will trigger tomorrow. Two for sure and one possible one :-) Lining is nice and thick too!

Praying for you and your family Tara. Love bowling too, we should go more often than we do.

9 years ago

Yay Mandy!!!! I've got everything crossed and praying for you!! Its amazing how excited you can get for people you've never met. But I'll tell you, after following along with you all for so long it feels like I really know you all :) I get happy, sad, and crazy along with you!!
I've been so excited yet stressed all to heck for the past week. We're in the process of getting into our new house and it is crazy how much everything has to be done! Got our septice done, water will be done this week, and hopefully power by next week! Their has to be inspections for permits for everything! It is ridiculous, all a huge money racket! All this could be done by 1 person but noooo, you have to pay 3 different people just to come out n look at it, then pay for a permit, then pay to have it all installed. Really? It should not be that difficult! But still worth it.
I'm sorry for another rant, I guess I'm just finally able to vent to somebody!
Beautiful day in the 70's right now, so off we go to enjoy it! Hope you all have a great day ladies!! :-)

9 years ago

@xomandy- Yea! IUI #2. I really wish I could have done a 2nd after switching my mthfr meds. This gonna sound strange but I really miss transvaginal ultrasounds. lol! where do you get your trigger (arm, butt, thigh stomach)?

@jace's_mama- I remember how stressful it was moving into our home. We moved dh in first and then I moved pretty much all of my stuff in before the wedding. Dh was so cute...he slept on his futon in the guest room for 3 months cause he wouldnt sleep in our master bedroom til I moved in. So our first night back from our honeymoon our first night in OUR bedroom. I hope you enjoyed the weather today. It was about 80 today but tomorrow it'll drop down to the 50s. I had my nephew today so we spent part of the day at the park (note my burnt forehead lol). I had to mom, sister and I took him yesterday to my parent's park and my mom and sis were so freaked out he was gonna fall that they wouldnt even let him climb the jungle gym steps by himself ( 1 foot off the ground) lol! He's almost 3 and I take him to the park all the time. They'd have a heart attack seeing the stuff I let him do. Just today I was teaching him how to climb a ladder on the jungle gym that was 8 feet off the ground lol! I was right there teaching him how and ready to catch him but he did it on his own. I figure he has to learn to do these things cause one time, someone's back will be turned and he's gotta know how to handle certain obstacles. Sometimes I just stay on the ground and follow underneath to keep my eye on him but he mostly says, "Tawa Tawa...your turn your turn!" and he wont play unless I'm playing too lol. Silly baby...surprisingly, he's my sanity in ttc cause he reminds me what I'm trying so hard for.

But it's been a good day all in all. My family has decided again to just ignore the stupidity going on and turn it over to God.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

@waiting, I do it in my stomach. I will trigger around 10:30 today. My IUI is scheduled for 8:30. I usually ovulate 42-46 hours after my trigger.

@Jace, I HATE moving! When we bought our house in 2011 I swore I would never move again. Lol

9 years ago

Tara~trust me..I FEEL YOU. the whole family drama crap, but unlike you i avoid it as much as i can..Can't take it. It'll all pass eventually..

I ordered preseed cant wait to try it, stupid early-pregnancy-test site charges l$7 now for shipping to canada :/ not even fast shipping. GRR.

9 years ago

Tara that's so cute that your dh waited for you to be with him to sleep in the master bedroom! Its the little things that mean so much :-) I agree with you 100% about letting kids try new things and learn for themself. My lil boy is into everything especially climbing.. since I know he's gonna do it whether I'm watching or not, I show him how to do it and put him in a position like he's going to fall and let him figure out for himself how to get down without getting hurt. So now he tries stuff first, like he'll get so far up and then make sure he knows how to get down before he goes any farther. It'll be so much easier when we get in our house cuz its so hard to watch him every second making sure his cousins didn't leave anything out the he can't have.. its hard to watch them all the time too cuz they're here everyday. He loves them so much, when school started back he'd wake up hollering for the kids. Whether they're playing or fighting he's right in the middle of em.
Mandy I'm so excited and anxious for you!!

9 years ago

@Jace's- yes ma'am. I will be 12 this Thursday, morning sickness today has been nonexistent, hopefully I can stay that way. I've been able to feel the little peanut if I press lightly on my belly

9 years ago

Well IUI #2 complete. Two eggs, one from each side :-) I had already ovulated!!! I knew I had, I started cramping right before we left to go. Last month I didn't ovulate until 4 hours after the IUI and they say the sperm starts to lose its potency 5/6 hours after wash. Yahhhhh. And DH had 55.6 Million Motile swimmers so hopefully at least one or two work some magic :-)

How is everyone doing????

9 years ago

Mandy sounds like perfect timing!! :-) yaaaaay! 2 great eggs and plenty of swimmers! I'm praying nonstop!! Sooo exciting!

Wow enbutler, 12 wks today! Can't wait for you to get in and get to see your precious baby, such a miracle :) So glad to hear your morning sickness has gone MIA hopefully it stays away!

Even though I've stayed so busy this week this tww still feels like its taking forever.. 2nd week always seems like forever. I'm not keeping track of every single symptom everyday cuz that drives me crazier, so I've only jotted down a few things this time. Also decided not to test early - even though I always say that - but really gonna resist and just wait it out. Who knows, it might make a difference.. for my sanity anyways. Hope all you wonderful ladies are having a great day!!

9 years ago

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