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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Shell- Do you have a dollar store near you???? The $1 hpt work just fine. Much cheaper than the other test and a sensitivity of 25 or so.

@ Phat- BAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I sorta wish my mom knew about me being on here...She'd get a kick out of that one. After we get a bfp I'll tell her about that!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Shell - also, my Walmart has the. 88 cent tests. You could call yours to find out where they keep their 88 cent healthcare items & look for them. Their in boxes kinda like the $ store ones but light purple & are First Signal brand. Mine has them in a big round bin near the registers with all kinds of health stuff in them. If you contact your local health dept they will test for free most of the time, too. GL!

11 years ago

thanks girls. I'm hoping I might have access to a few $$ to get some of those you suggested, I have seen them both. Right now, every cent we have has to go towards groceries, gas & school supplies for lil man. Already checked on health dept, they only do on Mondays from 9am - noon. I have to work for the next 8 weeks EVERY Monday 8am - 3pm training for new job, can't miss 1 day or no job. I'm just gonna roll with it, Walmart also has .88 cent pre nates in the same area as the tests, so I'm just gonna get a bottle of those, just in case

& Shell

11 years ago

Glad I found this!!!
I too am going nuts! Af should be here in 3 days. I tested today because my symptoms had be convinced. It was a BFN =( I got depressed but now I have been reading on here I don't feel so alone!!

11 years ago

Hi Ladies.
Those still here...its been a while...I know...I made some appointments and wanted to be sure before informing any of you of changes....sooo here we go...we are now in week 5 of a beleived pregnancy. So far, Hospital tests showed negative blood test negative and Home pregnancies negative. Up until TONIGHT !! Ok, Im not getting to excited yet...its a very faint positive, however new symptoms have progresses severely over the past week. Ok, soo bloating and gas bubbles on and off. Pain when I cough in the left side of abdominem, almost like ovulating pain.....lymph node gland is sore, but Im not sick...then out of thee blue tonight I threw up. My biggest and yet very odd symptom is the feeling of dizziness, but it comes at weird times. Almost like if I don't eat for a while, or am thirtsy and wait longer its almost signalling me that I have to rest or eat..which normally is not a issue. I did have a very early period on July 14th, ALL clots and lasted three days.....Sonogram was performed, and I need opinions here...they said I had a small cyst on my ovarie.....nothing to worry about. However doctor cannot tell me and could tell if the tubes were still tied (?????) I have no clue how they can tell me I have a cyst but cant answer the biggest question.... I was also told that if the tubes heal your PMS Symptoms go up to the extreme. Many of my symptoms to replicate PMS hwoever I have never had PMS symdrome....and I tell you, I laughed, cried and yelled all within a hour today for no reason. Ladies thoughts and prayers???? The pregnancy test I took this afternoon was a very very faint positive......??? I sware its like Im waiting for Christmas to come way too early...this is nuts. Luck to all of you

11 years ago

Aprincess- you can request a hystero-salpingo-graphy (HSG) or a laparoscopy with a hysteroscopy. HSG is a contrast X-ray procedure. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are endoscopic procedures. They also may be able to do it with a contrast ct scan. Your in my prayers and from what i understand a faint positive is still a positive! Good Luck hun!

Tara- I was a virgin before i married my dh as well. We have been together since freshman year of HS he wasnt my first kiss but everything else sure was a first, Same for him. :) I totally understand the passion l0l if only every time we was like our wedding night l0l Also your experience at the grocery store is awesome! I think its a sign!!! Also give your cousin kudos from me because that would be amazing and a totally awesome job! What is it she does exactly? I dont have time right now to google her l0l i am still at work. BLAH! :(

Shell- Do you have a planned parenthood in your area? They do free testing here. Hopefully same for you! Good Luck hun!

We are so packed tonight its insane! God help me here tonight. Anybody want some ER horror stories, feel free to ask because tonight alone could be one of those shows. Will be back on later. Have a good night ladies!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Hi ladies ive done some lurking on this forum and let me tell you i know exactly how you guys feel of im on my normal 28 day cycle i should be 2 days late today! I am freaked out because rarely my periods come 2 or 3 days later than 28 days! I keep going to check my panties to see if im bleeding but so far so good. i took to tests yesturday and i swear i see faint positives!! baby maybe?? im really hoping this is it this time!

11 years ago

Aprincessa - good luck! I don't think they do any endoscopic procedures if there's any chance you're pregnant, but it sure seems like there's something they could do to figure it out. Dizziness is frequently a sign of pregnancy but can be symptomatic of so many other things. If I hadn't had so many convincing faint positives I would say, "Yay! you must be pregnant," but some of them look so real. You should post it so we can take a look.

Welcome newbies!

11 years ago

2nd month with horrible, clotty periods & what I consider very faint bfp's, so I'm starting to wonder if maybe they were chemical pregnancies. Yes, I am trying to convince myself I'm not as crazy as I really am, but it would explain the unusual symptoms I don't normally have. Grasping at straws here...don't want to face that something else could be wrong with me instead. Something is definitely not normal/right. Lucky me - it's time for my yearly.

11 years ago

Phat-You are 100% correct they will not do the HSG while pregnant but it is a sure fire way of finding out reasons for infertility and to see status of tubal litigation. I believe there has only been 3-4 cases where the patient was actually pregnant during the procedure. One i know of imposed no complications and went a full 39 wk pregnancy but every procedure imposes risks. Studies havent proved the HSG to be the cause of any mcs tubal pregnancies or complications with pregnancies but there also is not many cases that the patient turned out to be pregnant during the procedure.
Also do you have the option for a blood test to confirm weather it was a chemical pregnancy? was your period late or were you just getting the faint positives i saw?

Mommantrainging- Have you posted pictures of your tests! Keeping my fingers crossed that you get a bfp this month! Keep testing and see if the test line gets any darker

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

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