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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Shay- It's called Fertilitea....go to
If you like green tea, you'll like this tea. It's not naturally sweet so I add honey/agave nectar :)

Oh and I saw that episode you're talking about!

Doctor told me if I pass 90 days with no period then she'll put me on Provera (progesterone). That's why I started drinking the tea. It has herbs that regulate your menstrual cycles (vitex, red rasberry, etc) . It's great for women with PCOS like me. I wanted to try to regulate naturally.

BTW- My cousin called me this morning and told me God woke her up to pray for me. She said something big and significant is going to happen very today...Maybe I'll ovulate!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Tara - I have a very short cycle ever since I stopped nursing my last baby. It was a day earlier than I thought it would be, too. 25 days this time

11 years ago

OMG I am soo pleased I am not the only one!

One minute I am convinced I am , then not!! The wait to see if AF will arrive or not is awful! And I promised myself I would not get so intense over the whole thing!
to everyone!

11 years ago

@Shay I love unsweetened tea's. Sweetened teas make me feel like I'm drinking sugar then it makes me feel like a fatty after lol so I've been drinking regular tea for about 6 months now. It taste like a littel bit stronger green tea and I don't add any sugar or honey to mine at all I just drink it straight.

@Tara I was about to say! lol before DH and I got married I used to feel soooo gutly when we would have sex because I knew that it was wrong so it used to be heavy on my heart. I'm still adjusting to married life where it's ok and blessed so sometimes I'm standoffish to be the way I think about being with DH but I FEEL YOU! Sometimes he just wants to get right into it and I'm like there is a person here!!! haha But I told him when I started AF that I got upset and frustrated with him becuase I make time to learn how to play his PS3 games and be all romantic, run a bath, give him a massage, clean the house, take care of the dogs.. then he gets home and doesn't do any of the same for me because he's all burnt from work. Told him I need him to try a little harder to be romantic with me b/c it doesn't make me wanna with him when he's not!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

@shay- thats the one i was watching also. but i was crying about the dad and the kids that were in a car crash they were speaking spanish and i couldnt understand a word of it or read the sub titles but it seemed so sweet the way the wife was holding the husbands head that i started crying.

i am now 12 dpo and i am not feeling many symptoms. maybe a lil nauseous. i think that iam am going to be out of it this month, i just have a feeling that af is coming. but if it does i feel ok about it because i have the feeling that iam getting close. i am not giving up for this month yet but.....

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11 years ago

AF def here full-blast.

11 years ago

Tara: Ya i understand wanting to do things the natural way. When i got diagnosed with my medical issues i tried everything i could to find something that didn't have to be prescribed. I was also informed that yams have progesterone in it and helps to ovulate but it was and is still used in other countries as a bc. I would stick to what your doing you know whats best for you! Just figured id put in my 2 cents l0l
That is amazing what your cousin said, does she know your ttc? Its amazing what signs god gives you!
I got a package in the mail today and it was amazing opening it. DH had already purchased preseed & a 50ct opk!
It was a pleasant surprise.

Phat-I am so sorry love!

Destiny- I cried at that part to but the wife was being stand offish maybe she was in shock but if my dhs face looked like that i would of been hysterical! He had to ask her to hold his hand.

Mooney- I love sugar! lol Brisk Tea is my favorite but i do like green tea so i may give it a try if we dont get a BFP this cycle. Sugar is what gets me though my day at work especially when i work nights!

I am so out of it today. I cant think straight or see straight & my desmopressin is not working like it should. I think im going to take a nap before work! Have a good night ladies. I may be on later but Monday nights are hectic at work.

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Well, after I talked to my cousin today, I've been waiting for something crazy to happen. Keeping fingers crossed that I ovulated! But here's what happened when I went grocery shopping an hour ago.....Standing in the self-check out line waiting cause all of them were full. I'm dazing wondering what might happen and suddenly I realize that every woman standing in front of me in the self check out area is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY???!!!!!!!! Lord I love you, but quit messing with me Haha! I got so excited I wanted to walk over the hpt section and pee on a stick in the middle of the aisle! Didnt want to get arrested for peeing in public so I went home and took one. Negative but I'm hopeful that I ovulated!

@Mooney- Dh and I had so much passion when we were dating, probably because we werent having sex. LOL. Now he gets it all he wants. Yep...I was a virgin when I got married. In fact, he was my first boyfriend, first kiss, first everything.

Sorry Phat! At least you're not alone! We're all crazy! Btw, deuce bigalow was on today ROFL! Thought of you!

@Shay-Yea, my cousin knows. Dh and I told her a few weeks ago when we drove her to TN (google #missiontobymac). That's her :) In fact, she's only been down there since July 13th and she's already working with a CMT award winning writer/producer and the writer that worked with Elvis :). So cool. Anyways, done bragging....LOL. Too cool that your DH already ordered the preseed and opks. That's very cool of him!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Scrotum flicker!!!

11 years ago

well, anther @#(*%^@$!%$* defective test!!! sorry I didn't update last night, lil man was baptized last night, so we spent the evening together as a family!! He called his mom balling again tonight wanting to stay another night. She gave in & my boys are sitting on the couch watching wrestling happy as could be.

still , cramping in lower ab (assuming might be close to uterine area?? no idea) can't get more tests for a few weeks, so now idk what to do!!! Started a new job, 1st check won't mail put until after 8/10 so I'm just sitting in limbo.....nausea is no where what it was, just occasional, still no sore bb's, acne going nuts & appetite yoyoing. I just don't even wanna think about it right now.

& Shell

11 years ago

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