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Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by hugs)
Lakarmw I am happy to hear you are enjoying your holiday! Definitely take it easy and try to stay cool.
I am counting down until I can feel those kicks and movements! Currently 7weeks after many loses and just embracing all of these strong symptoms :)
Nausea has hit full force if I don’t keep food in my belly and the exhaustion is unreal. I find myself at my desk during work nodding off between conference calls!
I go in next week for my first ultrasound and am anxiously hoping to get to hear/see that little heartbeat!
6 years ago
Neomasie thank you! I sure hope you are feeling better this week. Loss is always hard and when someone you know goes through it it’s hard to not bring your own emotions to the surface. Hold your sister close and be the support that you needed through your loss. Sending lots of love and happy vibes!
6 years ago
@neomasie - so sorry about your sister. It can be very triggering, the sympathy alone. Encourage her to seek outside support too - even early losses can really mess with your head. I'm not a big "therapy" person as I pretty much don't trust anyone, but I've gotten a lot of support from groups on FB. I hope both of you get through this together. Right after my loss (actually the day before I went into labor) my sister found out she was pregnant. She hid it from me for a long time. It was hard watching her successful pregnancy when my arms were empty, but spoiling my nephew brought its own joy and healing - she'll probably get both of those things from you and your baby.
It has been quiet in here, and I noticed that with Oscar's pregnancy - the middle couple of months where nothing much happens - people get quiet. However, I have news today. We had our anatomy scan today! I'm 19wks, 2days. She's definitely a girl - flashed us pretty good. All things seem fine, although she was wiggling so much that they couldn't see the upper chambers of her heart. I have to go back in four weeks and get that re-checked. I'll get some prettier scan pictures then too, because she looks like an alien right now. She was very active and is swimming in a good amount of fluid, so that explains why I don't feel her much. Can't wait till that changes. Here's a pic of little (this week anyway) Phoebe Rose:
6 years ago
Thank you all for your kind words. My sister is doing well and coping marvelously. I admire her strength.
I hit official viability today which is a first for me. I'm feeling more and more confident in this pregnancy everyday. I can't wait to get to hold my child??
You ladies have some beautiful looking bumps ???? It makes me so happy to see everyone progressing so so well!
6 years ago
Hi again ladies, my husband's taken the kiddies out on a jet ski today, so I've stayed back relaxing :)
Smoseman good luck for your scan I really hope you see the heartbeat! I was the same I had to constantly snack to keep nausea at bay :( it was awful, it eased up around 12 weeks I think.
Calvingirl so glad your scan went well, I love the name you have chosen, and you look just rigjt size wise I think :)
And great pics Kelliria too. I'm just like you huge from the get go, everyone keeps asking when im due and are in shock when I tell them November lol. They even needed proof on the aeroplane here that I wasn't over 28 weeks when you needed a doctors note. Here's my baby bump today. He/She seems to be growing fast, any weight I had gained on my hips has now disappeared and it's all belly hehe. My husband thinks it's a boy as I'm carrying like my son now, but I literally have no clue at all what so ever.
So lovely to hear everyone's progressing well :) xxx
6 years ago
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